General Discussion

General DiscussionBeen matched with total idiots the past few days.

Been matched with total idiots the past few days. in General Discussion

    They lose every lane, even the games where we somehow won... what have I done wrong?


      You play AP solo queue, that = stress
      Play AR, or find some friends to make a stack


        Don't have friends who play dota well :(

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          Try different mode, AP is shit

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            I'll try playing AR today

            Woof Woof

              well your first mistake was installing dota 2
              i quit playing this garbage game 6 days ago and quality of my sleep and overall happines in life went up by good 50%
              #go back to dota 1
              as long as they keep that retarded cocksucker as mm dev nothing is going to change for better in dotard 2

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              Woof Woof

                check gem below from devs forum ;d

                "Reporter: Sir Dev, Are you guys working on improving the matchmaking?
                DotA 2 Dev: Matchmaking? what is that?
                Reporter: Yeah...well I mean...The thing that decides what player will play with what other know?...the thing that decides the compositions of the teams for the matches
                DotA 2 Dev:: Oh you mean the team randomization? Our matches are done 100% randomly, the best player online can end up teamed up with the worst player in the same game because we have no brackets, the rest is just semibalancing trying to put some decent players in both teams and some crappy ones too (To balance things out) "


                  ^ same as Dota1 ?


                    Sarcasm, meet EMERIKA, EMERIKA, this is sarcasm. Enjoy yourselves together but nothing saucy ok? Good.

                    Woof Woof



                        Lol AR is just as russian dominated.



                          Look at this Luna I got matched with the other day. I was blunkin (blink/dunking) like a pro and this guy gets 1 point in lucent beam and rushes refresher orb.

                          Didn't get mad but the guy just didn't understand what he was doing and wouldn't take advice from the rest of the team. The perils of solo queue.

                          Vanity  ツ

                            Random draft is the best game mode to solo queue in ;)

                              Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                AR is nightmare, trust me. You will meet people who cant play skeletor king, weaver or other no brainer hero. not to mention those laning chens and enchantresses, who posses 0 creeps per game. At least in ap that mid pudge can play it so some degree, in ar its a gamble who has less retarded players


                                  whoever qqs about the mms is retarded, no matter how good you are you aren't going to win all your games its literally impossible. dota is a team game first off and second asking for teammates to not feed is like asking to have pro mba players to play vs middle school kids. it is impossible to have a perfectly balanced game every game so instead the game challenges your skill lvl with ppl who areconsidered to be better and worst than you to see how much of a game impact you have each time around. and there is a much larger base of ppl you could be matched with so again how can an algorithm determine how fair a game is going to be just based off a bunch of #'s? human factor still comes into play even in the pro scene. so quit your bitching about getting idiot teammates and saying valve has a ship mms because that really isn't the case here


                                    Well I believe in most cases the match outcomes are somewhat predetermined. I always check peoples match history on the teams and after I have a win spree, they (on my team) tend to have fed their previous matches pretty bad (and vice versa). This isn't always the case though, just an observation.


                                      "If your teammates are idiots, your opponents are probably idiots too"
                                      Think that's my favorite line when discussing MM ;p


                                        Played a game yesterday where we had a cliff jungling NP, so our Timbersaw started flaming and saying "retarded ass low bracket fucking noob team" on mic. Then he built Vanguard.


                                          Don't question him. It's new meta. You wouldn't understand.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            Hey ! I actually like vanguard on bristleback and axe, dont take about vanguard that way !

                                            Personally i think is way easier to win by yourself on AR than AP.