General Discussion

General DiscussionDOOM!!

DOOM!! in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I know this gets brought up from time to time, but I love playing this guys, been doing ok with him lately. What I've decided for my not so good pub bracket:

    -Only doom if you can jungle. Lane doom is too weak and dependent on a support. If you lane doom you have to go hellfire and lvl death so you at least have something in lane, which slows down your farm going devour first, and you are still super squishy with low base armor and no escapes. GG, jungle doom far more efficient. However jungle doom is a risk. If enemies come to gank you, you will die if they are good. Even if they suck and you avoid them it slows down your farm a lot. So I wait to pick him to make sure other team doesn't pick like bounty, riki, axe or bloodseeker now cus I've been counter picked by those many times. Other good counter picks, rubick and silencer so try to avoid them.

    -Assuming free farm jungle, getting midas under 7 minutes is always doable, maybe faster if the right creeps spawn

    -From there I go basilius, phase boots, vlads, sange. After phase I rotate into lane, either to gank or push it out and go back to jungle

    -Once you have sange and vlads you are super tanky, go push towers and/or team fight. If you managed to free farm all that and your team hasn't fed and started you like 2-12 you will probably win.

    After that I usually go halberd, AC, then decided between shivas, heart or basher depending on their team and ours. Bkb is probably a good choice under a lot of circumstances but I haven't gone it yet, usually game is done before I decide to. I know mek is a popular choice but if you don't go drums or aghs you won't have the mana pool to support it. Vlads and sange are super easy to build and make you super tanky.

    I don't feel like doom is a super effective hero cus shutting down jungle is so easy to do if they focus on it, but free farm doom is a scary thing. I guess I'll keep taking my chances that I'm match against unaware retards.

    casual gamer

      I love safelaning doom with max devour, basi, and the hill troll priest ability. It's fucking 2 mana/sec for you and your lane buddy. You have great base damage and sustain with SE and farm a much faster midas. Also you can kill at 6 even with no nuke if your support does anything at all.


        "too weak and dependent on a support"

        You do realize he is a tier 2 offlaner right?


          I love Doom, and whenever I pick him I'm sad that I'm forced into the jungle by the picks of the other pubbies. Safelane farm is where its at. A lot of people love their agahnims but Cuirass Deso and Vlads Necronomicon are probably my favorite item builds on Doom.


            In the last ProDota Solo league ( this shitty Doom was mostly a fix ban/pick hero... #russians?


              lane doom weak

              Dire Wolf

                Why do you think he's good in lane? He melts with zero base armor once hellfire is down, has only a mini stun that does tiny dmg until they hit that multiple. Even if you do tons of dmg other team just runs from you. If you steal good abilities like the troll net he doesn't have mana to cast them and hellfire and devour.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  You don't even get LVL Death in lane. You just max Hellfire and that's more than enough to win you the lane vs most melee heroes. Obviously he is gonna suffer vs range heroes, but even then he can do pretty well.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I'm not really convinced lane farming is faster than jungle anyway, he can hit lvl 6 in about 6-7 minutes in jungle. I'm usually same level or higher than mid at minute 10-12, unless he's scored a ton of kills. How long does it take in a duo lane?

                    This is the last time I laned doom:

                    You can see my deaths super high, I was with shadow shaman vs veno and lion. Even with his disables we died any time we went near the creeps. We pulled this win out of our butts we had someone rax'd their mid but didn't have teir 2s down on the other lanes. They were way ahead but we wiped them and dove throne to win. Lucky they overextended, they really should've won with our godawful start.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      No. Lane farm is ALWAYS better than jungle farm on any hero.

                      Dire Wolf

                        If other team is ranged who puts pressure on you and denies a lot? Cus they will push you back with pressure so you have to run up for last hits, making it hard to get them if they are actively denying.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          I'm talking about freefarm obviously.


                            lane farm = midas at 4:30 possibility

                            jungle farm cant do that for doom

                            Dire Wolf

                              Yes but we're talking about theoretical free farm. In my experience in pub matches no hero ever gets the theoretical free farm cus there's opposing forces and no one is good enough to nail every single last hit, I know I'm not. Couple that with the risk of dying and free farm jungle seems better, plus your solo lane gets more xp. Of course jungle has risk of dying too if they gank you so it's all weighing the risks. I would love to try doom in safe lane with a good CM but alas it will probably never happen.

                              So builds, no one has any comments? I feel like carry doom vlads and ac almost have to be core for the armor, since his armor is so bad. Contemplating sange and yasha over halberd to make him even faster. Also hellfire heals his illusions, what about a manta style doom? Maybe s&y disassemble into halberd and manta?