General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy stats/e-penis will make doto more fun to play.

Why stats/e-penis will make doto more fun to play. in General Discussion

    Scenario 1: No statistics;

    Potentially 5 narcissistic players who think they're the best and thus boss. Extremely high frequency of infighting, 5 core heroes, refusal to accept advice or admit mistakes. The person who flash picks carry usually feeds 1-10 by 20 minutes.

    Scenario 2: With e-penis;

    Potentially 1 narcissistic player who has the best stats and thinks he's the best and thus the boss. Lower frequency of infighting, core heroes probably goes to competent players as statistics show. Players will feel more obliged to listen to his suggestions/decisions.


      Honestly the people that are against showing ratings fall in to two categories typically: they have a low rating or they honestly believe something is wrong with the system(whether there is or not).


        The flash carry picker is you?


          Yup. Thats why we need statistics so others will automatically be wary of me. So when I team up with stack of 4 decent players, they'll know better than to support me in a trilane.

          Otherwise I'd ruin too many games.

          EDIT: You're the kind of narcissistic asshole that I'd love to have in my matches. Just look at that great KDA and winrate which is probably the result of stat whoring by stacking. The picture perfect example of what I wanted to describe. We need guys like you to lead games.

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            I hate to say this, but LoL's Normal and Ranked system seems to be better; that way people who play the game just for fun and don't want to take it seriously (which I think is perfectly legitimate) can play without fear of their MMR going down, whilst people who want to be competitive can have their rating. I think having a public skill rating for everyone would scare too many new players away, and at the end of the day, Valve wants to make more money (which again, is perfectly legitimate), not just keep existing players happy.


              Yeah, I love LoL's way of matchmaking.

              Keep the casuals happy yet provide a setting where players can play more seriously. A ladder or rating system would encourage more players to play competitively which should thus benefit dota 2.

              King of Low Prio

                stats do not make you a good player


                  They provide you a gauge.

                  Say I roll a dice. Everytime it rolls a six, it shoes the exception where a player with worst stats is better. How many times am I going to roll that six in a row?

                  What I want more than anything is a rating system that awards WINNING. This encourages ALL players in a team to strive for victory.


                    stats doesn't make you a good player but give you a motivation to play more and improve yourself w/o stats you will have no idea if you improving or staying at the same level therefore your desire to play will be weaker after all it is in our nature compete with each other
                    ps sorry for bad english

                    King of Low Prio

                      @snowman your 'reward' is that nice big VICTORY sign at the end of your game. I am curious what your magic number is for what is a acceptable % range in which someone should be able to 'run the show'. Should the player be 1% higher?10%20% because it goes both ways.


                        The rating system awards winning. If you play well and win enough you will face better opponents.

                        >they honestly believe something is wrong with the system(whether there is or not).

                        Even Valve admits they are not happy with the system.

                        Woof Woof

                          valve pls start oppressing those showing off cocksuckers in brand new cars, new clothes, big houses and model looking like gfs
                          i feel bad every fuckin time i end up outside of my room
                          none should be better than i am

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          BIG FAT DUCK

                            I'd love to play in those tryhard stacks.

                            When can I get one


                              @Fractal: Message this guy

                              King of Low Prio

                                ^also playing like that is promoted by your theory


                                  i would rather play with a pubstomper furion than with a "play for fun" noob that will leave in second minute

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    that isnt a 'pubstomper furion' that is a person exploiting MM so he can have high stats


                                      How is he exploiting it? The MM is made for exploiting. Full stacks of russian degenerates, people that "play for fun" and the fucking system matches you with them, russians with 30% wins so you get to 50%? So you lose your nerves because of their shitty play? JUST FOR 50%? CUZ BALANCE? Fuck balance, match noobs with noobs, better players with better players, pros with pros. That's why there should be a ladder, not this shit, whatever it is.


                                        @[FF]Sampson: As long as they are not cheating or gaming the system somehow then I do not have a problem with what ever they are doing.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          They are though, they are forming their stacks in a way that they stay fighting completely new players. They just replace accounts in their stacks so they stay at the bottom. This may not hurt me specifically but it turns off new players to the game because they will be stuck fighting people who should not be there.


                                            How will they be turned off? They are new, they should play with bots or accept their failing.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              If NaVi formed a stack that they swapped accounts in and out so they stayed in the normal bracket would it be fair to the normal bracket players? High? Should you be stuck playing with bots until you can beat NaVi?


                                                Why would they want to be in the normal brackets? That's my point, the system is fucking shit and people that defend it are complete iditos. Especially the people that don't want ladders/stats

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  The system isnt that bad, if someone is cheating it is not the systems fault it is the cheaters fault


                                                    What I meant be rating awarding wins, I meant a visible rating.

