General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfs.

Smurfs. in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    So .... why do people create new acounts just to get 100 % winrate with friends ? I mean isnt that like really lame ? and WHY ?

    Stomping low lvl pubs only to get 100 % winrate ... the bad part is when the new players get stomped really hard (0-30 for example ) and will probably just quit dota. Isnt that like really prejudicial for dota comunity ?

    The thing is a lot of people do this ...... a LOT .... only for stats on your dotabuff profile ?

    And believe me if you never played a moba and you get stomped this hard on your first match ... is frustrating.

    I understand if you create a new acount to play with a friend that is new to dota. Or if you lost your acount or something ..... for example. for example.

    I am just saying this because i was trying to play with a friend that was new to the game and we found this ..... but well the next time i guess i will just pick wisp first and see how they leave i guess.

    Ples Mercy

      Well some people need to show off their e-peen with winrate.


        No, the stomped ones are not that "new" player you think they are. :D
        And trust me many of them are smurfs too !

        Retard Security Detail

          "So .... why do people create new acounts just to get 100 % winrate with friends ?"

          Q: why do people create new acounts

          A: to get 100 % winrate with friends

          "Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?" -Ripley


            Actually not for 100 winrates...
            I can assure you new account get better quality games. You win a few game with big kda you are matched with some good players for 1 or 2 games, totally worth the catch.

            You play your normal account you are stuck with morons lol


              @silence: He was saying that he believed going for 100% winrate is 'really lame', not asking why people make smurfs. In fact, he goes on to detail why he believes that. I don't think it should be his IQ you're questioning.


                ^ 3 games with Furion 21.50 KDA
                Yeah I'm sure the games are of high quality

                Quick maffs

                  ^I am pretty sure that some acounts get stuck on low level pubs ..... probably some people know how to not go up in the matchmaking.

                  @SilenceWillFall[Mute] the thing is that is so ridiculous that i refuse to accept this ... i know why they do it ... its just that i dont understand.

                  A: to get 100 % winrate with friends
                  This is not really a answer .... why they need a 100 % winrate with friends ?

                  "No, the stomped ones are not that "new" player you think they are. :D
                  And trust me many of them are smurfs too !"

                  Even if 3 of 5 of the enemy team are smurfs, 2 of them are still new players.

                  Woof Woof

                    creating new account is legit way to surpass stagnant rating on your main account(i assume most people that do it played alone a lot) 2 get better games

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                    Woof Woof

                      especially with valves mm where rating differences between teammates reach 1k rating if u try to move your dead rating by going +2mmr / -2mmr per game it will take u a shitload of time and effort if u dont stack on regular basis

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        I just want to make biggest winstreak as long as possible.
                        Don't hate us. I also have main account ( just ignore people like me and be patient.


                          Smurfing to stomp is a dick move.

                          Creating a brand new account with to get good stats is not.

                          The anti-smurf bumps you up very fast especially when you stack so I don't think its a problem of noobs being the reason why you would be able to get a 100% win rate. You get higher quality games and you get to actually see statistics of doing well for motivation, I guess?

                          Eh but lets face reality, if you hate losing to smurfs, then get better. You can't stop people from doing it and neither can Valve. (LoL wins in this respect I guess thanks to levels/runes). Use it as a chance to see how you fair against a more skilled player.

                          Quick maffs

                            ^Dont get me wrong, i dont mind playing against a 5 man stack when i am playing with my friend, i am just thinking about the actual new players and how this unbalance ( more if posible ) the matchmaking.

                            I have seen how more than 7 person stop playing dota because they actually play agaisnt smurfs in they first game .... and even if they keep playing they will still find smurfs on they 3 or 4 game.

                            I am not sure but i think there is some bug on limited hero pool so you can keep playing against noobs.

                            Its really not something personal .... i just like to things to be fair for everyone.

                            This is normal on online games but still ....

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Btw, again about the "high quality games"

                              Why all of your games have around 8 anonymous players and 2 players with shared match history? The highest quality players don't want to share their stats?


                                @Dorkly, there isn't really a countermeasure for it. Theres already an anti-smurf but yeah, volvo can't detect people who really just want to play against noobs.

                                @longname, does my account look like a smurf in any way? Yeah, didn't think so. Thank you for sarcasm and implying I'm not a good player.


                                  Where did you read I was talking about you
                                  I'm talking about the chinese guy up there


                                    Because whatever you said applied to me :|

                                    Sorry for misinterpretation.

