General Discussion

General DiscussionA Question of Skill!

A Question of Skill! in General Discussion

    I am a relatively new player, so don't rage!

    Are pub games controlled at all? What I mean is, is there a pub game ranking or is it just a mash-up of who ever is looking for a game?

    The question arises because 2 of my team members have played almost 1, 000 games. I've played 150. How ever! My GPM and XP per minuted was ALLOT more and my kill/death/assist was better.

    How would you judge the skill of a player, I thought it k/d/a and GPM and XP per minute. I can understand that you cannot only judge by k/d/a, but I did the most pushing, tower killing, farming etc. So how would you rate a good player? I played as jug, the two people I am talking about played as Phoenix and Pudge.


      A good player will just troll his games and win like there was no sweat


        Every match is different and people don't always play the same.

        Sometimes the game goes in your favor and sometimes you just feed.

        People who play Pudge roam around trying to bank a lot more than actually pushing when the enemy is down, or they sit and wait for the enemy all the while doing nothing.

        Phoenix is a new hero so maybe they were new to his skills?

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          Games played doesnt mean skill, only experience.


            I agree with Luck.

            That's what I do.

            I fuck around with my teammates and make them behave the way I want them to if they want full co-operation - or if they do anything that I consider ignorant or retarded, albeit I have high expectations.

            Although I still have a sweat, and I don't come close to winning all my games. I'm just stuck on CM solo queue cause I'm too lazy to get used to other drafts. I like having that 5-10 minute break during the pick phase too.

            You'll know a good player when you see a good player.
            You can generally tell within the first few minutes. If you have a balanced 1 on 1 lane, it's so easy to generate whether or not they're good based off of their creep kills/denies. Even if it's 2 on 2 or 3 on 1, you should have enough experience and knowledge to know the potential capabilities of the lane and understand how the lane is suppose to work. Sometimes the lane is just NOT MEANT to be won, and you have to sit between your t1 and t2 tower. However, some people don't realize a mirana bane alch lane is absolutely retarded to 1v3 against, and refuse to help you, then blame you for the loss - until they experience it.

            If you see someone winning a lane that you analyzed to be a difficult lane to win, then they are probably a good player.
            Simple shit. Stats after about 200-300 games show accuracy and rough estimates. Precision all lies in the gameplay.

            Become accustom to looking for consistency within a person's actions and then average it out to determine their probable skill level.

            If you're one of those trolls who like to extrapolate one thing someone did wrong and complain about it and point it out all game like a child, all the while at the same time, you fail yourself on multiple accounts and have no one complain about you - don't expect an iota of help.


              @PLEASE DONT CRY KID

              Totaly agree, Good Player can have a bad game kda means nothin..
              You can check his moves if hes experienced you will understand it he will play smart and win ez his lane...


                A good player wins games. Good players win mid lanes, kda does matter it shows whether you got carried or carried, fed or didn't feed. Good players usually don't have trashy win rates of 45%.


                  ^ good players dont call a newcomer trash


                    45% winrate for a new player is fine. I had a 33% winrate at one point when I was first starting out about a year ago.

                    EDIT: Sorry, 30%.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Well it's fine I'f you can make up for it and raise that win rate, I guess he doesn't have enough games yet to make an accurate result. But in my experience good players don't have 45% winrate, not saying I'm better or the best just trying to answer the question. We are talking about "good" here.


                        Another way to know if a player is good is their kda relative to the difficulty of the hero they use.


                          I'm just saying that 45% isn't a trashy winrate for a new player.


                            @Mr.good first learn to difference good play from bad play then start analizing gpm and xpm cause it rly doesnt tell you as much as u think or more correctly so...tells u more than u think it does (cause ur new)...
                            and yes the matchmaking is fair in making teams

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!