General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother in competitive play

Broodmother in competitive play in General Discussion

    How do you think Broodmother, in her current iteration, would fare in competitive games? For example, where would she lane and how would competitive players use her in general?

    I have hypothesized that having a Lycan and a Brood in a game together would be one of the best pushing lineups around. You could spawn 20 or so spiders, go up to a tower, pop howl and melt it. Since I have no friends that I play with very often, I have never had a chance to test this but it could be good. This is especially relevant considering Lycan has been making a return into competitive play recently.
    Other things to be thought about could be an offlane Brood. If you just set up a few webs in the trees you could leech XP with little worry.

    Anyway, Brood in Comp games. Discus.


      never happening


        BM could never adapt well to the changes...I think she was pretty good a very very long time ago in dota1, when her spiders either dealt their full damage to towers and a third of it to heroes (this was swapped before dota2 I think) or they just had more damage and Phase Boots didn't exist yet. I think her web at one point also had True Sight, but this was so long ago I'm most likely wrong.

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          "If you just set up a few webs in the trees you could leech XP with little worry."

          In competitive play ? wtf ?


            For example, by putting webs to the left of dires safelane. Even if they use dust brood will still be invis due to the fog given by the trees. Unless they get some flying vision it will be hard to get at her.

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              you are wrong mate


                OK then, care to explain how anyone will get to brood if she is surrounded by trees, without flying vision and sentries? Keep in mind, I think brood offlane is a terrible idea, but I fail to see how the concept I am sayin gis wrong.

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                  It's just all kinds of bad, brood offers nothing to a team in competitive play.

                  In the small world of pub play I am sure there is a place for her but again she offers no viability to be played competitively. Your small scope of thinking doesn't go beyond leeching experience and sitting in a lane. What about ganks? What about team fight? What does she really offer?

                  Timbersaw can instantly tp and take out a gank and turn around a fight for the team, bounty hunter can gank at six and get track gold kills etc. Brood tps and instantly hides in a web because, well she's shit.

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                    carry can just cut the trees with a quelling blade
                    goodbye brood


                      ^WELL WRITTEN.


                        not possible


                          Havoc, I was just trying to prove a point about something. As I stated, I think that what I suggested was a terrible idea but worked in principle. Anyway, what about any potential pocket strats? Is there any way she could be good?


                            Not only the carry...

                            Have you ever taken a look at the current meta heros?

                            Leshrac (seen an alliance 2 days ago).

                            They can all cut trees in no time. Brood offers nothing in teamfights and is not good a picking off lonley farming heros. The only thing she can do well is outlaning bobs, wich is not the case in comp dota.

                            Or she can splitpush. But her splitpush can be easy countered by some aoe nukes, wich sometimes in pubs are not avaible (4 carryteam), but in comp are never missing. So her push is just a waste, since she lacks the mobility and cannot jump the lanes like furion or tinker.

                            So she is an offlane hero, that can do nothing better than furion, who is also offlane. She is like the retarded version of him. Invisibilty is worth nothin in comp doto.

                            Darkseer is a good pusher, can make life hell for the enemy meleecarry, forces always at least 1 support to sit on lane, is not countered by dust and has HUGE teamfight.

                            Clinkz has MS as escape, ok splitpush and greatpickoff.

                            Lonedruiid can farm with bear from safe distance, is a great carry, with great push.

                            That are 3 heros, that are just better at BM while fullfilling everything that she is able to do.

                            BM is just a useless craphero.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              not after the nerf


                                She has a place in competetive, though she is not in cm yet, she can have a huge impact in competitive games though there you really need to hit a timing with towers and gold.

                                People also do forget that duallane Brood used to be a thing, giving a hero such as lion/rhasta gain full jungle experience which broodmother usually did not get, nowadays it would rather be aa or visage but still it is very potent.

                                In my opinion 1 thing annoys me since the recent change, I actually do not mind the treewalking nerf at all, it might be a little rough but its understandable, however i would like her to have her phase permanently during the net so she will not get blocked big times.

                                Spinach Rag

                                  I used to love playing Broodmother in Dota1. I agree in that she may not contribute synergystically with her team during team-fights, wiith the only contribution I can see her doing is to be a primary target that takes a precious few seconds of time from the other team in order for her allies to do their job. I can also see her playing similarly to how Bounty Hunter was played in TI4 finals, where he just distracted the enemy team and made them waste precious gold on wards and dust. He also scouted the enemy jungle, and tracked enemy heroes here and there and just basically provided a lot of vision.

                                  I can see her placing her webs all over the enemy jungle and either stealing the neutrals or warding them off.

                                  She can still push really well, and it forces the enemy team to defend their towers and waste precious time in the process, while simultaneously giving space for her allies to farm their own lanes without much hindrance.

                                  I think the reason why people whine about her is because they're trying hard to see her as a team-player or worse, a carry hero. The only reason for her to become a carry hero is when the enemy team is truly incompetent.

                                  I think people should try playing her as:

                                  1. a scout
                                  2. a decoy
                                  3. tower pressure to create space for allies

                                  All of these basically fall under the category of "support" if you think about it, just not in a traditional sense.

                                  *This is all in theory, by the way. I think I'll try to put it into practice some time.

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