General Discussion

General DiscussionPost a crap match the user above you had

Post a crap match the user above you had in General Discussion

    Too many individual threads about this same topic.

    I'll start off with myself.

    Such a bad game...


      u seem u have a lot of bad games lel


        congrats, i had to scroll up to page 3 to find a bad game


            FUCK sniper


              We needed 100 wards at our fountain to see better :/
              Had to sell the 10 hearts I had in my inventory ;)


                  Oh boy... I can't wait till someone does me... But.... here it goes:


                  I am wondering does crystalys stack? I see several of that guys ember spirit games he is getting multiple crystalys or deadalus. This is very interesting........ since its a very cheap item. He's only played it 4x but... that kind of poses the question is that a viable build doubling up this item?


                    I think it increases the chance of crit rate.




                      I think most of my games can fit in here.


                        T.T that was my first time being genuinely fountain farmed, i sold my basher and some other stuff for a blink to hide in trees for 15 mins



                          you died too much as puck

                          Quick maffs

                            What is the point of this theread when someone already did a good match and bad match one ?


                              @ Luck is no excuse

                              Yes.... there was no luck in that excuse.... I admit that was a shitty SS I did. Only Excuse I had was I should've gone to bed. I tend to play late and punish myself with lack of sleep. Kids/wife/60 hr work weeks *sometimes* tend to make me a poo player. :(

                              Love my kids but damn, Dad needs to work in the morning, quit sneaking in the middle of the night in my bed and kicking me in the face @ 3:00AM. Daddy is going to start drinking if this keeps up....

                     shittiest game ever. And it was people I regular with. Very sad :(


                                It's ok, I always seem to feed with Shadow Shaman too. :(



                                  Ohhhh I'll be a regular (if this topic sticks) here because I'll always find your awful match and I have a very large pool of awful matches for you to see (being a mainly support player who doesn't stack often will do that to you).

                                  Pudge OP

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                      48% win slark put that witch dr. in the dark!

                                      P.S. Very hard to find a bad game from Wink. Even when he loses he wins it seems like with that great KDA

                                      Find a treasure from my loss turd caveman cavern, just look in the past month! :(

                                      one and half gun

                                        heres a song for u guys i truly hope one day y'all niggas will get 5k+ mmr


                                        stay positive

                                        *this message is to everyone out there except relentless who is a liar and scrub LOL*

                                        i dont believe none of u niggas had a crap match its all about the player not the team peace

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        Anthem Blue Cross

                                          haha winky.. troll

                                          one and half gun

                                            WHY DO I LOSE WHEN I PICK WISP

                                            MY TEAM FUCKING TARDS ABANDONERS 4 VS 5 OMG I HATE DOTA

                                            plz bogidota teach me dota


                                              wave has no crap match
                                              not even gonna try

                                              King of Low Prio


                                                wave cant manage to win with weaver


                                                  stop derailing this thread... i like it


                                                    You are supposed to post a crap match of the guy above you, wave doesn't know how to read :D

                                                    So Sampson


                                                    Pudge OP once again, feed with hero with escape mechanism :D Although I'll assume Lina had a fetish for you in that game.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      it was the orge mage rng god nothing below a triple cast :*( .........the whole slark support also didnt help our cause much

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        Seeing I am still a newbie to DotA, I'll post one of my own crap matches! :)
                                                        Also Zano, doesn't appear to have any crap matches!


                                                        I must just accept that I can't play Nature's Profit



                                                          I would actually say that this match was a lot crappier - you did really well (though I would argue that Battlefury on Juggernaut is not that good), but you still lost.
                                                          That leads me to the point about Juggernaut - while he is a Carry, he is not a hardcarry and tends to be less useful in the later stages of the game. Try to finalise on the early game advantage Juggernaut provides, rather than outfarming Sniper. Too bad Meepo left the game prematurely(

                                                          @Disruptive Pilot
                                                 - new Timber is a bit too nerfed(

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            @ KawaiiSocks
                                                            Thanks for the feedback! What's wrong with Battlefury? With Meepo's early deaths and then leaving. I couldn't really take advantage of his early game power. Though later in game, if he has the right items, his Omni slash is awesome! I wouldn't call it a crap game, it was a loss but the team rallied very well. I love Battlefury it gives Hp and Mana regen, which is critical for jug. As well as a nice cleave damage to increase farming and a nice +65 damage.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              It is the opportunity cost of getting Battlefury as a first item - it has a price tag of 4350 and you could get Drums+Yasha, Desolator or Aghanim's Scepter instead. That will more likely net you some kills (Drums+Yasha is more of a farming/teamfight build, the Desolator is super pushing/teamfight, Aghanim's is teamfight/teamfight item)
                                                              While extra hp/mana regen are nice, the Juggernaut with a BF on minute 12-14 (a reasonble time to build a farming item) is still prone to being bursted down. Having a point booster is generally better. + he needs some extra mana pool, even more so with decreased CD on bladefury. + healing ward provides more HP regen total, if you have a point booster and ogre axe.

                                                              But let's wait for me or eggs releasing another blog in the "curse of recommended items" series and return to the topic, with people figuring out a game where they can mock my inferior skill)

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                Please keep the thread on topic, there was just a thread about battlefury on first page 2 days ago.


                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                Sup m8

                                                                    Looks like Doom abandoned and then you got pubstomped 5v4.


                                                                    Sup m8

                                                                      Lol I was parading with couriers. Fun way to lose

                                                                      waku waku

                                                                        how do you do least damage to the enemy as ta with blink danger

                                                                        Horsing around

                                                                          40 min diffusal and treads



                                                                            Damn, had to scroll a lot to find one D:


                                                                              ^To be fair, that was a lack of co-operation by my teammates (Not saying I wasn't godawful either..).. Me and Lc went safelane top Vs Pudge and Jakiro.. Lc is my friend irl, and he went nc fairly early leaving me solo vs jakiro and pudge.. Despite the fact I called for constant lane changes, ganks, or atleast for LC to leave NC and help me in top, I was left there alone.. where jaki's stun + pudge just raped.. Couldnt even tower hug cuz pudge would just hook me.. If it was atleast a dual lane vs a dual lane, Id have survived..
                                                                              And I didnt even have cash to buy a sentry to deward the lane ward (Behind my tower.. Which i suspected from all the hooks that connected even when I tried to stay out of vision..) By the time I racked up the gold for boots and a set of sentries, the lane ward already expired (assuming there was one..).. and I was already at like a 0/6 score.. And Lc didnt even come lane after pudge killed him 3-5 times in Nc... (Again, prolly warded it early..) And he proceeded to rape. ._.
                                                                              And with almost 0 wards all game.. (Iirc, there werent any wards up all game, or atleast till like 30mins+ when I asked them if they really planned to win against their pudge w/ 0 vision..)


                                                                              Damn.. w/ all those ES games, finding a "bad" game took longer than typing all that xD

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                                                                No Ring of Aquila, No wand, very poor farm! Don't know what lane you were in but you shouldn't have had a problem against any of those combos! They only have 1 ranged.