General Discussion

General Discussiondodging spells

dodging spells in General Discussion

    ive just read the new incoming patch and noticed the word 'dodging' alot
    do they mean dodging by blinking away and force staffing away or?... slightly confused
    help me out =D


      blinking ofc.
      forcing only pushes your hero away while blink does takes you to an another dimension


        Blinking "disconnects" your hero from projectiles, making them land where you were before the blink, and they will do nothing to you. Projectiles will still chase you if you Force Staff, but if you use Blink Dagger, TP Scroll, IO/Chen TP, or a Blink ability, you will disconnect from the projectile and it will miss (Towers, ranged attacks, etc are projectiles). What used to be undodgeable, like Sven's stun (Even if you blinked, it would chase you), is now dodgeable.


          >Game is hard.


            as well as alchemist or LD transformation spells dodge stuff.


     more global single target spells? :(