General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother, help.

Broodmother, help. in General Discussion

    Who is the most stupid cunt who realy play it ?

    Well, me.

    I starting to love this hero but i need some help, acutaly i have some little problems.

    Is radiance realy necessary on she ?
    How counter bara with charge+dust (Or whatever, every hero who use dust) ? Only diffusalblade it's good to purge ? If buy a bkb, it worth it ? Cause i have so much gold to spend in other items (Vlad and TP boots).

    All tips are accepted (Except change hero :3333)


      1. You can't dodge into trees if you have been dusted or they have site, having radiance gives away your positioning in the trees so.....why would you ever get this item.
      2. You can't really stop a Bara charge on anybody, just take note when he is off the map and maybe place a line of sight ward so you can see directional charge (buy a quelling to eat your way out of trees if you are stuck, carry a TP)
      3. Diffusal is a good item but not just so you can purge the dust, also I am unsure if it stacks with your slow orb.
      4. BKB is ALWAYS a good item on brood.
      5. Get necrobook as a counter to lane wards and when trying to 1v1 fight someone (also soulring helps)


        Radiance was one of the paths you could go prepatch. Now it is way waeker than it used 2 be.
        There are multiple builds with different ideas behind them.

        First of you need to be aware of which heroes will give you hell ganking wise. Lets say Bh, Slardar, Bara, Storm for this measure
        If the enemy team has one of the heroes, remember their colours F.ex. Bh is yellow. Once you dont see yellow on the map you just hide and play defensively.
        Defensivly means you use your nuke to lasthit creeps, hide in the woods and take creepkills with spiders and/or send spiders out to the jungle to figure out where they are. Your only objective is not to die!

        Once those heroes are busy elsewhere on the map you start pushing and farming the whole enemy jungle.

        Item build depends on your team and on the enemy team. Try to figure out yourself what works for you in which scenario

        Here is also some PoV of me on Brood, maybe you can see and/or learn a thing or two ;)
        Note that this is prepatch

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