General Discussion

General Discussionroad to 5K MMR

road to 5K MMR in General Discussion

    started @ 3913

    now I'm @ 3986

    it's not a fatal attempt, I just really haven't played a lot of ranked matches past couple weeks :)


      Started at 3500 MMR even though I went 8-2 in the calibration period. At 3300 right now because I lost 10 ranked in a row after calibration... 5K Here I come!


        Started 3200S 3000P. 3350S and 3360P. down from 3420S, 3500P.

        3900 to 4000Solo Q should be a doable short term goal. from 4000 its probably the real "road to 5k". nothing in 3k really requires effort. no one ever seems to smoke or use alternate ward spots. carelessly using smoke on early solo ganks seems to be something that works in 3k.

        4000Party Q will be very difficult. Stack primarily with 2000 to 2900 range players. 5000P might not be possible under those conditions.

        don't really have to do anything special like always captain or always take mid to win. just have to be consistent. if being consistently bad or a consistent feeder is getting more wins than losses then whatever. if its being consistently decent, even better.

        wonder how long until the average team uses organized smoke ganks and wards somewhere other than the primary rune ward spots. anyone with 4000S or 5000S mmr out there and able to say?

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          At 5k, players definitely ward in good spots. They definitely do not ward the same spot over and over. Smoke could be used a bit more, but nonetheless, smokes are used. In saying this, there are still many retards at this level.


            ^exactly they can do it but it doesnt happen all the time ... (means : sometimes u dont even have a chicken but u still should expect wards and smoke ganks from the enemy )

            sometimes there are those 4k trash players that dont even know what an offlane is ( they cry for impossible ganks all the time )
            but there are also these who know exactly what they do :

            this beeing said the gap between ~4500 and ~5.2 feels huge
            there are those games u get outpicked and winning is almost impossible

            all in all it s always the same story ..if u play consitently good it s possible to get to 5k

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              everyone is retarded in 5k, not like 6k is any better


                well i stopped flaming in my games and my mmr went up by 100 in a day

                i'm at 4821, if anyone is ACTUALLY close to 5k and wants to race, feel free to add me

                Bone Chilling

                  started off with 3.9k solo and 4.3k team mmr. Rarely play solo, so sitting at 4.3k now. Team rating is at 4.9k now, usually duo or trio with my bro and some friends. So far it's been an easy ride, don't think it'll stop rising any time soon. I've started playing only on russian servers ( - 40ping actually mkes a difference), try to communicate with them all the time, using voice commands and picking last to fill the needed role. The game expirience improved a lot for me actually, we Russians are fucked up, but the higher I get the less pricks get qued with me. But if you get unlucky an meet one at this mmr - he's a 100% piece of shit douchebag that'll ruin everysingle bit of fun you could get from the game for some unknown retarded reason =]

                  Darth Jar Jar

                    Started from the bottom. 1900 MMR thanks to Russian teammates who would feed the enemy team countlessly. Or those who just quit the game and left my team stranded. Manage to play well in ranked and got to a whooping 2058 MMR. Honestly the system failed me. Even when I lost my games, I still performed well when at a teamless disadvantage. Honestly solo ranked is terrible.

                    King of Low Prio

                      ^ drow sniper and riki all on his top heroes and he thinks it is his teams fault HAHAHA


                        I agree with Sampson, you can't main those heroes and expect to have a good winrate and high rating etc.


                        Played 10 games just to have a rating got 4006. Party rating for me is where it's at as solo queuing does nothing for ones gameplay but everything for ones ego. e.g. I did this all alone. -___-

                        Edit: I remembered I lost a game playing solo so 11 games so maybe -35/25 on the rating.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          "Me and Centaur were were up against a tri-lane with Mirana, omni knight, and a Viper."

                          Viper in a tri-lane! isn't that just a terrible idea? What does he bring to a tri-lane? Doesn't he need levels and farm and stuff?

                          OT: Slowly getting higher, solo queue. Started at 3024 now at 3152. I don't play a lot of games but I'm hoping to edge forward when I do. Doubt I'll ever be good enough for the 5k of the thread title, but you never know.

                          (I do know, there's fuck all chance!)


                            in that way
                            thanks to trash teammates


                              8 min tinker travels sr.
                              suddenly my offlane is 0/4, 8:25 he leaves and never comes back
                              mid pudge is 0/2 and leaves a min later

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              Woof Woof

                                ^^ you mean trash match maker
                                bad players are in every game problem here is that retarded autistic fagot behind MM alghoritm

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  Valve stated you can gain score even if you lose - which was clearly a lie as this only happens when you are in the calibration phase.

                                  I don't blame them. It must be this way because they have to counter the phenomenon of Elo score inflation present in every Elo matchmaking system. For someone to gain points, somebody else has to lose them. Otherwise, the whole system would turn to shit pretty quickly.

                                  Even if you go 25/0/15 and lose because 2 retards decided to teleport to opponents base and die on purpose and the second one decided to buy cours and feed them, for Valve's matchmaker you deserve lose points, regardless of how well you've played.

                                  This is a pure Elo system that doesn't really account for individual performance. While it may "even-out" over a long period, this is in no way a good sign. A proper algorithm would score you independently in each game and wouldn't really care whether you've won or not - only how well you've played in any given circumstances.

                                  Ditching the Elo system would also ELIMINATE raging at teammates. People wouldn't care that somebody causes them to lose because they know they will be judged on how they play - not whether somebody plays half-asleep or drunk on a touchpad instead of a mouse and consequently causes them to lose.

                                  The only way to fix this would be to ditch their current algorithm completely to a non-Elo based solution - which I doubt could ever happen.

                                  Additionally, there is one change that could be made that would reduce the current matchmaking imbalance by EXTREME AMOUNT. This won't be used because it would require either:

                                  a) Ditching the current algorithm
                                  b) Change it significantly

                                  I will write about it more soon and try to come up with a few proofs. There's plenty to improve upon where it comes to matchmaking.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    Started at 4550, now at 4930. Wont take long at all, ez game ez life.


                                      i just reached 4k MMR!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHHA

                                      Chuppi Chupps

                                        Down from 3.9k to 3.5k
                                        Honestly dont know why, there are some bad games of mine, but they are not as many as good games.
                                        The part that is truly annoing me is that its mostly stomps...
                                        Dont really know how long it is going to take to reach 5k.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          the reason why close matches turn into stomps alot of the time is because people end up fighting their own teammates and destroy their chance of winning


                                            nope, the main reason is picks.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              picks rarely mean shit in pubs, I have won games with huskar jungler


                                                picks mean shit in ranked? not sure what to reply.


                                                  im at 5.3k, i'm having trouble winning when i dont solo mid

                                                  i need to practice my offlane and roam support more i think, or just find an op carry


                                                    road to 6k


                                                      i may just start playing on eu

                                                      King of Low Prio



                                                        your lineup is the new meta?


                                                          Murs its clearly cause you're playing on eu.


                                                            murs what is your solo/party rating on your smurf acc that you had on dotabuff ranking a while ago


                                                              @Sampson, are you retarded? There is a big difference between picking totally shit and something that actually works out, and now why you post a game that isnt even ranked blows my mind. My point is, picks are probably the biggest factor alongside with skill. I can with 60-70% tell if the game is won or lost right after picking phase.

                                                              Now, go back to your 3k mmr and play axe jungle if you think that only skill matters.


                                                                Had 4200 to 3800 due to 14 losing spree :O. It gonna be long journey to 5k

                                                                Sore Eyelids

                                                                  just got my rank calibrated... i'm around 3600...
                                                                  and still playing invoker as it goes well...
                                                                  i really hope i can reach 5k sooner...
                                                                  any advice...???


                                                                    u wont reach 5k


                                                                      ive dropped from like 4.6k to 4k in like 2 weeks LOL! im so shit


                                                                        started from the bottom


                                                                          just got a 5th pick void after we have no offlane hero
                                                                          proceeds to jungle, trolls

                                                                          5k road impossible


                                                                            Dear Diary,

                                                                            Today, I fed like crazy.


                                                                              I had like 3.2k solo before, but now I have 3.8k (soon 3.9k)

                                                                              Quick maffs


                                                                                Me too bro, me too

                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!