General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit and Ember Spirit debut at sub 40% winrate

Earth Spirit and Ember Spirit debut at sub 40% winrate in General Discussion

    1- i have more than 10 games with ember
    2- u go vanguard every single game with him ure obvsly braindead
    3- i never "fed hard" with ember, only 3 losses and only once i died more than 3 times

    1v1 me nab


      review my ember history....u guys arent realizing that ur not playing him rite...


        nice stats, your item build looks like it comes straight out of diretide wtf.

        seems like your opponents are all fairly competent players... interesting.

        Quick maffs

          Ember is the most piece of shit hero i have ever seem in my life.

          Flame guard and his Q do a good amount of damage early game but scales like SHIT. So if you have to kill someone with only those 2 skills in mid game you are fucked.

          He cant snowball that easily because you need some time to kill someone ( in other words you need flame guard ) and you fucking need to chase and scape too and you need mana and hp and armor and damage and you have none of this.

          Plus he dies in 1 fucking second from; silence, autoatack, stuns, more autoatacks, nukes, and more autoatacks. His armor is shit.

          If you build him late game you are using 2 of 4 skills that he has to carry, flame guard and his Q do nothing late game so you need to spam W. If you dont build bkb after one round of W you will get stunned and die. If you build bkb you will have no damage and you will die from 3 or 4 autoatacks from any carry ( sven can 2 shot this guy ), so you need a asault cuiriass too.

          They need to buff his hp or armor, this hero is a joke.

          Before someone tell me how they pub stomp with him: if you get 3 fucking deadalus and desolator you will pubstomp with ANY hero.


            lmao i really hope they buff this hero LOOOOOL

            Quick maffs

              I am starting to think that even CM is more durable than ember.

              MK you just buy damage items and pubstomp, you could do that with almost any hero.

              In any serious match in the second you get stunned you would die.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                He has 4 skills with survivability aspects. If you're in a position to get hit by Sven with multiple auto-attacks, something else went wrong.

                Quick maffs

                  Multiples ? with ember armor probably 2 is enough.

                  There is no way to win against good oponnents without survivability items and just damage, one silence or stun or even some hits of a range carry and you are fucked.

                  Well you can try to kit the enemy and use one skill every 5 second. Great hero who use one skill every 5 second and try to stay alive while its on cooldown.

                  Personally i think earth spirit is way better .....


                    2 is multiple.

                    The only way you get attacked is if you decide to be in autoattack range, which shouldn't ever happen.

                    Earth Spirit has nothing to do with Ember Spirit.

                    Quick maffs

                      They are spirit bros what are you talking about dude.

                      I just dont think he is a good late game carry and at the same time i dont think he does any kind of damage mid game.

                      Well if you farm enough to get 2 battefuries and a fucking deadalus you can easily win, but you will always win hard with that amout of farm on any carry.


                        i agree, plz buff ember

                        Quick maffs

                          lol dont get me wrong, i am just saying my opinion about this hero.

                          Personally i dont give a fuck if they buff or nerf or delete this hero from dota.


                            That's a lot of responses from someone who doesn't give a fuck.


                              ember is ultra fine mana costs 2 big tho but would be op with lower ones


                                No love for Earth Spirit here :C

                                Quick maffs

                                  ^Jerax is really good on him.


                                    He has an AOE 5 second silence, 2 second stun, a slow, escape, initiation, DoT, a ton of utility, can play any role, any lane, and jungle radiant side. what a hero


                                      A good buff for ember would be to give him another spirit to play around with, or reduce his cd for creating one. Otherwise he is an alright hero. Earth needs a nerf, his supporting powers are too Overpowered.


                                        i really hope they can buff ember so i can increase my winrate with this hero >:[


                                          nobody cares about your trash tier games dont you get it

                                          Quick maffs

                                            How it comes no one ever gets a fucking orchid against you MK ? Your non bkb build must be really good against hex and orchid heh ...

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              ^ because people in the shit tier have no idea how to deal with the new heroes



                                                it doesnt matter what they get against me, i can deal with 3 hexes no problem late game

                                                the hardest thing with this hero is positioning late game, as long as you postion yourself good in a team fight where they can't focs you down, your 6s omni slash will demolish anyone

                                                ember is a hero that charges in early game and rapes, however from mid-late game, you should almost never ever charge in to initiate with this hero, but most people dont realize that so they just go in and die with mad farm and blames on "low armor" and "low agil growth" and no "escape mekas", where in reality ember late game is one of the hardest heros to kill if you know how to play the hero

                                                this hero right now is imbalanced imo, but many thinks the hero itself needs a buff, which is not bad at all LOOL


                                                  Earth Spirit can carry hard and with win rate least 70% given a no feeder game!

                                                  Getting a double kill shouldn't be a problem!

                                                  Lastly, being able to combo his skills properly can still have a great effect on late game team fight even don't have a single item!

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                                                  N0tail is a flower

                                                    I'm not an expert, but I just want to put my two cents in and say getting a bloodstone is core on any of the 3 spirits, ember included. Their damage, survivability, mobility, and everything else all relies on their mana, it's just how they function as heroes.

                                                    Edit: And back to OP's question: I think they'll slowly rise a bit but still stay in the low 40%.

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                                                    三 Ð 三

                                                      All of you, never play ember again. And M_K_1001, pls go fifa.