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General DiscussionLF Invoker advice pt2.

LF Invoker advice pt2. in General Discussion
positive influence

    ok,so a while ago I asked you guys to do some commentary/give me some advice on my invoker plays,I've been studying my mistakes and gameplay ever since then,and I feel I improved a bit.
    If we could do that again it would be awesome,those advices helped a ton.
    last 2 matches with invoker:

    and here's a lost match(the only one in a while XD):

    it's all pick,normal tier,nothing fancy,i consider myself the average invoker player :-? :) mostly duo with one of my friends (Trouble) in some of the matches we pull off some crazy shit ! :D

    Ten temat był edytowany

      5:15 you gave away first blood to a tri-lane. idk how mirana missed that arrow but it still would not have saved you. be more aware of who you are ganking and i would have had a forged spirit about 700 units in front of me to go up hills. that way you get a slight early harass and maybe be able to setup a better arrow.
      5:45 if you ran into that tree line and he walked a tick more forward, you would have had him trapped. instead, you snap him, the creeps block the spot, you blow your ss load as usual(dude save its invokers ultimate and using it and not getting a kill is a waste and you should be disgraced. you blow your load like a virgin too often. and again, ss then cold snap to ensure he is gonna get hit. the stun it not long enough to start off with.)
      8:19 there is no one around. don't miss the last hit on the tower.
      11:09 better stutter stepping and using phase boots eariler would have secured that without you having to run out into the open like that. whole team was uncoordinated. enigma tried to ult with ward right there.
      14:16 you did what you could. again, blew your sunstrike. should have focused pugna after that as he had half the health ns did and saving that ss would have ensure a quick kill
      15:22 theres a point when you just need to go heal and not fuck around when there is a nether ward there. your entire team does not understand that ward. they melt to it.
      16:30 i think you could have snapped dazzle to secure that kill
      17:00 haste rune to go pick up staff. not worth it. you wasted a lot of time and had mana to go farm. at least blow your spells and camps before you go back. it was a wasted haste.
      19:19 finally have the euls up. midas set you back by about 8 minutes from getting the eul's. eul's is great to assist in heavy nuking but you have to realise here that midas does get you extra xp and gold, it prevents you from being an early threat. not being able to gank effectivly until 19 minutes in will not help you. the eul's combo is also veery situational. that combo can only wipe out two of your opponents. if pugna drops a ward, your combo is fucked. you really should be going a q+e build focused on forged spirits. that will help rid wards, drops ns and urza armor which will increase your dps as well as team mates. now had you gotten euls ~12 min you may have gotten a few extra kills. im not saying midas is bad or euls, im just saying they are very situational. when i run midas on invoker, you need to be doing well. a couple ss kills early game and i will get one but not past 8 minutes. you needs items at that point.
      20:06 afk? not the first time i've seen you do this
      26:xx so i don't understand how you are using def blast. you spam it randomly with cold snap but it's pushing your enemies away and often followed up with noting. waste of mana imo. you have euls. you need ss + metor qued at almost all times
      29:00 you freaked out and eul's yourself during nig ult. tisk tisk.
      29:13 then die. you pop phase and run through creeps and you would hae been fine. tisk tisk.
      33:xx yall run in middle you almost die to pug ult you run back with forge spirits. idk they came with you. you already got hit by pug ward once then you blink in only to get hit again and die. when you retreat, you should be using your spirits to bring enemy armor down. send hero home, micro spirits, get ready to que sunstrike.
      37:xx yall team fight blah blah. you always seem to be just a little too far out when enigma ults. you need to leer closer. also, if slot one is on cd and slot two is not, invoke a new spell. you only had metor to throw out and that would have been nice to drop something else as well. there was some space in there where you could have invoked a new spell and when you finally did you got alacrity. not the right time for that. spirits would have been great and may have even secured a kill on lina and or dazzle.
      38:49 when you revive, you throw a tornado that hits noting followed by a metored that is delayed and off as well. you should have helped gyrocopter survive.

      at this point im done. this game cannot be revived. i must say, you have gotten a lot better. your early game looks way better. i took a look at the different builds you have been trying and they look good. refresher is great for massive damage and it's good you are using the blink to escape. if you have at least four levels in quas, throw ice wall into one of your combos. it's slow is very nice and the damage is great with exort. you have improven a lot and just keep watching you own replays. stop blowing your sunstrike load so often. support more with obs wards ( think of every ward you buy as saving three lives and getting one extra kill. it works out about that way.) make sure you are comboing. random def blast or tornado are just a waste of your cd and mana. practice mode, -wtf, -lvlup 25, create an enemy team you can control. level them up. skill all stats. groupd them, then practice combos on them. it's good to get a feel of how much damage they are actually doing. nado, ice wall, metor, blast is what you need to be able to land everytime. -refresh to refill eneemy life. get a veil of discord and see how much extra damage you do. good luck

      positive influence

        you are a fuckin' treasure ! <3 any chance you'd check out the other games?whenever you feel like it,no pressure,nothing.your detailed analysis is just awesome !


          I am also looking for advice, was ignored the last time.

          positive influence

            lookin' through your bulids,always RUSH midas,take it no matter what,experiment with it.
            you won't be dissapointed,I promise !


              I will try it a few more times but again I dont dislike it. I just think it should be gotten maybe 10% of the time because you need ganking ability and midas invoker = +20min ganks so if you get destroyed early game you might not have a chance out. remember, it adds about an 8 min window to your build


                I usually start ganking immediately after getting the midas which is often at 8 minutes.


                  check out this game. . it is 38 min long but you can watch it 4x or what ever. i go 8-0-8 so it's a good match to see how to not die. there are some good plays so check it out. i just played it after reading this because i was going to build midas but then saw i had blink money and bought it instead. i immediately blink metor + snap sf and kill him again. it's important to keep someone like him underfarmed

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    I go 7-1-7 in this one. Close haha


                    positive influence

                      i always get it around min 6,sometimes 5:40-50 sometimes 6:10-20,boots at like 7:30 . but i don't really gank


                        top tier bracket: get midas on invoker at min 8-9, lose the game for your teammates in 80% of the cases/win the game that has already been won in 20% of the cases with your safe-lane carry having more teamfight contribution than the solo mid invoker.

                        positive influence

                          you must miss every 2nd lasthit,and die once to get midas at min 9 ofc.if you get it,and the game lasts long enough,considering the fact you have basic invoker skills,you can fuck things up for the enemy team,and carry the other 4 retards.played him in vh tier,on my other account,that's how it was