General Discussion

General Discussionanybody knows shit about pc mechanics/ graphic cards/ mother boards

anybody knows shit about pc mechanics/ graphic cards/ mother boards in General Discussion

    i bought my new graphic card nvdia gigabyte gtx660 and a new alimentation corsair 500
    when i try the new GC it stops me on the HP screen (bios) but i cant do shit, cant enter etc, i get one short beep, x3
    then bacl screen with blinking underscore, then nothing.

    ive checked every google shit about my pb, i deleted old drivers, updated bios, removed the battery from MB and yet same fuckin, shit

    everytime i put the new graphic card its the same, so it has to be a pb with graphic card/Mother board, since when i switch graphic cards its fine, so its not rams or w/e

    id be rly grateful if someone could help, i waited two fckin weeks for that new card and curse as usual hittin me.


      Well obviously there is something wrong with your card. You have a warranty for it don't you?


        i'll try it in a friend's pc tommorow to see if the cg is damaged

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          And yes, have you even tried googling "3 short beeps"?


            ye i tried every beep.

            phew its gettin worse and worse, ive deleted drivers from my ex card and installed the one i recieved with the new one

            and now my game looks like pokemon version red.


            ive tried to install a new old one and same shit, im dying here

            id love to at least remove that shitty 3d without glasses vision from my games :( any idea?

            *edit; fixed pokemon red version.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              what is the full spec?


                nova gets what he deserves löl


                  3 short beeps means that the graphic card is not detected or short on power

                  you either didnt plug the power cords in your card correctly or the connection is a bit loose

                  try playing around with the power cords for a bit if you did and its the same i recommend changing your GPU to an AMD GPU
                  Nvidia is shit and after "AMD mantle" gets implanted in games Nvidia is done for

                  i would suggest getting a refund on BOTH items and getting an AMD Graphics card (GPU) and A higher power PSU (power supply) around 650~750 watts

                  Source: personal experience and building computers for people

                  PS: intel is over priced. if you decide to get a new CPU get an AMD Fx. much more powerful than intel equivalents

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    Nice, hentai ponyxxx..
                    Carapuce -> report player
                    And here i thought you are using AMD processor lol
                    yeah most likely like what Darkness said.
                    "you either didnt plug the power cords in your card correctly or the connection is a bit loose"

                    I'm using AMD GPU myself (A8-3870 + no graphic card), but because i'm an AMD fanboy not because of NVDIA is shit..
                    The problem that AMD have is the proprietary driver, until now it's still very bad


                      wuttt ??
                      guys pls on every forum there is this " did u plug it correctly " ofc its the fuckin first thing every normal ppl would do
                      and its new supply +new graphic card there the connection is perfect

                      and i wont refund lol it took me too long to get it + its impossible.

                      Also why would u think its conection problem when i told u i see things on screen but it just wont boot

                      and for the hentai ponys, its not me i invited a friend at home, he's the one who watch those things.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        omg this nova


                          wtf u want? can u go fuckin spam in one of ur abuse thread? this is serious.


                            There are times that you think you plugged them in correctly but you have not. happened to me dozens of times.
                            and i said you MAY have a power shortage.

                            as I said you might consider getting a refund for both items and getting better ones


                            is my suggestion.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              dude there is one 6pin pci-e its not fuckin hard to plug one cable. idk how it could happend dozen of times
                              and i fuckin bought new supply alrdy to go with this card

                              NVM askin on this forum was so low of me

                              i dont even get why ur posting links of things that i wont have any use for, im playing only dota.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                I have two questions:
                                1) Where are ponies?
                                2) What's your current situation?


                                  You have no use for a Hd 7870 ? then why you bought a gtx 660?

                                  and power is also too important. having excess power is better than having your PSU capped at all times

                                  dont bother asking when you dont listen to serious advice.

                                  PS: last thing im going to say: maybe you plugged in the GC itself loosly on the mobo


                                    idk if ur trolling or not but its annoying, i told u 10times that i bought a new supply to go with the card
                                    card is 350w supply is 500

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      According to, this card has minimal power requirements of 450 W. And while 500 W is greater than 450 W, I'm going to agree with Darkness, that having extra ~25% over your hardware requirements is never bad. Power supplies tend to lose their prefomance with time passing.
                                      I still don't get your situation. Did you managed to install card? Is graphical problems occure with new card or is it your old card with drivers for new one? Did you try to run your PC without any card? Are signals stay same way?
                                      Is there integrated graphics adapter in your MB? You'll not be able to see anything at all if card isn't recognised by system.
                                      Try to remove additional power supply cord and look at the result. Some cards will not work without it at all (like there is no card at all), some will be able to output some information before rebooting your PC with an error occured.
                                      If there is no video output (BIOS, underscore, anything) without cord and there is with - card is connected. If you get your signals, that means card doesn't works right, not that it's not connected.
                                      If nothing changes, problem is in additional power supply for card. It's either cord problems, card defect or power supply defect.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        Try disconnecting dvd writer or whatever you do not use from power supply. Worked for me with my old pc!

                                        And try your videocard on a friend's computer to make sure it works properly.


                                          "PS: intel is over priced. if you decide to get a new CPU get an AMD Fx. much more powerful than intel equivalents"

                                          Now that is almost as funny as Nova watching Pony Hentais :-D
                                          The i5-2500 is actually more powerful than any AMD FX CPU out there:,3106-5.html

                                          It's also a little weird to suggest an old HD 7870 if you can get a HD 7870 XT with the newer Tahiti LE chip for almost the same price.

                                          That site actually says that the "Maximum Graphics Card Power" is 140 W. 450 W refers to a "Minimum System Power Requirement", which means that a 500W power supply would be enough if you don't connect a lot of other power hungry devices to it.


                                            i alrdy said the hentai ponys wasnt me.. a friend came to visit and watched it while i was takin a shower ..


                                              Yes, it does. However those requirements are based on "default" PC with minimal configuration, like MB, 1 cpu fan, 1 ROM, 1 HDD, no external devices, etc. And having only 50 W over minimum system requirement for by no means high-end PC is bad.

                                              Again, where are ponies?!


                                                @espik my sutiation now is that im running with my old GC until i find the solution to the pb of my new one.
                                                i tried to run pc without card it works fine, it works fine with my old cg too ( the one im using atm) it just bug with the new one

                                                with the new CG i just have the bios hp view without being able to f10 or anything, then after 30s i have the black screen with the underscore forever.

                                                I'll try to remove the SATA from dvd even tho i dont think its the pb, since i have something on the screen, it just dont go further into the windows loading etc..


                                                  Does it show any specific error before or after this happens like drive has stopped responding or recovered from an error?


                                                    Well, I suppose this is new GC defect after all.

                                                    And not SATA but power. You could actually try and remove power from HDD too. If you get your BIOS available - that was power problems.


                                                      no it doenst show anything, no error, nothing
                                                      @epsik what do u mean by removing power ? im confused


                                                        There are two cords that plugged in your devices. First is SATA that connects it to the MB and second is power cord that connects it to your power supply. There's no need to remove SATA, just power cords is enough.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          the card is 350W and 500 cant power your whole system.
                                                          500 - 150= 350
                                                          350 only may manage to power your CPU + its fan + mother board at max. not to mention power supplies dont give exactly 500W but output 80%-95% of it

                                                          your system may (must) be underpowered


                                                          For gaming purposes FX processors are WAY better than intel ones because of having 8 cores. maybe not right now but after a while when games are optimized for using multiple cores AMD owns intel + the MANTLE thingy is optimized for AMD CPUs

                                                          And i wanted the graphic card to be around the price of that 660

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            GC itself uses 140 W.


                                                              @darkness okei how do u explain ppl can run same cg with a 350w supply then?
                                                              its just that after 1h of gaming bugs starts to appear
                                                              my pb have nothing to do with underpower.. since im stuck bfore before windows

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                Stop, it did work before? That's almost 100% chance of factory defect then.


                                                                  oh what i said up above was an exemple of ppl sayin that they can play with lower supply than me for the same card

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    If it works for some time before screwing up you should send it back and get a refund (to buy a much better AMD card) or just exchange it


                                                                      ill just go to a pc 'shop and test the cg on other pc


                                                                        You lost me tnen. T-T

                                                                        You can explain such stuff easily. For example, their hardware could require much less power supply than yours and your power supply could provide like ~400 W if it's defected.

                                                                        But I think, your problem is GC itself.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany