General Discussion

General DiscussionHow often do you have THOSE games?

How often do you have THOSE games? in General Discussion

    OD thought the loss was my fault

    >184 GPM

    ..... Fuck this match making, and fuck you Gabe

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      let me guess, pudge mid, and OD lost the lane?! Pudge can't even hook if you imprison him lol.

      My last game was one of those. PL was actually quite a bit behind, but then someone decided to feed him and it was gg


        OD actually went hard lane with Mirana, Beastmaster mid.

        Yes. Let the stupid sink in. Let it fuel you.

        I'm not good. At all. I never claim to be. But COME ON, Valve. I at least know how the fuck you lane heroes, how to farm, and all the other basic bull shit anyone learns after playing for nearly a year. Why are these inbred retards getting queue'd with me and a friend who (used to, who knows jack shit anymore?) queue in high together?

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          You just don`t need to go midas vs stronger mid game team. Midas is good if mid game is ok. and if you have stronger late. Vs pudge,pugna etc. alot gank and push you can`t go`s a fail.


            Game ended at 31 minute mark. Imagine without midas,with a bit less farming and more fight and one more ll carry this game (Maybe) depends on how your team played also but as I can see game wasnt total stomp so if you played perfect and didn`t go midas I think you could carry this game.

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            Low Expectations

              I think I get about 25% chance of landing a complete retard game. If you soloque (I always soloque nowadays) he RPG(retard/per game) ratio increases due to more slots for random retards. The worst kind are like this OD who feed and then complain that it is not their fault that they have >200GPM.

              My latest full fledged noob game was this with our void. When we were grouping as 4 (buying him time to farm) we were doing great. We were actually winning some 4v5 ganks. Then we realized he had no farm, he starts flaming us etc and lands a chrono where he traps 3 our teammates and 1 enemy. (all 3 died + chrono).

     2 great friends (warlock + undying) decided to screw me over and let me lane alone while they went top. Even though I actually cought up quite well (I had like 20 lasthits after 12 min, died once) they fed as crazy and we lost the game.

              Just get used to the fact that you are going to get some noobs, idiots, russians in your team and accept it. If they are noobs I always think of my first game of dota (back in dota1) where I ended up with 1-27 as Pugna and was happy as phuck because I killed someone.Shit happens

              PS. 437 GPM is bad even if you know how to farm and are behind esp. with midas. Even if you are losing I think you should have at least above 450GPM

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                Sometimes, people who think they are on team with idiots - actually are the idiots on the team.

                It's like, my win rate is shit cause of the russians, brasilians is screwing up every of mine.........

                ...... Doh

                Low Expectations

                  I actually wrote russians as a joke but w/e. The only problem I have with some russians is that they only speak russian and it is impossible to communicate with them.I know that most people have some heros that they suck with as I do the same (for me that Spectre and Invoker). But I hate when those people keep blaming the rest of the team for their loss and only treaten the rest of the team with their reports. I see it as a waste of time because I play Dota to have fun and I dont see it as such

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                  King of Low Prio


                    the pudge I was against was saying how his team is awful and they all feed. Meanwhile he rushes a shadow blade.......


                      Bogi, advice taken. I decided to buy it because my laning stage went great and I had the gold to do so. Next time I will spend more time considering the mid game consequences. Thanks.

                      Woof Woof

                        lock russians and ukrainians away, add brackets for match maker, ... , ...

                        hahah jk just hide player names and disable global/team chat



                          SS killed ET 3 or 4 times in the mid lane. Meanwhile, both of his sidelanes are getting destroyed. He ganks top once and manages to get both Kunkka and Veno dead, even though Sky died in the process. Afterwards, bottom SK keeps getting kills spoonfed by me, but he offers no help whatsoever until he farms his Orchid, which needless to say, helped nothing as he couldn't snowball anymore. Blames team for noobness, even though the team composition of the Radiant is horrible by itself...


                          Oh yeah, this one. The game which started my irrational hate for every single carry enchantress.

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                            one time i played mid and our bot lane was 0-12 in 5 minutes and i got blamed for not ganking at 1st minute