General Discussion

General DiscussionWatch my Bounty Hunter replay? :D

Watch my Bounty Hunter replay? :D in General Discussion

    Uhh, could someone please watch my last Bounty Hunter game ( and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I get the feeling I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how Bounty should be played, because every game I play with him I don't feel like I'm doing very much. Warning: I am REALLY bad in a shit tier game, may be slightly painful to watch :D

    Note: my level and kill advantage was mostly because of that one time I killed three supports that were already low from a teamfight that we lost; that was just kinda luck.

    Also, yes, I know, I should've popped drum many times ... I kept forgetting :/


      I will gladly take a look at it tomorrow but don't expect any real professional opinion. I myself enjoy BH and I will comment from my point of view on how to play BH.


        Thanks! :D

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          it looks okay. You roamed and ganked. It was snowball sven. Veno's ult really cleaned that up. You guys didnt' have a carry. Kunnka never ganked top. PA had bad last hits and game decisions. Just don't break shadow walk so much to track. It didn't help ur team decided to do a useless tri-lane bot and nyx having rune control either. Late game Shadow demon a good nyx fodder and stone panda just a good super creep.


            Thanks for the comments! The thing is though, this sort of thing happens to me every time I play Bounty Hunter, and I don't think it's plausible for me to keep blaming teammates any more :/ I never really feel like I contribute when playing BH; on the rare occasion I win with him, I always feel like I was carried, you know what I mean?


              Okay, let's try some Relentless style constructive criticism :) Again, note that I'm a noob myself so my advices might be bad, try them out at your own risk.

              Starting of the game - you should have gone solo offlane and directly head for the enemy pull camp so you can body block it. You could have used invisibility to escape if the enemy was to initiate on you.

              Early game - okay veno and sven against you. Kinda shitty, especially the veno. That DoT crap is so annoying, not much you can do. Imo, once you got 300 gold you should have instantly upgraded your shield to Poor Man Shield. A bit more agility and some extra protection from the creep wave/enemy heroes when you wanted to harass.

              In my opinion, you should have kept the harass on the Venomancer. I usually prefer to get a second point into Invis as it allows me to be constantly invisible. Also, I prefer to get Urn/Medallion prior finishing my boots in some cases. This gives me more survivability as well as the mana regen that BH needs so badly early on.

              7thish minute - I like that you started rotating as soon as you got your boots. You should have however gone through your jungle and high grounds instead of going down close to the rune. If the enemy had any vision there, they'd quickly retreat back. Same for going invis right at the tree line at bottom lane. Next time try to ping your team a few times before initiating on supports that have stun. As you saw, you didn't have the damage to quickly burst Rubick down so he just lift you and threw you away. What a waste of mana + it took you out of any possible team fight :)

              8:50 - You should have instantly killed that Sven and proceed with Veno. Good job on getting him after all.

              11:28 - TACTICAL PAUSE!

              14 minute - I completely disagree with taking Robe of Magic in place of your shield. You're twice as squishy now. I like that you rotate towards the enemy jungle. It's always a place where you can find easy targets.

              15:20 - Bad usage of Shuriken. If it wasn't for the Shadow Demon, Sven would have just TPd out successfully. Bursting down enemy quickly is important but there are some tricky situations in which having invis/crit/shuriken could be viable.

              16 minute Rosh - My first idea would have been to see if Rosh is low and if I could snatch the Aegis. You did okay though.

              17 minute team fight at mid - You could have used shuriken in a few of the situation or at least drop another track.

              19 minute team fight at mid - No point in retreating once Veno drops his ult on you, just hit as much as possible, you'd die anyway imo.

              20 something minute - finish that stick already :D

              Try to scout out for your team. You have invis and I doubt they would have any wards. There's always some risk but if you was in invis behind veno and rubick, you would have been able to burst them down.

              25 minute - Instead of pulling the creep wave away from your mid tower, you went to fight 2 on 1 against the Rubick and the Veno. Your chance when they have almost (or) full hp is close to zero. Another advice would be to use your urn on enemy heroes too, you can imagine how helpful it is for dealing an average amount of dmg or finishing off running enemies.

              27 minute, killing Ursa - Urn, urn, urn! Probably they wouldn't have gotten a double kill if you had used your urn on that annoying bear.

              28 minute fight at your bottom tower - where are you going D: You just wasted 15-20 seconds to go around the tree line instead of going invis and just running straight down the lane. Phew, at least things went better than expected with your successful triple kill. Downside is that your PA got owned and you lost a tower. Plus your Urn already has 10 charges :(

              30 minute - Courageous dive at tower. Didn't really go well :(

              Ouch, they all got dust. You know what AM is saying? Yea, the fun ends here. :( Honestly, not much you can do here. Your PA is underfarmed, Kunkka still doesn't have a lot of outgoing damage and you can't do shit alone. Their Sven is already going for Daedalus (gg wp, one hit rampage), Nyx has almost max level Dagon and Ursa is finishing basher. After your kill on the Rubick there in your jungle, you should have gone into invis immediately, it could have saved your life.

              A bit of bad luck and a bit of not so good team mates. I'm sorry my notes aren't very teaching and helpful.

              Gl hf.


                next time build bkb instead of desolator vs 3 disablers +veno......


                  I saw a few places where you could improve, though I'm not so great of a BH player myself.

                  1) since you built an urn you could use urn charges when killing. helps to get you kills. you had like 9 urn charges at the time i saw.

                  2) BH lacks mana. Drum helps your mana pool but it is quite expensive. Something like a bottle could really help since it can last you until midgame (~20mins)

                  3) hunt those squishy heroes who like to solo farm, farm nc, plant wards etc. If it's easy, keep doing it.

                  4) you could try other skill builds. For instance, you could get 2 levels toss and max jinada first because it gives you stronger killing potential in the lane.

                  Lastly I saw pretty good play in your BH. You didnt dive for kills eg. the veno in early game and you positioned well in teamfights.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    Thanks so much for the comments guys! The only hero I regularly play and get urn on is Wisp, and I only ever use it on myself for that hero, so I tend to forget about it when I've built it on other heroes :p But I'll definitely try to change that! I also have this Normal player mentality that item builds are completely locked, so yeah, in hindsight, Bottle and BKB would have been much better choices. I will definitely try taking this advice in future BH games.