General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat would you do to improve the match matching system?

What would you do to improve the match matching system? in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    I can confirm Dorkly sucks in offlane


      @Dorkly Have you tried offlane Weaver? I've been told it's not actually as practical as it could be, but when you do it, you end up playing as a carry anyway.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      Quick maffs

        Look at my weaver winrate

        shitty hero

        Well BB offlane works well for me, but probably because the hero is semibroken

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          It was true 90% of the time if all 10 players solo queued, not 10%. I don't think its a coincidence that every time someone takes my blue spot its either a pro player or some dude with 60+% winrate.


            That's easy for me to answer Sampson. Match making would be improved drastically if:
            1.There will be no mute system, only low priority one and with mediators handling reports. And of course for false reports you remove from someone the right to report another person for quite some time. Level of warnings should exist and if someone chooses english language but cannot speak it he should be punished severely. We also need a permanent banning system for every kind of abusers, ruiners, exploiters etc.
            2.You give more mmr to players who play the support role and you also make them lose more in every game, make it more like a double edged sword. Also many good suggestions already have been proposed in here so i won't add anything else.
            3.Bring back solo queue and match solo players vs solo players and parties vs parties. Not allowing 4-stacks to join a ranked game is plain stupid and ridiculous.
            4.Stop creating hats and focus on bringing up every hero from dota 1 to dota 2, including the very new ones. That would be a breeze for a everyone.
            5.Improve the competitive nature of the game, brings both cash and interest, two in one. Promote and streams of pro players. It would be much better if we had 2 small internationals (one for winter, one for the summer) instead of one every year. Free to play documentary was amazing, we need more of that too. Also, re-enable Dbr and the collaboration between official Steam and Dotabuff records. More info and less classification guys... :)
            6.Put anti-smurf detection at top priority and allow ranked only after 500 games or so. This is the only way to discourage account sellers and buyers from hurting ranked mmr.


              4. is stupid. The people creating hats are not even the same people working on porting heroes. Artists and programmers peform totally different jobs. Furthermore most of the hats are created by the community and not valve.


                Also number 2 kind of meh. Maybe under 4k mmr you need more support, but 4k above what you need is a player who can make big impact in game with any role he got.


                  I'll be the guy who says language barriers if nobody has said it yet

                  Sōu ka

                    everybodys fucking muted every game and chatwheel is more obnoxious than anything anyones ever said


                      Zenoth please stop being autist. I didn't mean stop creating hats forever, but they really need it in order to focus all their employees's power at a certain period of time so that they put out every hero in the game once and for all.


                        yes, because an artist has the programming know-how to work on releasing heroes wtf? and valve employs both programmers and artists, and they each do their own thing. so you expect the artists to debug source code or something?

                        common sense makes me an autist. noted.


                          An artist can definitely work on other things too, fucking moron. The most simple, true and altruistic thing they could do would be supporting programmers during their 8-hour shift and collecting, separating all kind of useful info and small details for them under their instruction, for example. So stop pretending that you didn't understand what i meant and admit that your "logical" argument was shit, just like you are!


                            yes, valve hires artists to do that kind of shit for them.

                            someone who doesn't even understand how a fucking company works should keep his fucking mouth shut, mr. mad cuz bad.

                            imagine this
                            boss: hr department, our sales are bad. this month you guys are gonna ignore all hr-related stuff and stand on the street to distribute flyers.
                            hr dpt: wtf?

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              dear god, not even going to comment lol


                                Ζenoth this is how companies work in here at least and you should keep your mouth shut in case you don't know how things go by in other countries apart from yours, moron. There are also companies that like multi-task persons and measure their employees differently and not based only on one profession. Go back to the cave where you came from now.


                                  apparently you've never seen the workings of a gaming company like valve

                                  gj, ignorant dickshit

                                  ignore the part about how majority of "hats" are community submitted content in the first place ROFL

                                  so community artists are supposed to be porting heroes now?

                                  yes, companies multi-task people, but not in specialized fields. you don't see a fucking pilot asking his engineer to take over the plane for him when he's stressed.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  Quick maffs

                                    They get money from the hats its normal that they focus on the hats.

