General Discussion

General DiscussionWill the farming meta ever come back?

Will the farming meta ever come back? in General Discussion
nebunu la jokuri 77777

    It's only about snowballs and pushing now. I'm curious whether the farming AM/Void,etc meta will ever be around again:D


      why would that shitty meta come back? it took so long to get rid of it.
      so fuckin long

      nebunu la jokuri 77777

        I loved the good old Burning AM :D


          who the F#@K wants to watch 1hour + games of people smacking creeps ............. the current meta is exciting and fast GTFO with ur shitty meta

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Void is still present. He has decent team fight presence early although taking longer to function properly as a carry. Cloud 9 recently picked him up against Fnatic with great success (run mid, no less).

            nebunu la jokuri 77777

              @Dizzy You don't have to be hostile xD

              I just don't like snowballing, I even like rat doto more..zzz


                IM GOING TO RIP UR F#@KING HEAD OFF!!!! >.<"


                  AND YOU HAAVE MY AXE!

                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                    Lol:D i guess I'm the only one :(


                      Jungling for 15~30 min a game is boring. I'm glad for the neutral nerf.


                        I suggest you play Diablo 3


                          The buff to periodic gold made it less viable s'pose, EVERYONE farms faster these days.


                            hell no


                              +1 to Concede. I ended playing Diablo 3 when I started picking this up. What a bad game.

                              Quick maffs

                                I like the farming meta, i really like to see people with a lot of items u.u


                                  Play TB, easy six slot as long as you come out of laning phase ahead.

                                  Easily 700-800 gpm a game when you are ahead and win.


                                    > New meta

                                    > Well played!


                                      Only game i can watch million of times in that kind of meta is LGD vs Ehome ( best game ever played in that kind of strat ) and ofc FTD vs Kingsurf. The others games in that strat were meh, failing miserably, or just playing boring. This was so freaking epic.

                                      I think, perhaps meta will shift towards that kind of it, but not yet. You can clearly see, from the start of wc3 (competative) that the 3-4 kinds of meta, always shifted and always rotated. So maybe, but i don't really know. It would be boring tbh

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        I watched last Nexon Sponsorship League and looks like there is different meta in Korea. 60+ minutes games do not surprise anybody.


                                          ^Gross. 60 min + games is bad news bears. Are they just trying to make the other team tap out to use the restroom?


                                            Only time where this kind of meta is good , is when you play vs IG. Starve the Chuan from the boot


                                              @-hg- Cpt. Caveman
                                              Dude, they have those fancy toilets with millions buttons, maybe they can play dota right from there.


                                                I love playing the hard carries - morph am void
                                                But That meta is boring to watch and its not coming back


                                                  thats like asking if it will rain someday u stupid cunt

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Uh people still farm. They just finish farming around 30 mins vs 60 like nature's prophet pushes sooner, lycans push sooner. Alch and void can still farm everything they need in 30 mins.

                                                    harvard graduate

                                                      I like the 40 min farming meta better then 5man Pugna Viper Enchantress hammering at every tower at 15 minutes while carry players are forced to buy mek as their first item in order to push more effectively.
                                                      Wish we'd see more Spectre, Void and stuff like that.
                                                      I also miss big time teamfight lineups which noones plays atm "ehh cant push get lost in 3k mmr pl0x".

                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                        +KappaOpinion, that's what I was talking about


                                                          long games and farm fests are two different things.


                                                            Maybe more captain draft mode for competitive tournament is also good, given the fact that sometimes people boring watching cm and cm. +1 to cd


                                                              My friend still does fun stuff like that in ranked games, just not often.

                                                              All female or all human etc. Surprisingly we won most of them.