General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut; Rampaging Ronin

Juggernaut; Rampaging Ronin in General Discussion
Lonesome Boy

    I have a build that I usually follow for all of my juggernaut games, I am looking to expand my horizons. Any suggestions?

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Is it battlefury into Aghs no boots?


        Poormans>Phase>Pointbooster>Aghs>Deso>Whatever is situational


          melody thats next level build, we dont talk about that here.


            I go Phase>Drums>Yasha>Deso>Manta

            Fancy Footwork

              I would always ask for mid, but going safe lane is fine too.
              MID BUILD
              Starting item: Tango, Stout OR QB--->Bottle rush.
              Items I go for (in order): Rush Phase, then drums, then Aghs, then Deso, and after this point it doesn't even matter because I've won the game. (I usually get refresher for the fun of it when I know I will win the game)
              Skill build: +,Q,Q,+,Q,R,Q,E,W,E,R,E,E,W,W,R,W,+++…
              *note* My skill build changes almost every game depending on the situation of the game.
              SAFELANE BUILD
              Starting item: Tango, Salve, QB, 2 gg branches
              I basically go for the same items, but I don't get a bottle if I'm safe laning.
              Skill build: Q/+,Q/+,Q,W/E,Q,R,Q,W/E,E,E,R,W/E,W,W,W,+,R,+++…
              *note* I usually go for 1 stat before level 6. W/E is leveled according to how the game is going.

              I've tried Bfury before, but I feel like Phase->drums->aghs is better. Lately I've been testing blink dagger, but its kinda hard to use (for me at least); however, I see people use it and get a lot of success with blinking--So try it out! And lastly, try out shadow blade and let me know how it works out. I've never gotten it on jugg before as it seems to me that rushing drums and aghs is better, but please try it out and let me know.

              EDIT: Always go for Point booster first when building aghs as it gives you hp and much needed mana. A little side note: buy dust when you need it. It pays off once you get the kill.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              Lonesome Boy

                I actually made a mistake in my opening statement, I asked for feedback and then didn't give you my build... Silly me Stay tuned this scrub is going to draft up a guide...

                Lonesome Boy

                  This is my build first off, sorry I really should have started with this...(I have no idea how to use the formatting so please just bear with me...)

                  The endgame role of my juggernaut build is to be a monster outside of omnislash, and to be to be an absolute menace when you jump around slicing the enemy team to ribbons.


                  Blade Fury: Blade fury is great, in the early game. With roughly 400 damage level 1 this skill is what lets you dominate your lane. Using this skill has netted me more first bloods than I can count letting you snowball into an absolute monster by taking a dookie on your enemy's head. At 110 mana it is very intensive early game and is the primary reason you put 2 early points into stats. Once you hit level 11 you really should only be popping this skill for the magic immunity, or if you are chasing an invisible hero that is at low health.
                  Bottom Line: Juggernaut is very dependent on having a good laning phase and this is what makes it possible.

                  Healing Ward: Essentially a portable fountain. This skill is so good, and it has so many uses. Low on health because you dived just a bit too hard to get that first blood double kill? WARD! Narrowly escaped death when you turned the tables on the so called "Gankers"? WARD! Healing up for a game winning push after wiping the enemy team? WARD! The list goes on and on.
                  Bottom Line: This skill keeps your entire team in the fight and is not to be underestimated. (Side note: The healing effect persists a few seconds after the ward is destroyed, so if you need a quick hp boost in a fight don't hesitate to throw it down, either they kill the ward wasting time that would have been spent whacking you giving you a quick boost and letting you get ahead in trading hits, or they leave it alive and regret this decision when you tank like a boss and kill them)

                  Blade Dance:
                  What separates the carries from the snow-ballers is a late game damage steroid... Either a crit or some other crazy damage boost ( Wraith King, Phantom Lancer, Alchemist, Phantom assassin, Sven, Juggernaut, and Magnus are a few examples)
                  Bottom Line: A good crit, makes up for weaker damage with an amazing 35% proc rate (the best in the game...) Makes you a regular Right Click Mcgee.

                  This is what makes juggernaut such a great carry... You might not be durable, you might not have the highest burst damage, but by god you can kill anyone. This is one of my favorite ultimates in the game due to how well it scales. Early game it is deterrent because 1v1 you can get an easy kill on pretty much any hero ballsy enough to try and solo kill you. You can punish poor positioning, and when you get your items, you will be able to 1v5 pretty confidently because did I mention that it makes you FREAKING INVINCIBLE!!! (warning seizures may be a side effect of seeing the words "RAMPAGE!!!" fly across you screen every 30 seconds...)
                  Bottom Line: This is what gives The Rampaging Ronin his name.

                  Skill Build:
                  I follow a pretty rigid skill build for juggernaut which is:
                  1 Blade fury
                  2 Stat (a point in ward here is ok if you are low on hp after that first blood)
                  3 Blade fury
                  4 Stat
                  5 Blade fury
                  6 Omnislash
                  7 Blade Fury
                  8 Healing Ward (or a point in blade dance if you put an early point into ward)
                  After this initial skill build you want to max blade dance, and then ward putting points in your ult whenever possible.

