General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do singaporeans think they are always better than anyone?

why do singaporeans think they are always better than anyone? in General Discussion

    Or simply put "arrogant"

    I have a lot of random friends who have added me after playing a good game and have developed a nice chemistry. Aside from fellow Pinoys, I have quite a few from Malaysia and Indonesia. Indonesians are friendly. Malaysians are more interactive.

    Singaporeans? Big ego and arrogant. It would have been ok if their skill level is way above others, but they would be fooling themselves if they think they are.

    One good thing to note though is that singaporeans have very good stacks.



      That is a very sweeping statement. And how do you know the arrogant players are Singaporeans? I assume you play in the SEA server of course.


        Thanks for Indonesian commend :D
        I'm Indonesian too <3
        But newbie and still need to learn more


          Most of asia is full of scrubs aside from their stacks. Im not saying everyone there is bad, just that literally every asian person i ever seen queue in us east is beyond braindead and arrogant as fuck

          One Man Army

            What you think about Vietnam players ???


              I dont think people really notice vietnamese players. I guess theyre average, with some good and some bad players. Definitely better than BR and pinoy


                U sure these guys were not russians?

                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                  +commend for Indonesians <3
                  I don't dislike people for nationalities usually, but I made downright ONLY negative experience with Pinoys (not Singaporeans) and I tried quite often. I came to the point where I don't trust anyone of them :(
                  Thank god I'm now in Europe and yes, some Russians are pretty annoying with their cyrillic spam, but I know a lot of nice Russians as well :)

                  gw mid
                  wo zhong
                  mid ako

                  That's what I learned in SEA :)


                    "gw mid" it mean " i'm mid" (many players from Indonesia can't play other lane if don't party. I admire it)
                    Then for pinoy i'm not say that they are bad player because sometimes they can be quite good enough at teamworking. just need a patience and good communication. That's my opinion about other country players
                    But Australian are nice too, i've played once as Enchantress and just sit back along war and heal them with skill and item. Slow the main target enemy then boom, we win. And also Australians never want to be a solo player, they go minimal 2 players to push and roaming.
                    Not like SEA player (Go alone with Riki or BH, catched by gem then killed. And blame the other teammates for his mistakes)


                      As incorrect it is to make such generalizations, it does hold some water. Singapore is a highly competitive country, and it takes a lot to succeed there. The implication that some of this competitive nature seeps into online games they play is more than plausible. Then again, that may just be the Malaysian in me talking.


                        there was a analysis done previously which showed sg to have one of the highest average tmm scores of 3500 compared to other countries. i believe russia had an average of 2500

                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                          pinoys are the anarchy of sea doto, like the russians


                            Hey ming 1on1? lets see how good you are. Pick any hero you like I will destroy you even with your best hero.

                            On topic.

                            Indons > cool and friendly does not trashtalk.
                            SG > arrogant Sons of bitches. As if they play better? super racist the ones who play well are the ones who are humble.
                            Malays > same as SG players.
                            Thais > like indons
                            India > funny noobs.
                            Australians > racist arrogant but plays well sometimes.
                            Vietnam and Taiwan > no comment like indons and thais I guess.
                            Pinoys > trashtalking noobs like me.
                            Ming > an idiot. are you african?


                              ...I don't think you are in a position to call people arrogant sons of bitches when you yourself are saying that "1v1 pick any hero you like I will destroy you even with your best hero". so yeah i have to agree pinoys are the anarchy of sea doto, prime example right here.

                              Ontopic, I don't think any race is better or worse at the game than others in SEA, but what I don't like are those that talk exclusively in their own language and the only english they know is "shut up, noob, stfu, etc". I'm not talking about me being the only one apart from a 4-stack, but also in solo-queue and when I stack with 2-3 friends. This behaviour would be okay in other servers like korea or china since they all speak the same language, but the only common language in SEA is english. Most of those are the pinoys though. I don't see too much of other races not speaking english, but pinoys seem to always converse in their language half the game.

                              Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                dude not all sg players are arrogant and like what you stated.

                                i have come across to some pinoy who dosent even know how to mute their mic and picks pl and mid, when asked to do so they would say on their mic 'putang inamo'

                                i myself is a singaporean and i have pinoy dota friends and im pretty close to one actually.. we even skype so yeah.


                                  LOL @BrisWinter-. Let's bring out the e-pens!


                                    @sigma | cartographer
                                    I think its the malaysian in you talking.


                                      SEA are the worst kind of dota player, You question them as to why they are cliff jungling prophet and they get so defensive so fast. It's really sad.


                                        But the flipside is you get to own those trashtalking players. When they are on my team I show them who's boss. When they are on the enemy team I show them who's boss.

                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          Cuz EE-Sama is 2nd ranked on thus SG players get +200 DSR!!


                                            What do u mean with IndonesianDOTO thread?
                                            i'm not understand :/


                                              shit im pinoy i must be bad :(


                                                ^ I dont think so, many pinoys are play good enough. But they dont want to be a team
                                                i mean here is SEA region is very over confidence with their skill, they dont want to communicate to other.
                                                That's the worst about SEA players (sometimes i do that)

                                                Catdaddy 猫爸

                                                  I'm singaporean and I suck.

                                                  Miku Plays

                                           this game is hell :D
                                                    can someone tell me what should i do after i buy vanguard.. should i get malevolence or hood ?


                                                      @Hatsune Miku

                                                      You must be really low tier if you build Vanguard on Venomancer... I feel bad for your allies that don't completely feed.

                                                      Miku Plays

                                                        @[ESP*] Wink

                                                        Can you tell me what i should get instead of vanguard?


                                                          A Mek or Force Staff would most likely have been a better pickup than Vanguard.


                                                            funny thing i found in web

                                                            i rarely seen "proud to be singaporean" attitude in web to be honest
                                                            compared to "proud to be pinoy" so i wonder who's the arrogant one

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