General Discussion

General DiscussionMid matchups

Mid matchups in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    Sup guys, so i would like to know how should i lane against most of the mid heroes, i mean if i should focus on last hitting or harassing or rune control etc. For example should i harass a Quas Wex invoker or should i out last hit him ? How should i play against QoP ? etc ...

    I mean some mid heroes that i play i know what to do, with templar i focus on last hitting only and rune control, with necro i spam death pulse to push the lane after having sadist at lvl 2, but with some others i am not sure.

    I am asking this because in my last puck game a invoker got 5 + last hits then me in the 10 minute mark ( or more i dont remenber ) and i mean it was a quas-wex invoker.

    In a storm game i lost mid to SF ( i mean he got way more cs than i did ), and i am pretty sure storm beats SF in lane really hard.

    The only guide i have read about mid is this one:

    It did help a little, but not enough


      If you ask these questions don't play mid.

      BoJack shadow fiend rekts the lane until storm has 6, then shadow fiend has to be careful or have supports backing him up cause storm can kill him 24/7 with help of a support/offlaner


          after 6 storm can even solo kill sf if he fucks up, but before that there isnt much storm can do to stop shadow fiend from farming/razing

          Quick maffs

            Maybe i didnt explain myself enough, but what i am trying to say is if there is some kind of advanced mid guide or something like that, or at least some kind of post that explains the most popular mid matchups.

            atum sf got treads and a ogre club when i was 6 ( or maybe just treads i dont know ) so he had so much hp i coudnt even kill him.


              in those situations just wait till he cross river (if he does), find him in jungle if he isnt in lane (prolly stacking/killing big camp) and kill him with help of timber, there isnt much you can do in lane unless he makes a mistake or your supports gank him (if hes smart hell never cross the river in laning and itll not be so ez to gank him)

              Quick maffs

                @[eXo] Eazynogoud

                You seem to be a really good mid player, bloodseeker pudge and sniper in most played and not even 3+ kda on those heroes, you really should think before flaming people.

                Ples Mercy

                  You really don't know when a hero is meant to gank or to 'afk farm'?


                  Quick maffs

                    Exactly blunt, that its the only thing that defines mid matchups afk farm or gank.


                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      well, agaist a SF you have to focus on denies and last hits with a little harrase to scare him. that way he can't get souls and then beat you. I have only fought a QoP once in mid, and from that experience i would say rune contol is very important as well has harass more than last hitting.

                      Ples Mercy

                        wow you bad.

                        You want to know howto cs, have map awareness, avoid ganks etc.? You don't even know howto aggro creeps in ur favor? Are you really that lowlvled, if yes pls go read some guides and stop wasting space. We could have an other nice thread about how mm sucks instead of this.



                          3k mmr opinion: u are noob.
                          Storm vs sf, at lvl 6 u can instakill sf if he doesnt farmed mooooore than u.
                          - Dont do mana boots on storm
                          - Orchid could help your team more than first shiva, or first bloodstone.

                          Ples Mercy

                            lol shivas rush. Who the fuck does that.

                            Quick maffs

                              Ok blunt, but please if you want a flame war go say something in my steam, you are wasting everyone´s time here.

                              Qian i didnt rush shivas, i got it as my 3º item or something like that, and it is pretty good against SF.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                I lost track. too much dick swinging in here.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I think his question makes sense but it's not specific enough. For example, vs kunkka dodge the cleaves obviously but viper is going to play kunkka differently than razor and qop.


                                    Flame fest aside, I think your main question is pretty hard to answer. To tell you how you should lane against most mid heroes would take hours, and every single person would give you a different answer.

                                    I think the better way to mid is to pick the chars you enjoy playing mid, and study up. You mentioned playing Puck mid, and playing Storm mid. So what I'd do is read guides on how people like to play those characters mid.

                                    Next, take a few minutes looking through your recent matches and look at which characters you didn't know what to do against mid. You mentioned puck versus Invoker QW. I think a method to learn how to counter someone is to learn how that char is played. Read up on QW invoker playing mid. Or read up on invoker in general. Then take a look at SF mid, and so on for each char.

                                    Same goes for QoP. If you are intimately familiar with how to play a character, you should know what to expect from them when you face that character.

                                    Lastly, watch some professionals play mid on the characters you enjoy playing mid, and then watch them play characters you need to learn about playing against. If you're lucky, you'll catch pros playing both sides of the fence (storm vs sf) or something like that.

                                    I don't have links, but look for youtube videos or guides on specific techniques - creep pulling; lane blocking; lane equilibrium; warding (yes sometimes mid will buy his own wards); last hitting; rune control; ganking; etc.

                                    Google is your friend.

                                    Hope this helps =)

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      i havent read through this thread but you have impressive kda for being on europe west with these heroes, do you go afk when you're about to lose and what is your rating?

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Thanks artemis that actually helps, its true that i am better at laning against mid heroes that i know how to play.

                                        Yeah wookie i guess it would take hours to comment about every mid matchup.

                                        Btw there is no flamefest, blunt is known for flaming and i just fell for it, my mistake i guess.

                                        @w' 6k LoL player
                                        I never afk, and i dont play like a pussy, my rating is 3,5k so yes i am trash, that its why i am asking this questions.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        harvard graduate

                                          @blunt: how is shivas as 2nd or 3rd item against SF bad? Supports have a hard enough time dealing with his +72 dmg and then there is his negative armor aura which is negated by shivas. It also gives storm a ton more survivability against SF and kind of forces SF into an attackspeed item before BKB blink.

                                          Problem with SF is that you can never really come back to lane against him once you died by a support rotation/ a dive. He snowballs incredibly hard

                                          I am not an Invoker player by any means but the hero usually just sits mid and farm (and hope the enemy mid laner wont roam his entire team to pieces). A month back when Exort invoker was cool, he would just Sunstrike to assist in kills but now that doesnt rly work anymore.
                                          If you want a really reliable mid that wins you 80% of mid matchups give TA a shot. You can roam after your blink (afk farm till 12 minutes where u should have blink treads/phase bottle wand) and then just decimate those poor supports.

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            shivas rush

                                            do you know what that means?


                                              if ur rating is 3.5k with those kda stats then you most likely go afk

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Well i really dont, you can take a look if you want