General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are heroes classified as dire or radiant (is there backstory to d...

Why are heroes classified as dire or radiant (is there backstory to dota)? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Why are there factions listed for heroes like Sven is a radiant strength hero while Axe is a dire strength hero. Is there some sort of plot behind dota where radiant always fight dire? Cus obviously in game radiant heroes are on dire side all the time.

    Is there a backstory to dota and why everyone is fighting to defend these ancients? I read some of the bios and none of them make sense. In a vacuum they're kind of neat little stories but they don't relate to each other at all, aside from like Lina and Crystal Maiden being sisters. But it's not like Shadow Demon and Engima are both demons from a similar dimension. Each one is just some random made up crap.

    Dire Wolf

      Sweet that's what I was looking for. I was only finding snippets here and there.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Actually that comes from Dota 1 but I still don't understand some of the placements. I mean why would a guy that rides a wild bat for mostly "fun" could be a bad guy?


          I dont understand how Lina and CM could be enemies and be on radiant. It makes no sense.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            ^They aren't enemies they are sisters wtf.


              ^ IDK read the look at it...

              On the same lines, how is timbersaw and treant protector, and natures prophet all enemies then they are on radiant. Makes no sense!


                the lore, read it!


                  Still reading... so bored at work! Skywrath mage and vengeful spirit are on radiant yet she hunts the skywrath mage with the weapon he gave her. Still doesn't make sense! zzzz


                    the lore is really thin in dota and has been adapted to a non blizzard IP so at this point it basically makes little sense.

                    The rivalries are enjoyable but leave it at that.

                    If you need lore in your ARTS game, go play LoL.


                      No I don't need to learn another MOBA game and I don't want to play LoL.

                      How about you go play LoL?


                        radiant =/= good
                        dire =/= bad

                        they are just enemies.
                        morphling killed a shit load of people as soon as he gained consciousness yet he is radiant


                          @ Cpt. Caveman: Then deal with meaningless, convoluted and subpar game lore.


                            @ concede

                            I've dealt with it. I despise comments like "go to LoL" from you as usual when I'm making a statement.


                              I have no idea who you are, and I pretty much never say "go to lol"

                              You on the rag or something stranger?

                              Dire Wolf

                                I didn't think it meant good or bad, I just think it's weird they go to all this trouble to classify heroes as dire or radiant then in game you play for either side and play vs your own faction and in the lore heroes in the same factions fight each other. Just don't classify any of them as dire or radiant heroes or say like the evolved near the radiant ancient and thus have more bright coloring and leave it at that. Which is all radiant might mean in reality, your hero looks nicer.


                                  that lore gave me a headache. half the roster is older then the world or time or whatever.


                                    Dotacinema has some funny background stories on their site (not on youtube), they try to use a more global perspective instead of just concentrating on heroes, check if you are interested.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!