General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying vs EARTHFAGGOT?

Playing vs EARTHFAGGOT? in General Discussion

    splitpush the shit out of them


      ^ rare example of a non-braindead with good stats

      thank you good sir for not being an asshole


        Who's Mini?

        Quick maffs

          Dude i saw this game, invoker was so mad lol


            Mini tends to play roaming supports in pro games, also a lot of wisp. He played for Lion's Pride and Team Life and Super Strong Dinosaurs.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              Thanks for the info :)


                Legit lineup vs 4 awful core that still managed 2 get decent farm on all 4 with support ES.

                Well played i guess xD

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  PICK RIKI.

                  SSJ Goerring

                    cool slur


                      players who think ratdota requires skills or feel proud about their ratdota achievements in pub games have a bigger autistic ego than this guy

                      congratulations i guess

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        Yea im the one posting to attract attention to myself therefore i have shitloads of ego about a game i merely play for fun




                          Poor Lycan tried to rat doto us but only managed to get a few towers before we raped him.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            seems like you are mad

                            actually it does cuz they raped us so hard+we were 2 raxes behind

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              @TS, i think that ES is not that decent enough to use ES haha

                              if you cant fight against ES, try using it and if you think its so easy to use.. then use it (by doing this you will discover its weaknesses)
                              but for those haters who just complain about this hero, i think they are just jealous or angry because they kept on feeding

                              there are many counters to ES

                              1. dont feed, try farming in jungle..
                              2. late game he can be a bit useless (if you farm well enough)
                              3. there are more hero that can fuck ES on lane, just discover (based on experience)

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                no offense really, playing splitpush with furion + lycan with necro3 is pretty much as gay as picking kaolin.


                                  invoker forgot necro3


                                    At the beginning of the game, I said I will feed but won't let PL feed.
                                    And that happened, ES was bugging us as fuck, but PL managed to go rat doto and lead us to win.


                                      or maybe they were clueless vs splitpush
                                      like most of the pub games


                                        Actually, Ant-mage was ruining the game, and they all got pissed off him, and didn't feel like winning.


                                          4-5 necro strat with just 1 pusher hero has a 100% win rate for me so far


                                            try skywrath


                                              pl kotl

                                              bb abadon 2lanes gayest shit ever

                                              wat do ?

                                              v god + v god and ratdoto


                                       turtle doto
                                       rat solo push doto(soloed all 3 barracks(.


                                                  ^ nice pugna


                                                    It looks like everyone on Sent was building towards a #1-3 role. Do you think the outcome would have been different if they ran a different strat or build vs your split push?


                                                      we would win earlier since they were all strong

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!