General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the best player to watch and learn from?

Who is the best player to watch and learn from? in General Discussion

    And is it worth to buy ticket?

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    Woof Woof

      the great jacky mao and when it comes to tickets short answer is no


        Just watch Purge, tournament playstyles don't usually apply to pubs anyway.


          I've seen some pubs make better play than tourney players


            If you want to see the best play but a ticket and watch PoV of your favorite player playing your favorite heroes. Of course if you want to see how to pub stomp, pubs are probably better. But the play is not better. Sometimes pub play nears the level of pro play and typically this is in games with pro players. But the best coordination and strategy will be in pro games. In pro games you will see what the heroes really can do, not just what you can do against a team that makes tons of mistakes.

            So, it depends what you want to learn. If there is a particular hero you want to learn I can suggest a player to watch.

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              2009 in

              IT'S A TRAP!

                Purge is ok, he explains things quite clearly. Once you have a better understanding just watch some Twitch streams. I really like aliastar, he's pretty good and has a fun and entertaining play style. His Tinker is super good too.

                d -

                  Just take a look at the best players for your favourite positions. Download replays of them and analyze them. For me it is Dendi, Ferrari_430, Mushi and Chains for his Tinker/ Invoker.

                  Cassandra Aoi

                    If you want knowledge, Purge is the best, if you want to learn how to own mid, go watch dendi stream, his english is good, or if you wan to be good at pub you can just watch top live game and view it from player perspective on the role you want.


                      Purge is ok but not an amazing player. If you're already a fine VH bracket player then it's better to watch pros.


                        If you want to improve, watch EternalEnvy, he plays a lot of unusual strats and abuses a lot of mechanics. He might not be the best player around, but he knows pretty much everything about dota.

                        But if you want specific roles (based on recent results):
                        Best carry to watch: Era from team Fnatic or XBOCT from team Navi (ok, some may not agree with XBOCT, but in the current metagame, XBOCT is simply the best carry around and Era is amazing.)

                        Best solo mid: H4nn1 from team Fnatic or Dendi from team Navi (H4nn1 played extremely well on MLG and Dendi is always Dendi. s4 is good too, but he didn't perform well in MLG)

                        Best offlaner: bone7 from team Speed or iceiceice from team DK (bone7 if you want to improve on early rotation or iceiceice for early agression and lane winning)

                        Best 4 and 5: LaNm + MMY from team DK or Aui_2000 + pieliedie from team Speed (Aui is an amazing jungler and pieliedie is a great support, but the lanm + mmy combo is just 2stronk)


                          id say me but thats my opinion.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Overall n0tail and SingSing are really fun streamers but they don't teach you shit. Synderen actually teaches A LOT of things so watching him actually is pretty good. He is also doing A to Z thing.


                              i second purge, he has good youtubes with good advice etc.


                                dont listen to sam, synderen shouldnt be considered as a player at all. ive never watch his streams but he's not in position to teach others anything

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                                  If you wanna watch and learn check my replays !

                                  5235 MVT.

                                    You. Watch your own replays. Watch yourself from enemy perspective in-game. What did they see that you didn't? What did they buy that eff'd you up? How did the fog of war effect your decisions?


                                      dont do what dendi did in his stream.. he usually play troll build

                                      d -

                                        Just take a look at the dotabuff profiles of your favourite players and download some recent replays and analyze them


                                          Draskyl is extremely knowledgeable and a pretty darn good player. Check him out: