General Discussion

General DiscussionUS East team looking for a teammate to play offlane

US East team looking for a teammate to play offlane in General Discussion
Big Bongo Chongo

    1. English as First Language
    2. Flexible, Reliable Schedule
    3. Experience with offlane heroes
    4. Desire to get better and participate in tournaments
    5. Friendly, cooperative attitude

    PM me if interested

    Pandamonium(You Died)

      >1. English as First Language
      Well I guess too bad!
      Requirements too strict.


        i from russia but have very good english can play offline heroes, riki bloodseeker ... add me

        Pandamonium(You Died)

          dude ur english not first language
          read #1

          King of Low Prio

            ^do u even english?


              I play offlane quite a bit when I stack with my friends. Most experienced with Bounty Hunter and Weaver, but I can play others. And I meet all of your requirements :D

              King of Low Prio

                Melody-San 45 37.78%

                not surprising


                  mi offlein veri gut fantom lancier, fantom asasin and mani fantoms in general.