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General DiscussionHelp on Axe build

Help on Axe build in General Discussion
Donald Duck

    So yesterday I had an axe game, we won it but only because the enemy team made 2-3 mistakes in the last team fights. This being said, I'm not sure if I built my hero well.

    I started with tango/salve/stout, Upgraded it to PMS, then got tranquil. I still think they're awesome for the ms.
    Team fights were on radiant favour, enigma and void cooperated well, so I got blink to try to re-initiate. After a couple of fails, it worked quite well.

    Then I started to build heart. I dunno if it was the right choice to go straight to it, maybe a casual vitality booster was better. I was focused by stuns and hex in every team fight, so I thought about bkb, but I ended on having it just a sec before the last fight.

    Any suggestion?


      not sure, blink, force staff + blademail for a starter? just blink in :/

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        I'm sure you had a lot of mana problems throught the game. Get at least one bottle/urn/wand. They help you sustain and sometimes stay alive longer.


          What specifically would you like to know.

          I rarely build heart on axe, if you need a heart to keep you alive you were probably dead anyways.


            Tongfu's axe

            Donald Duck

              Almost never had mana issues, looks strange but I did not spam the w for example.

              I need to know if pms is ok, if heart was a smart pick , bkb, and maybe even the skill build.


                I dont see point of pms. you can simply leave shield as it is. it gives 40% chance to block 20 damage from hero attacks but that will fall of in like 3 minutes as you finish PMS

                Donald Duck

                  So I should leave Stout and work on boots. Ty for the advice


                    lol @Yfay




                        The poor mans shield upgrade is not really worth it but its so damn cheap it is hard to actually make a good argument for or against it. While it has added benefits and doesn't cost much, do you really want to bloat your inventory with small items?

                        Keep in mind heart is good but very expensive and there might be better options you could have gone. 1 right clicker and 4 massive fucking AOE ults.....and no Pipe? With black hole and everyone running in and being at close range and forcestaff, and no shivas guard or blademail?

                        You went a decent enough build for you but it wasn't just you was it, it was 5v5 and you have to think about spell damage as well as the team and their ability to help you after you initiate.

                        BKB is almost a never thing, I think I have done it like once or twice in a heavy nuking game and I don't think it is worth the money.


                 Kept my stout into 30 mintues almost to help block the marginal physical damage but went for the bloodstone and hood to help keep me out of magical trouble.

                 Mixed team so a mix of everything to help counter it.

                 Disables were needed so again....adjust.


                            @ Copy,

                            Early game:

                            Always lane with axe, if lane gets pushed, go to jungle and keep your GPM up/xpm up instead of standing around, until the lane is away from enemy tower.

                            I typically go this build early, if maxing my E for the axe spin:

                            Brown boots/stout shield/tranquil/blademail/sange<heavens halberd. I try and either fit in vanguard if there is a lot of phys. dmg on the other team, OR hood of defiance if there are a lot of nukers. One or the other not both. Sell tranquils late game for BoT. Remember that when you have EVASION on the heavens halberd it still procs your E to spin and hit enemies.

                            IF I am going to go a harass build where I'm just wanting to cast my battle hunger (W) and max it first I typically do this first:

                            Sages mask/soul ring recepie, buy ring of health side shop, brown boots to tranquils, stout shield, blink dagger/blade mail/sange<heavens halberd. Again decide for yourself if there are a lot of nukers or phys dmg on the other team to decide on vanguard or hood of defiance.

                            I think the hardest part is getting used to axe is using blink. When I first started I wasn't fast enough to cast and use items. Now my buttons on my keyboard/mouse and my familiarity with my setup allows for good shift/blink hit Q/hit blade mail/cull blade if they get low enough for R. I found blink heros to be the hardest but now after getting used to them they are a lot easier. Took me a while though!

                            Again........................... Dont do AGHS that is dumb. His ult recovers if you get a successful Cull. It has stats, but you want a lot of dmg block or evade so you keep spinning and yelling at them. And DO NOT jungle with axe solely. He is much better in lane and early/mid game where you can steam roll the other team and stack kills. Jungling is very ineffective.


                              @-hg- Cpt. Caveman

                              While i do respect your opinions for the most part on this one I have to respectfully disagree

                              74.30% winrate with aghanims on Axe. It is actually quite effective for a buy and is usually bought as an item in my case against heroes with high durability. In fairness I do perfectly get my ult off about 90% of the time but this has come through a lot of Axe games. The increase to 650 means you can sooner kill a hero and if missed you don't have to wait the 60 odd seconds till it cools down again.

                              "shift/blink hit Q/hit blade mail/cull blade"

                              Please never do this. "Axe taunts nearby enemy units, forcing them to attack him, while he gains bonus armor during the duration." 40 Bonus armor take less damage which means less damage is returned. Wait out on the blademail and if you don't have a forcestaff then use it as a deterrent to get out.

                              How I would do it.

                              Blink > Call > Forcestaff back to your team> Blade mail > This forces them to be pulled out of position because they have to follow you for 3.2 seconds, into your team much like a bat rider but with potential for more heroes caught.

                              Aghanims is good but not always, think before you buy.
                              Don't blade mail after call as it is basically like blademailling vs someone with BKB on.


                                im not a big axe player, he has just recently entered meta so im still working on him myself, but what i have figured out is that aghs is actually not that great on him unless you plan to rush it after blink or even before blink...

                                This is my most recent axe game
                                I got vanguard at 4 mins against solo centaur and then got arcane boots -> blink -> heart -> aghs

                                What i learned was that even though the enemy team was getting destroyed, aghs earned me MAYBE two dunks which would have been kills regardless. I know 1 game isnt much to look at, but here is all i learned about axe in it:
                                - Severe mana problems, even with arcanes, if you dont die a lot, you will have a lot of trips back to base for mana
                                - Q spell has a ridiculous range, but the delay makes up for it so blink where enemies are walking to when trying to chase
                                - RNG determines whether or not you win lane (in my case rng loved me so much in that game that i got 2 kills on centaur and 1 kill on their viper trying to gank me, simply by spinning followed by taking their tower really fast)
                                - Heart works wonders on axe, likely more than AC
                                - Do not use blade mail during berserker's call, the +999999999999999999999 armor you get makes their team hit really softly

                                Donald Duck

                                  I do lane with axe, went once in the jungle and lost badly. I'm kinda used to blink, but sometimes I assume my q is like a black hole ans miss 1/2 key heroes.

                                  Watching the replay I could go blademail cause lion was ulting just me and he would be dead 100% of the times. And hood into pipe > bkb, got it. I was just frustrated I couldn't culling blade fv cause I was stunned. Ty for the comments guys!

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