                                                    HoN has MMR.
                                                    LoL has ELO.

                                                    You get the picture, people are motivated with visual indications. By the way MM stinks, Valve admits it themselves. However that is irrelevant to these thread which requests for stats.


                                                      No, it is not irrelevant. That is what you fail to see.


                                                        I made a MM-bashing thread elsewhere, this thread is about opening statistics out to public. What does that have to do with MM?


                                                          no one care about stats
                                                          signature: former dotabuff #1


                                                            I like playing with people that dont mind losing against better opponents/lineups, this way I dont have to feel bad after every lose, because it happenes, its fine, we win some, we lose some.

                                                            BUT... I hate playing with "playing-for-fun" people, who start with boots and say "why buy wards? its just pub, its for fun" and stuff like that. Then, they rage about everyone else being a sh!t, when we lose...

                                                            Ive played some games with Havoc Badger and his stack, loved them. He always has some constructive criticism for the team but still not raging too much and I believe everything he says, couse I know he's waaay better/more experienced player than me.

                                                            I have another friend, who has slightly more games played, and believe he's better than me, because he started playing a year before me, still, he's stupid and has no actual idea about this game, everything he does is wrong, and still calls me a noob every single time he founds an opportunity. I dont mean in-game when we lose, not that he's saying it was my fault, but whenever I give advice Ive read somewhere else, from a top-rated guide (for pubs!!!), and seems fair, he is offended.

                                                            What I mean is, from stats now visible, you can't actually decide who's better, if they aren't too far from each other, so all will believe they know better and do their own stuff and lose.

                                                            I dont mind losing 50% of my games, but I hate loosing against weaker lineups/opponents couse someone cant listen. Its okey to fail once. Its okey to fail twice. Its still okey to fail several times, noone's perfect but people has to accept advise from better players and at least TRY.

                                                            [A ladder would def help to see where you are. All my friends see me as a noob, even the ones way worse, just because they started playing earlier. I watched lots (i mean, REALLY tons) of guides and know a lot of things. Im not enough experienced to do them perfectly, but at least I have a clue, not like many of my friends. And when they pick a 3rd invis hero and a 4th starts building a shadow blade, they still think we didn't lose couse bad lineup, it was someone else's fault... When I have better stat as support than our mid, and not because kill stealing, I mean, its like 4-6-x and he has 3-8-y and x>y, and he played a ganker like pudge or qop, and its like that almost every game, still he calls me a noob, and he's def right couse he started playing earlier and has more games!!! And its not only one player... I know Im not good, so I try to learn and ask better people. Still, most of my friends are better, but I hate that I cant show noobs that right now, they are the noobs, and they can stop harassing me on TS when they screw up... ]

                                                            It would be even more important in solo-queue, when you have to pick a leader. Leaders win games in my opinion. Ive played several games where we were faaaar behind, like 20-4 in kills and lost more towers, etc, but someone took the lead and started telling others what to do, and as most important, stated that we STILL CAN WIN, and told everyone its okey, we are doing fine, okey-okey, we had some mistakes, but its because their lineup, we have better late-game, we just must not give up. And we won. Ive seen it happen in solo-queue. If that guy wouldnt start talking like this, we would go afk in fountain and let them finish.

                                                            Most pub games dont have a leader, because you cant know who should be that. You start to figure out at 10-20 mins, but usually that's too late.

                                                            I would love some rating. Also, nice to see if I improve.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              If MM is working correctly you should be matched with players with similar skill. Your only reason you want rating visible is so you can tell your friends "I am better than you nananananana". People are not going to go into a game wanting to play someone like pudge and then because you are X rating higher than them(you still will be fairly close) say "yea you are right I will support you and play a hero I do not like."


                                                                Im not sure who said anything like that in this thread. In my understanding its more about strategy-wise, so if someone has a little better rating, and it can be couse of a 2stack with a better player, that happens a lot... Says that okey push now, or everyone tp to bot and def, or let them get tower and trade, or after pick, hey lina you should go support build couse noone else can, then you should listen to him. Or just pls someone build x item, and leader can say not just someone, but can point out who is the one that should. Not that you have to pick something you hate.

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                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  Just because you are higher rating does not mean you make smart choices in pubs (Singsing for example) and some people although really good players are quite misinformed on some things. Its like if everyone followed Ex-EG Demon's(NaVi) plans the matches would be 30-0 or 0-30 in like 5mins


                                                                    it does sampson
                                                                    if u played in dotalicious then you would know cause the system was like that over there and IT WORKED

                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                      Benao are welfare rates any good in norway?