General Discussion

General DiscussionPuck Question

Puck Question in General Discussion
la the yeezy

    When do you max out silence first before orb? On what heroes against do you usually use this skill build?


      maxing silence first against storm spirit is a must


        against qop


          ^ both of them are right, mostly against mids that spam spells a lot


            I have three situational builds on Puck, you can watch my replays if you want, it's one of my best heroes.

            Build 1 (Optimal situation): Max Illusory Orb, 1 point of Phase Shift at level 2, and max Waning Rift second. Best when you are in no weird situations.

            Build 2 (Enemy casters): 1 point Illusory orb at level 1 and 1 point of Phase Shift at level 2, then max Waning Rift. Best against any hero that is spell reliant (even if they aren't mid). This means if enemy team has Abadon support or any other heavy caster like Lion, Lina, CM, Tinker, Storm, QoP, ES, ES, ES, I would still max silence first because this literally turns them into nothing but a little right click damage for several seconds.

            Build 3 (What the fuck is this harass?!): 1 point of Illusory orb at level 1, 2 points of Phase Shift at level 2 and 3, 1 point of Waning Rift at 4, and max Illusory Orb then Waning Rift. This is generally against a heavy DoT hero like Venomancer and Viper or when in the offlane and the precious extra time in Phase Shift whilst waiting for Illusory Orb to travel a further distance will save your life or a lot of time/resources.

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            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Generally two or at most 3 levels in orb is enough for lane harassment and counterpush. But silence duration increase is a pretty big deal.

              <?php echo 'slam' ?>

                ^What this guy said is true and is better IMO.

                My skill build is Shift > Orb > Orb > Rift > (Either Orb or Rift > Ult.

                I prefer to have that longer silence duration when I dive to help out teamfights.


                  Yes u can dodge spell using phase.

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