General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying support

Playing support in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Is more than buying wards.......


      It's all about the Kill Secure

      Lorne Malvo

        Is mostly hell...


          stop qqing sam

          Quick maffs

            another qq thread


            King of Low Prio

              who said I am QQ'n I am giving helpful advice to the support players who think they cant get out of the trenches because of their role


                No. It can't die without this classic.


                  do all your "advice" comments in one thread and call it an advice thread then... nobody wants to see 10 shitty threads

                  King of Low Prio

                    requesting sticky


                      Come to think of it. This could be a good topic for KawaiiSocks' next blog

                      King of Low Prio

                        well since he does 1 blog a month we might need to wait a bit


                          Yeah, its also about buying the flying courier, smokes, sentry wards, dust, and brown boots at the "insert double digit number" minute mark.


                          King of Low Prio

                            ooo my.........................................................buying items is like 10% of the job :S


                              Not when your team constantly chat wheels we need wards. I'll never get my Jordans now!!! roflll

                              King of Low Prio

                                dont understand why people still dont insta mute pubs when game starts


                                  If your team is actually complaining from a lack of wards, you just failed at supporting.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    seee Zano knows the deals

                                    Quick maffs



                                      I have seen people dying in the enemy fountain and bitching about the lack of wards

                                      ( ok maybe that was an exageration )

                                      (maybe )


                                        my friend bitches about no wards even if there's wards everywhere

                                        sometimes i w onder....


                                          "If your team is actually complaining from a lack of wards, you just failed at supporting."

                                          "people dying in the enemy fountain and bitching about the lack of wards" Those people are not team, they are scum.

                                          King of Low Prio


                                            there are blind spots around the fountain fucking noob


                                              Nahh, just one guy, not the team. My friend who usually plays mid and complains about everything. If getting fountain farmed I try to smoke myself and go tp to an outer tower

                                              Quick maffs

                                                D: its true dude

                                                wow you teach me so much man

                                                thank you

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  you are welcome, praise lord sampson


                                                    ez for lord sampson


                                                      ^lord SAMPONS




                                                          woops -.-

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Sampson hasn't played a support in like 6 pages of games, probably more but I'm not looking back further than that.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              look at all the people I play with, all support players why would we group up and all go support? I played enough support in dota 1 to know it does not suit my playstyle


                                                                trust gamps man, he's the best at everythin he says and knows his shit

                                                                even though he doesn't prove it

                                                                he knows it.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  Lol I love when someone gets so enraged at the truth that they begin to e-stalk my threads it proves my point even more :)


                                                                    Support in bottom tier is spamming wards, helping guys who cant LH or take advantage of stun/disable (and if they do they brag about it) and being flamed a lot if you die or don't have wards where everyone wants then when you do support well (for the tier) no one notices <3 still its gotta be done but i can see why no one generally picks supports

                                                                    (not saying im a good support before you get your panties in a bunch :D)


                                                                      someone posts on your thread = e-stalk
                                                                      said, e-stalk = proves your point?

                                                                      stereotypically degrading bro


                                                                        If you're not feeding as a support, you're not doing your job.
                                                                        You need to create space so that the carry can farm. That's why Feed Maiden is such a good support.


                                                                        Why do you even bother buying wards in bottom tier? People remain just as blind with or without them.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Cus even if other people are blind you can spam ping and yell in chat look out.


                                                                            i play support a lot and i rarely ever get flame at... i must be doing something right o.O. I think the only thing i don't do as a support is deward...


                                                                              roamroamroam! supports are the pace setters in the early game


                                                                                I love dewarding, it is the best part of playing support. Like a giant game of find the ward!

                                                                                King of Low Prio


                                                                                  I remember one match I asked one of the supports to rotate mid to gank (they had a trilane against a zoned out BH) at he flipped out at me saying 'why would I gank mid? are you losing the lane or something?'