                  Items: I also follow a pretty rigid item build (this is where I am looking to expand my horizons so feedback is appreciated)

                  Starting items: Your starting items should be a tango and 2 slippers of agility. (this item build is for dual safelane)

                  Item Progression: When you get out to lane wait a few seconds then finish poor man's shield in the side shop with your afk gold then get to last hitting. From there your priority is to finish phase boots as quickly as possible, this makes getting kills with blade fury much easier and helps to make up for your abysmal last hitting power. As soon as you have phases and your poor mans get battlefury as quickly as possible (If you do not get battlefury by at least the 20:00 mark get drums and pray that someone carries you out of the grave you have been put in) I usually get battlefury around the 15-18 minute mark. After battle fury I usually get an aghanim’s (if I am doing very bad I skip aghanims and pick up a maelstrom to increase my farm) and after aghanim’s I buy mjollnir and then I buy a desolator. At that point there is a choice either... Buy butterfly if you are worried about sustained damage, ie another carry, or you can pick up a Heart of Tarrasque if their potential for burst damage is high. After that pick up boots of travel and win the game

                  I apologize in advance for the horrible structure of my guide and any formatting tips and build critique are welcome, seriously I have no idea how to link things and the like. Please leave a comment with what you think... Thank You!

                  Lonesome Boy

                    Melody if you can do that build and can make it work I take off my hat to you (too good)...


                      First i would say, Stout + Branch, Instead of double slipper

                      Battlefury is a snowballing item, if your farms going well why bother just get something to expedite winning the game, Ie Aghs.
                      then really its all situational


                        ive gone blade/stout (poor man shield after)/tango into medallion/point booster (aghs after)/deso/AC

                        as general core

                        i prefer aghs stat gain, because jugg drains mana like crazy and has poor regen/pool. aghs is actually viable against certain carry teams, but i dont advise it against supports like puck/pug/etc due to their probable item build of ghost scepters/euls and spells themselves can simply stop ur ult.

                        Lonesome Boy

                          My games that I play I am blessed with having good supports who keep me nice and fed with tangos and allow me to lane really good. MY play style is to bully the people I am laning against out of lane completely and then take advantage of the free farm with my battlefury... IF you could explain the way you play and your goals in game when you give your item builds it would shed much more light on what you are trying to say... Juumad I will agree that jugg has terrible stats early, but I am very conservative with my use of mana so I really don't think that you more stat items other than aghanim's...


                            Had a fun build the other game, consists of getting soul ring aghs and refresher, not sure if its good but its fucking fun. I think soul ring should be core on him, it owns his mana problems completely. I think assault curiass is better than deso due to how his ulti mechanics work and how the negative armor from deso is not applied on omnislashes hits, also higher attack spd means more attacks during his ulti.
                            It would be cool if someone did the calculations for the difference in dmg of certain items when compared to each other ie treads or phase assault or deso, aghs or deso etc.


                              Had a fun build the other game, consists of getting soul ring aghs and refresher, not sure if its good but its fucking fun. I think soul ring should be core on him, it owns his mana problems completely. I think assault curiass is better than deso due to how his ulti mechanics work and how the negative armor from deso is not applied on omnislashes hits, also higher attack spd means more attacks during his ulti.
                              It would be cool if someone did the calculations for the difference in dmg of certain items when compared to each other ie treads or phase assault or deso, aghs or deso etc.


                                ah, sure. i was just leavin some things that i do and i dont usually delve into full detail until asked, which is now (:

                                ive generally gone safelane bottom, never had the chance to go mid as jug in dota 2

                                i do the same Q/stats/Q/stats/Q/R/Q and then W/W or E/W/R/W/W or E/ very interchangeable. I find that the ward doesn't help much unless ur suffering immense harass, that and the % based heal isn't that great at low levels.

                                as taichou said i've even seen soul ring and jugg and i think its quite viable.

                                basically once i farm up to 6, i should have phase/treads (which i change to int/agi/str when suitable) and medallion or at least close to it.
                                every time my ulti is on cooldown, i go hunt. the -6 armor on squishy heros, especially when armor hits the negative, any point has a huge increase in % until the number gets larger. so from 0 armor to -1 armor i think it'd be an extra 19% dmg? im not sure of the exact number but it makes a huge difference.

                                but medallion isnt a stat item anyway (other than for armor), which is useful nonetheless.

                                against carry teams that rely on physical who will probably get dmg items instead of euls/ghost/etc

                                i would use this early game build (actually i would always use this early game build) and grab refresher.
                                so 6 slot would be boots(of choice)/deso/aghs/ac/refresh/mjolnir

                                a nice -11 armor plus chains from mjolnir, but i would switch it for mkb for any evasion type heroes

                                against heavy disable, i would get boots(of choice)/bfury/bkb/deso/ac/insert item of choice

                                basically carry team = focus on your ulti damage
                                disable team = focus on your survivability and dps presence


                                  Get moc, in 90% of games, it is way too good

                                  Lonesome Boy

                                    The reason I pick up desolator over assault cuirass is that desolator gives a pretty decent boost in damage but also upon further research i found that desolator applies the -7 armor debuff upon starting the animation for the hit making it ideal for omnislash. I will have to give medallion of courage a try though...



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