General Discussion



    "push strat? better get that midas"


      anyway ? how can they def a tower ?


        that's not the point. they were flat out out picked and probably outplayed in laning phase.
        my issue lies elsewhere, with people not thinking one single bit about the choices they're about to make.
        midas is evil item, i swear.
        good god...

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          Hand of Midas, so often a "loss secured" choice. So many people seem to think... hmm my cs sucks I know! I'll get Hand of Midas and catch up. They never realize that you are supposed to get it when you are ahead and start with great farm so you can snowball harder and maintain the early lead.

          Hand of Midas delays you first core item by about 2k gold. If you have not lost the game it eventually accelerates your farm... but it will always make your first core item later. If you have to fight mid game HoM will screw you. It has the lowest winrate of all completed items that cost more than 1k gold. The only things that lose more are early game items and partial items, components that show the game was lost to feeds super early.

          Edit: to be sure I checked and I was wrong...Sange is even worse. So HoM is only the 2nd worst completed item in the game.

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            Jungle bounties have been nerfed too so Midas just looks even worse. 1900 gold for +30 attack speed :(

            Just go straight to armlet, Sange, or basically anything?


              Watch the game . i got rekt at bot against sky and lifestealer. They lose 2 at bot and we went straight through bot

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                Dire Wolf

                  Zenoth, that first one, dire has a tinker... how the holy hell did radiant keep pusing? All tinker has to do is march on towers. No defense played?

                  A lot of these don't seem possible against anyone with a brain, seems like the opposing team literally laid down and played no defense against a 5 man push. The 4:55 one has two dire heroes with 0/0/0 and under 200 hero dmg.


                    There's no way someone can win a game under 5 minutes without the enemy team forfeiting


                      I think it might be possible to win in 8 to 10 min. But if the other team is really trying to stop you its nearly impossible to win faster than that because if they do anything at all to pull creeps off the tower it really slows down a 5 man mid push. If you start with a level 1 roshan and get summons heroes like NP, Chen, Enchantress, Enigma, Lycan... max howl. Then it can end very fast. But I don't think 5 min could be done with opposition.

             this game has only enough tower dmg to kill 2 towers
             this game 7 towers could have died, that could be a real push all the way to the throne.

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                        Sano, just please, stop, you don't even know what you're talking about. With that strat together with vaikiss we won like 20 games in a row in one evening(in like 5 hours or so)page 1 where most of the games were between 5-10 mins and only a few of them lasted a little bit longer(up to 40).

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                          Really? So the enemy team resisted? How come PL has 83 hero damage? 1 Spirit Lance would deal more damage than that. Zeus 186 hero damage? That's like one lv2 Bolt. Zeus 6 last hits? Invoker 7 last hits? Can you explain me this strat that makes the other team lose so fast they can't kill 10 creeps even if they try?


                            @ empty lier longest win streak 13 and 5 min win without ff is impossible


                              So yeah, me playing 10 games with a stack, then playing a few games without it and playing with a stack again is totally not the same as playing x games with the stack in a row, definitely. Not to mention that I had a few accounts that I had been switching between during that period of time

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                                It's not impossible if the enemies have picks that cannot defend early or they gamble on catching up farm on other lanes. A level 1 roshan into a straight push is very difficult to stop with most compositions not prepared for it. Usually my stack will take all six outer towers before pushing (or get a second roshan first) but if the opponents are bad enough it would be possible to push one lane straight in and end in five minutes. On average we knock on t3s at around 3 minutes but get chased away and work on taking down the other outer towers.

                                Sorry, I don't remember, that match was a year ago. As you can see, however, the tower damage adds up. Tinker had 4k hero damage which we kept against with WD heal and early mek - might have swapped him out to kill him or something.

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                                  "Hand of Midas, so often a "loss secured" choice. So many people seem to think... hmm my cs sucks I know! I'll get Hand of Midas and catch up. They never realize that you are supposed to get it when you are ahead and start with great farm so you can snowball harder and maintain the early lead.

                                  Hand of Midas delays you first core item by about 2k gold. If you have not lost the game it eventually accelerates your farm... but it will always make your first core item later. If you have to fight mid game HoM will screw you. It has the lowest winrate of all completed items that cost more than 1k gold. The only things that lose more are early game items and partial items, components that show the game was lost to feeds super early."

                                  You don't know what you're talking about and are really not qualified in any way to speak on this matter.


                                    ^he was correct 100%


                                      noob carry cant carry his team

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                                        i was reffering to the winrates differences you nubzoid!