                                                                                  I said it because the other teams mid was playing pretty high up on the river and I felt it was a easy gank rotation but in his mind supports are only ward bots -_-


                                                                                    The only way supports get gold is thru kills and towers. I can see if the lane is heavily contested, then yea stay and make sure your farmer is getting cs, but otherwise leave and make shit happen.

                                                                                    I guess this depends on what hero you are, but thats why the heros i play pretty often are ones that can do shit at level 3. CM/Lion/Disraptor I've been playing a lot recently.

                                                                                    I know you always say you hate supports who just stand behind you in lane, but pullers just for the sake of pulling are bad too. The only real reason to pull is to get lane control back. Single pull for the double push is too complicated for most pubs.

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                      I hate supports who pull and make you tank two creep waves in a row.
                                                                                      I hate supports who sit in lane with you just to deny creeps.
                                                                                      I hate supports who sit in lane with you soaking exp even when the enemy offlane is missing.
                                                                                      I hate supports who attack the enemy offlane and pull the entire enemy creep wave onto them, ruining creep equilibrium.
                                                                                      I hate supports who only know how to ward the river.
                                                                                      I hate supports who go to ward when the entire enemy team is missing, resulting in them getting picked off.
                                                                                      I hate supports who don't know how to smoke gank.
                                                                                      I hate supports who don't know how to stack jungle camps other than the pull camp.
                                                                                      I hate supports who prioritize buying their "next big item" instead of wards and detection.
                                                                                      I hate supports who don't know how to place situational wards (ie, behind towers) to give vision of an upcoming teamfight.

                                                                                      and the thing I hate most:

                                                                                      supports who don't deward the pull camp and then complain that they are dirt broke, and that they are solo support and have no gold to buy anything.

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                        "supports who don't deward the pull camp and then complain that they are dirt broke, and that they are solo support and have no gold to buy anything."

                                                                                        but the pull camp isn't for gold, its only for lane control. lol all of your other points were valid, but this one straight up isnt.


                                                                                          ^^ exactly the reason i stopped playing supporting heroes, due to 0 coordination with brain damaged players, who don't got a clue about ganking, roaming , supporting and other shit.

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            what i dont understand is why you guys think that a 4k or 3k support player should know how to do this stuffs, if people fail even at carry and mid why woudnt they fail at support if support is the hardest role in dota ?

                                                                                            I understand if you get mad at a support player who is awful and blames the team but why would you flame someone for being just bad ?

                                                                                            What kind of idiot would flame a support for being bad at the role when almost no one ( including 99 % of the people who posted here ) knows how to do it right ?


                                                                                              ^ everything's relative man.

                                                                                              Everyone's expectation/knowledge is on whatever level they play/know. Obviously, the only players "supporting right" are the ones who are pro or are in the 6k of mmr, but we all do what we think is right at our play capacity.

                                                                                              Pretty much everything said on these forums applies to this too.

                                                                                              King of Low Prio


                                                                                                all of this information is available on youtube and I highly doubt you would not give the same reaction to carry players who sit and auto attack the creep wave

                                                                                                If you dont know what to do then look it up......


                                                                                                  Well, Rambo up there is 5k something I think, so if he doesn't get a support who knows that shit up there, then that player is a guaranteed deadweight for his team and a sac of gold for the enemy. A support player in lower ranges can get away with not doing some of what he posted, because it's working for those ranges or at least not ruining those games, but keeping in mind that it's still far from ideal.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    not doing alot of those things can lose solo lose matches even in the 3k bracket


                                                                                                      Which is why I didn't write "a lot" in my post above :P

                                                                                                      Meh, it still looks weird. I meant that you can get away with not doing a few of them. How much is "a few"? Depends on the MMR

                                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                                        its kinda a snowball effect, when the support messes up pulls it makes a weaker carry player have a much harder time getting last hits same thing with mid when they dont rotate to gank.

                                                                                                        a good support player can make a shitty carry player look amazing

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