General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA: You can still check skill-brackets, even though it's a bit tedio...

PSA: You can still check skill-brackets, even though it's a bit tedious to do. (Credits go to Reddit) in General Discussion

    "So there seems to be alot of mis-information and spreading of mis-information on this subreddit regarding the skill brackets.
    The skill brackets ARE STILL THERE. However, you can't specifically search for yourself (ie. by player name).
    To find out which skill bracket you are in based on your recent game:
    1)Search a hero you used in that game. Set the date range accordingly.
    2)Remember the match ID.
    3)Select which skill bracket you think you are in.
    4)Then apply the filter and search. The match ID you remembered is in descending numerical order.
    5)If you see your match, that is your skill bracket for that game. If you don't, choose another skill bracket and repeat step 3-5.
    It's tedious but it works. So please don't spread more mis-information regarding "there are no more skill brackets". I did a search for my recent games by "Hero Name" and the % of games of Very High and High for me still remain the same (50/50). So at least from my side, MM HAS NOT CHANGED, IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD. Only the search-ability has changed (
    Also, if you need to search a hero that has a space character in its name (like "Spirit Breaker" or "Drow Ranger"), put an underscore character (_) where the space should be. If you don't, the search/filter will not work."

    Credits go to Reddit user Nyte7

    Also, for example, I just played a storm game and I procceeded to search for storm_spirit games in very high skill bracket, after looking a bit I found the game on page 2.
    So yeah, that's about it.

    one and half gun

      you have to go through all that trouble just to find out which skill bracket you belong to



        And it takes too much time.
        I had to go 6 pages to find my game, immediately after finishing it.
        And that "Finding Server" issue again -.-'


          that shit is useless use your fucking brain for smth


            i even downvoted that guy in reddit


              @Benao, looks like you are the most mature poster around here.

              is "user your fucking brain" all you have to post in every thread?
              as i told you, if you don't have anything useful to post, don't even bother dude

              Kanye Best

                No need really, I know Im solo vh 100%

                ps: call me when I can actually check my rating, tnx

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                    OR you just

                    #1 look at dota buff.


                      How is that even remotely useless, do you even have an idea what you are talking about?
                      It IS going to be useful for those who want to check which bracket they are playing in, if you are going to call something useless then back it up with valid arguments.
                      I can't believe I'm replying to a guy that asks other to use their brain without using his, like, seriously? You even point out that you downvoted that guy? Do you think anyone cares?


                        can you rly start thinking a bit?
                        go read the thread in reddit and tell me this bullshit again (take a look at his intent with the post too which is vital to rly get it!)


                          again, you're just shittalking without any real argument to back up your words whatsoever.

                          Feeder Chan

                            Arugh 34 pages and I still can't find my last game.


                              wow dont know why i waste my time on retards...


                                lol it took 32 pages to find it
                                it seems like im in high bracket, cool


                                  WTF i scrolled 43 pages to find my match id. anyways, I'm still on very high skill bracket :D


                                    Or just search your name and choose either normal, high or very high skill bracket like you always could have..

                                    CAPTAIN CHUA
                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                        What you need to do is pick a game you played on an unpopular hero...or just play a game with an unpopular hero.

                                        Brood, Meepo, Lycan, Brewmaster, and Death Prophet are currently the least popular for the top MMR games. Picking an unpopular hero dramatically reduces the number of pages you have to check.

                                        Then play the game and check for it right away or try to get it close to midnight so its at the top of list for the day (end of the day is first). This again dramatically reduces the number of pages you have to check.

                                        Then go to recent games, search the day of the game only. Search the skill bracket you want to check. Search for the hero (heroes with 2 names require an underscore like Crystal_Maiden) Know the game ID or the timestamp of your game to find the right place more easily.

                                        If you followed all these instructions your game will be in the first few pages. If not it could be hundreds of pages down and take forever to find. If you happen to be in Normal Bracket it could be thousands of pages.

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                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          Why did they do this?

                                          Welcome To Heck


                                            Low Expectations
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                                              Low Expectations

                                                Can anyone tell me, how many % ppl play in VHB because its supposed to be around 3% (from what I have heard) but looking at this forum its more like 50% VHB and can you get suggestions about your bracket looking at your W/L ratio?

                                                dookie daddy


                                                  I saw a few people post a few of these, is this a copy of a previous post or is there some source you would like to share with the community.


                                                    Just a copy from reddit unfortunately.
                                                    That link was originally posted by jcoene.

                                                    MR. HYKEN