                                    The first bugs to be fixed are the cosmetics related ones, but i mean that its normal dude, the fact itself that dota is not a p2w game its already big.

                                    Just look at league of legends where you need to grind or pay for heroes.


                                      And you forgot piece of shit that this is a suggestion thread and everyone can post his ideas, whether they are considered applicable or not. You view things only from your point of view because i suggested the kind of work artists could do hypothetically instead of creating art for some time and i answered this way to your question without making stupid, irrelevant comparisons. If you are too autistic to understand that then i will simply let you to keep talking to yourself. Because, guess what? When nobody is listening that's all you can do fucktard, bb now.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        apparently you're too dumb to realize this is a suggestion thread on how to improve the matchmaking system and posting irrelevant suggestions will obviously set you up to be shot down by others, because apparently community freelance artists working on porting heroes from dota 1 to dota 2 is going to improve match making.

                                        your first reply called me autistic for raising a valid point and gaping flaw in your suggestion. if that's the kind of person you are do you seriously expect anyone to assume you even have half a brain? get the fuck off these forums. even blunt is a much better person than you LOL

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        Quick maffs

                                          "even blunt is a much better person than you LOL"

                                          Cmon dude there is a limit

                                          Anyway i would like to have solo queue back in ranked

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            And apparently you are too dumb to understand that there are and people like me who will shoot you down if you ever dare to call them stupid, because apparently not everyone in this society has the same levels of tolerance and happy ignorance as others. My first reply called you disabled person because that's what you really are when you have learned to offend strangers that easily (using the word stupid first). And trust me you will pay your tendency to insult people dearly in your life, when you'll meet the right persons. Till then, i wish you all the bad luck you can get asshole because you'll need it in order to understand what i mean.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Would you have preferred dumb? Idiotic? Retarded? I'm not going to bother veiling my posts on the Internet towards some idiot without common sense.

                                              Not being able to take objective criticism is your loss, not mine.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                Yes, i would prefer dumb, idiotic or something similar. Objective criticism and insulting are two different things and they are both distinguished by the words that we choose to use. Perhaps it's time to refresh your vocabulary and learn what words should not be used towards men you don't know. But as i said it doesn't matter, you will learn it one day the hard way as it seems.

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  So apparently by your definition dumb and idiotic which are synonyms for stupid is preferable? Do you even English LOL. Trying to act all high and mighty because you can't even win a stupid argument.

                                                  If you say something stupid on the Internet expect to be called out for it. If you don't know how the internet works you need some serious readjustment.

                                                  Furthermore there's a big difference from calling an idea stupid and making a personal insult relating to mental diseases. Unfortunately you can't seem to differentiate between the two.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    Make it so that we have an option to find a better quality match of people to play with similar mmr range and not an absurd range


                                                      Ok, ok i give up. I would shoot you down either way since i don't like any kind of insults and especially insulting words, even the small ones. The only reason i beared with you for so long is because i actually wanted to see if you'll try to change your stance but you don't. You remain stubborn and selfish and that's why you will be knocked out hard some day by someone like me. It's not only about the words you use and you are definitely not as smart as i thought you might be because you analyse every one of my posts instead of trying to think outside the box for a moment. There is a universal language for all men. I don't care if you like me as a person or not as long as you show to me the minimum respect as i do to you when we are talking. I can understand when someone is insulting and when not even through written word, even if it's not my native language. And when someone does this i send him to hospital, as i would send you in a real life situation and as i have send others before you. It's that simple. bb, wasted too much time for something that you can't comprehend.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        ^ you're the biggest cunt on these forums now, conrgatulations.

                                                        kanye went to uni

                                                          I actually prefer to be matched with parties (even a four-stack) when solo queuing; they might be arrogant and shitty to me but at least they work together. When I did solo-solo-queue, everyone went full greedy don't-give-a-fuck-about-others mode, which was really damn annoying.

                                                          I think the problem is players can look worse than they really are; if for instance a Templar dives mid and makes a slight miscalculation that leads to a first blood, they're probably going to end up feeding like hell and looking really noob, even though all that happened was that first miscalculation. It's just what Dota's like. I think stuff like that makes matchmaking look like there's big differences between players in a team when in reality there usually isn't.