General Discussion

General DiscussionIG vs LGD.CN new rosters Sina Cup

IG vs LGD.CN new rosters Sina Cup in General Discussion
Chen Centaur Challenge

    IG is now Hao, Bannana, Faith, Ferrari_430, and YYF
    LGD.CN is now xiao8, DDC, Yao, DD, and xiaotuji

    New rosters and also new picks!

    IG picks Life Stealer, Rubic, Gyro, Nyx, Enchantress
    LGD.CN picks Elder Titan, Weaver, Wisp, Chaos Knight, Chen

    (fixed, thanks Silver)


      Wasnt it the other way around? Ig picked nyx ls etc.


        This LGD sukks so bad. Saw one game only and it was gg in 17 mins.

        Safe Base

          LGD didn't perform that well at TI3 or in the games before it. Now that they lost sylar it's gotten even worse.
          I saw the TF vs LGD game after this as well, I don't feel TF was put under pressure at all. Relatively comfortable victories.

          IG vs TF up next. The grudge match for zhou, he has played really well in the short time he has been in TF and might get his revenge for being kicked from IG.