General Discussion

General DiscussionYour daily dose of entertaintment

Your daily dose of entertaintment in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    You quoted spam that is specific to RTZ's stream, are you ever able to tell the truth once?


      Yes, Ive been to RTZ stream before, but every twitch dota2 stream I have seen that is popular spam the same shit. Daure, kappa, ____ B O Y S


        Either extreme troll.

        Or extreme delusions.

        ICE SKULL

          is hael serious or is he trolling

          Quick maffs

            4-3 days out of the forum and this is too long to read so fuck it


              how do u expect him to know all these shits? like he only has 300 Games total... even i dont know this shit and i have 600 games... but to be honest, how is he playing with arteezy if he only has 300 gamess??


                I don't care if he bought that account or if his mmr isn't really what he says it is, but how can someone be that delusional. You need a psychiatrist. You were quite lucky to have Zenoth spectate and comment on the mistakes you made in your game, but it seems like you'll have none of it.

                I hate people who call GG 5 minutes into the game. They're worst than people who just started playing the game. At least they're willing to learn and give it a shot, people like you are toxic and just ruin the experience.


                  I called Gg and we still lost. We could of turned the game around but I didn't like my teammates and they were as confused as all can be. The only person who could of won the game was Arteezy but even him was doing retarded shit. Hes a good player but sometimes he just thinks he can roll over anyone in a game cause its a pub and he got his ass handed to him later on. GG was called, GG was given.


                    i can call gg and afk fountain at 5 min too, that doesnt make me a psychic

                    saying gg when you can easily come back is just retarded, if you don't want to play then don't queue


                      You don't need to be a psychic when you have the equivalent of 3 people afk in fountain and then adding me to the pool to know that we were going to lose. They couldn't make any plays and it hindered the team and the other team knew about. I also don't get paid to win like arteezy. So he can work his fruity little ass off as much as his heart wants to. Doesn't change the fact he is a garbage person outside of dota.


                        omg this thread still continue, go meet and drink a coffe will ya


                          For real. They say I'm delusional but they're the ones that are doing the same thing when expecting different results. (trying to make me see I'm delsuonal)


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