General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich is the best region?

Which is the best region? in General Discussion

    I play mostly in the south east asian prob is dat i get kids the age of 13-14 most of the tyms and they knw shit abt are europe and us regions better den asian regions? Wats ur opinion?


      V-GOD! Here we go.


        I am no real v-god lets just say..m a huge fan of vigoss!


          All regions are good. It's depends only on your hidden ELO-rating.


            The real V-GOD is Vroksnak I thought everybody knew that.


              EUwest is by far the highest MMR scores. USeast is 2nd but far behind EUwest. SEA and China are approximately tied for 3rd again far behind USeast. USwest and EUeast are similar far behind that as well. All other servers are so much weaker they rarely have even 1 game on page 1 or page 2 of live games.

              This pattern happen mostly because of who can play on which servers with good pings. Everyone from North and South American, All of Europe, and Russia can all play the best teams in the west all compete there. USeast gets some of the same results so it is 2nd. China and SEA cannot take points from the western teams because the pings are too high, but they share the points from the whole of the eastern pool...but its a smaller group of players so there are fewer points to take.

              You have to speculate whether the points from the western servers are worth the same as the points from the eastern servers. But pub stacks on EUwest are nearly always rated higher than any stack from China or SEA unless a full eastern pro team is playing. Western pro stacks also have much higher MMRs than Eastern pro stacks for the same reasons.


                Ok thx dude! after a couple of games i shall let u knw abt my experience! thx for ur help




                    VROKSNAK ROFL, what the actual fuck!?


                      Ok so i played 20 odd games in the european west region and to b frank i loved it..people here r so warm and really good has been a welcome chg from my previous server...thx a lot for ur suggestion :)


                        what kind of unorthodox internet do you have that allows you to play any server you want without lagging? TEACH ME MASTER


                          I want to know too 绝无神


                            I think the level of eu west is pretty much higher than SEA. It seems that trilane is common on high lvl pub, but on SEA it's pretty much nonexistant unless they are tryhard stack.


                              If you want to see the test I did on this...


                                See dude it does lag a bit..but when u hve good players in ur team dat hardly matters..bcoz ur focus is so much on the game..u hardly realize dat ur game is lagging haha..anywayz tday i think i had a few russian players..boy r they guy just ragequit bcoz i told him to gank nt farm...he was witch doctor! ROFL

                                Von Darkmoor

                                  Good players+Eu West = Joke.

                                  Tons of flaming and talking like their playing in Navi but actual plays represent Dagon+TB level = Eu West.

                                  Captain mode is a lot better than the normal but thats true for all the servers.


                                    Seriously dude if u meant dagon + eb level of game play den u r right coz i had a riki in my team who went for tht same built! its so irritating and if we had lost tht game m sure i would hve reported him...its a fun game but ppl try to many crazy stuff...


                                      @Facka uoooooo: You are actually wrong. EU West -ap is the region + mode with the highest skill level and rating by far.


                                        Agreed! U ll find ppl with good gaming sense! better den s east a mile...ppl in s e asia cm from they allways lag and make u lose the game :(


                                          One bad thg abt e west is dat ppl give up no matter what..i played a sniper game where my team mate just quit coz mirana was feeding...whats with the attitude?? pls chg it....we won dat game!


                                            -shrugs- depends on the level you're playing. Last patch on SEA every game was a trilane whether I solo queue pub or stack. The average level of play I see in pubs are bordering on competitive. Due to the lack of opportunities for MMR to equalise between east and west regions the higher amount of page one games in the latter may simply be due to more games there.


                                              Eu west is shit
                                              Shitload of russians being russian and feeding 24/7
                                              Try USservers if you dont get stuck with peruvian or argentinians youre good


                                                Seriously i gotta agree with u ! today i had a game in which a russian pudge wanted to go 10 metres next to a hero just to hook! he din even fresh meat him! jeez wat a jerk...

                                                SMELLY APE

                                                  i played on all servers, eu west is definitely the best, almost no flaming at all and all players know their job (support wont fight for cs, smoke gank mid, carry can get 12 min bkb etc etc etc)


                                                    Yes 90% of the tym i found ppl knw what their role is!


                                                      Unless you're playing on first few pages, the server is irrelevant. Play on server where you have best ping or most people talking your language. Trilanes are not an indicator of skill.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      Vanity  ツ

                                                        US east is full of narcissistic douchebags that thinks they are a lot more skilled than everyone else. There is a fair chance of meeting russians on eu west, but most of them aren't as bad as most people claims compared to the ammount of retards playing on us east

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          Wherever you live .. is best reigon . Unless you live in south america and speak russian.


                                                            EU W is like 70% Russians, not even kidding. No way to play on an English speaking server if you're from EU, Russians are everywhere.


                                                              Again dumb people do exist on EU West! But 90% of the players r decent players!


                                                                Damn shit i hate this russians!! Why do they join in when i put english as my preference? Duh..The language they use!! No game sense at all..Very rude behaviour!! Constant chatting!! Cyka Cyka Cyka....Grrr


                                                                  Does the server matter? If you have say 1500 MMR rating in SEA, you'll still have that same MMR in EU West or Russia, and be matched with players around the same MMR rating. I doubt just playing on another server would result in better teammates or opponents.

                                                                  not today

                                                                    Europe east players sucks

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!