                                    Woof Woof

                                      from my experience smurf detection bumps rating hard only if u dont die in first games at all and get all those ramapges etc kinda like it was in hon where u had to get annihilation or rampage ? or some other huge kill streak without dieing 2 gain+shitload of mmr but if u failed to achieve that you can say bb to boosting your rating fast and u had 2 go norm slow shitroad

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        "And believe me if you never played a moba and you get stomped this hard on your first match ... is frustrating."
                                        Sure, when i am new to a game, i expect to be the one that stomps....sounds very logical.

                                        There are hundreds of annoying things about MM. But this clearly does not belong to it.

                                        Accept that you will be stomped in 5% of your games, due to smurfs.
                                        Or play Solo Queue.

                                        Noone needs a 100% winrate, its a side effect of the main goal, OWNING PUBS.


                                          MM should let lol players pick their skill level in the beginning :D


                                            MM is good... it can be frustrating, but if people could play in higher / lower brackets than they are designed too, one-sided games would be much more common.

                                            For example: I just played with 4 friends who don't play nearly as well as me (they are normal pool), so MM put us in normal pool
                                            This is what happened , and I didn't even play seriously, went Dagon 5 instead of Sheepstick and kept killing myself at the enemy base due to overagression.
                                            It's just not fair.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              "And believe me if you never played a moba and you get stomped this hard on your first match ... is frustrating."

                                              ??? do you read ???

                                              One thing is losing .... another thing totally diferent is dying 35 times. I dont lie when i say that a lot of people stopped playing dota because of a really hard stomp on a first game that would not happen against players of they same skill level instead of smurfs.

                                              "Accept that you will be stomped in 5% of your games, due to smurfs."

                                              This is not about me. Its about people who finds smurfs on they 3 first game gets stomped really hard and stop playing dota because they will clearly think that the game is unbalanced and that they will keep finding smurfs.

                                              "Noone needs a 100% winrate, its a side effect of the main goal, OWNING PUBS."

                                              Why would be fun to win against people worst than you ? Something about self-esteem i guess ....

                                              I am just saying that they should try to make a better smurf detection

                                              ^Tinker is so much fun <3 .


                                                Guess I got lucky when I first started playing Dota 2 almost an year ago. I have always been queued with newbies like me and kind of never really experienced a pub stomp until later in the game. Plus I started with Drow Ranger so most of the time I was the one stomping.


                                                  A lot of the proper smurfs are high level accounts who's stats have stagnated and will improve only marginally due to the large amount of populated data over time. Take into account my Invoker at first glance it would appear terrible but looking back on the data you will see that a lot of these games were when I had just joined Dota2 and was not used to the key controls, builds, meta etc.

                                                  A lot of the heroes I have extremely well grounded so I may choose to create a smurf account to rectify some of my old accounts mistakes.

                                                  Based on the last 3 months I have like an 64% win rate on Mirana but because of the amount of old data that is counted towards the percentage my win rates continue to remain low. This may be one of the reason I would choose to smurf as while win rate isn't that important to me I may want to improve my hero stats.

                                                  Honestly, at the end of it all I think you could still improve an old account it may just take a lot of time and some good play to get things back up to a acceptable level.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Most of them are just guys who can't win games in the high bracket so they need to tryhard against much weaker players.


                                                      I can understand the "clean slate" concept but the 100% win rate thing is just a farse as the amount of hassle you have to go through to get to that point is just a joke. Some of the things I have seen are....

                                                      1. Tryhard stack
                                                      2. Limited Hero Pool
                                                      3. Special combo of heroes ( Offenders are: Lich, Warlock, Windrunner, Juggernaut, Vengeful, Wisp, Ursa, Viper)
                                                      4. Game dodging

                                                      Trust me, after 3200+ games I know how frustrating the game can be but it seems odd to me to take an occasionally frustrating game and make it boring by grinding the same strategies or heroes to get a win. I do understand why people do it but I don't sympathize.


                                                        go play ar or rd cuz those people are only playing ap.


                                                          lol all r games suck !

                                                          ADD: sd = suck dick

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            I wonder
                                                            Player Skill of Limited Hero Poll Mode < Player Skill of All Pick?
                                                            Is it true?

                                                            Woof Woof

                                                              ^ i ve heard bot games got highest skill cap
                                                              average rating for unfair bot is 4200 while average very high player in dota 2 is 3800 with skill drop to 2500 if they are outisde of comfort pick pool which usually contains 5 heroes

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