General Discussion

General DiscussionMost Retarded Game of My Life

Most Retarded Game of My Life in General Discussion

    I shit you not, if you watched this, you wouldn't be sure whether or not you want to kill yourself, or fap to the game. We are losing the entire game, from start to finish, enemy Pudge is getting hooks left and right, Juggernaut is getting lots of kills, our Razor is underfarmed and builds a Vanguard, enemy Chen gets a 15 min mek, I feed like mad (0-8 at 25 minutes). Out of fucking nowhere, Pudge runs up to us 1v5 and dies, then the rest of his team comes in 1 at a time and dies, then Pudge buys back and dies again, and then we push bot racks into ancient in 2 minutes flat.

    We literally knew we were gonna lose for 25 minutes, then after 2 minutes of stupid shit, we win... The fuck?

    Ten temat był edytowany

      shadowblade pudge? might as well go blink at that rate..

      27 minute game, jugg only has BF.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        ^So much retardation in this game


          Downloading now. Will report back

          Miku Plays

            i will look this up


              Game of throws.

              Quick maffs

                Wink, i got one game even more retarted than yours


                we got carried, by axe, seriously axe won the game, i dont even know .... i mean look at void farm, luna did NOTHING, slark did 0 damage too, i was feeding like a fucker, axe gets blademail and suddenly we win.


                  i cri everitiem

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