General Discussion

General DiscussionWatch my stream haahaha

Watch my stream haahaha in General Discussion

    hi guys im aden a competitive player wannabe from sg. I started to learn competitive dota few month ago and are still trying my best to been trying my best to climb mmr from the initial 4k to 4.9k currently hoping to make it to the leaderboard soon!(although my party mmr is still low)U can expect some solo RMM OR TEAMMATCH and even some casual game with friends!!

    pardon my bad accent ahahhaha

    Ples Mercy


      srsly, stop the 'haha's' or i'll have to slap you

      also, get a better mic, the whole RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR gives me a headache.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        probably my fan :( sry

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          DONT MAKE FUN OF MELODY'S MIC, yeah I have that issue too.


            Yo Melody,

            Yeah I noticed ur mic the other day. Do you have a fan blowing on it or something?

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              Nah it's actually a usb microphone that lack's a ground. The static is it receiving electricity from my fan inside my computer kicking on. So I need to run a copper wire to the floor to ground it. Too lazy.


                Too lazy to fix this simple problem, but not too lazy to make threads about how to use the forum for couple hours? :smiley:

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  ^ You need to delete guild invites and re add me. I can't add you to DB because you have too many existing guilds.