General Discussion

General Discussiontop earth spirits

top earth spirits in General Discussion

    can someone tell me the top 3 earth spirit, i wanna see some games of they, cuz for me, isn't working without a good team



      check van-art.


        is this shit still picked?

        Amni くろねこ

          Some of the top 3 earthspirit are ones before the update

          bum farto

            Earth spirit is still picked but not as much as he was pre-patch. He is still a strong situational hero for those who have reworked how they play him based on postpatch adjustments.


              yeah i met one yesterday, he had some trouble level 2-3 contrary to the old one, but when he started to get some xp, and due to his amazing skill at skillshot, he made like 68% of the game by himself


                thanks !

                Amni くろねこ

                  Their latest games are months old

                  Low Expectations

                    This hero needs a serious buff, he is impossible to play. They should probably like increase how often the stones spawn


                      right, like 3 months ago... ;_;

                      should earth spirit be buffed?

                      ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

                        yes he must be buffed as much as invoker needs a nerf !! invoker was created to be the hardest hero ingame i believe. unfortunately newbie invokers are owning with the new QW OP SHIT INVOKER, whereas earth spirit pros are having a winrate less than 40% on that hero ( if the word hero is still applicable on him...)

                        Dat Boii

                          "earth spirit pros" having winrate 40% on es. I dont think u can still call them pro. people are still getting >70% winrate on tat hero after nerf

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            hero is fine. the skillshots are not that hard once you get used to them.