General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about top 50

Question about top 50 in General Discussion

    Except of having 30 games played (and probably all of them in very highskilled bracket) are there any other requirements into getting into the top 50


      You must play against people with high DBR

      Chen Centaur Challenge

        Several things... and keep in mind Dotabuff is reformulating this a bit (if I remember correctly)

        [1] 30+ games on the hero, more games does give you a higher score
        [2] DBR...I am fairly certain that this is currently just your personal DBR rather than that of opponents because there are some of the best players in the world who never make the list because they turned stats on after DBR froze 8 months ago.
        [3] Winrate on the hero...straight forward, usually it has to be over 70%, 1st place is usually over 90%
        [4] KDA...often KDA's on the top 50 are over 7 with first place often over 10.

        Feeder Chan

          There are some of the top 50 with 4.1 KDA.


            I was with this account in top 50 with brood and naga and i know some players from that top 50s and their kda's arent that ridicilous
            either way
            Isnt there like an entry requirement such as having 200 games played in general or sth like that, cause i think ive read it somewhere ?


              Has very little if anything to do with your KDA. It would focus on weighted Wins/Losses, XPM/GPM and KDA might be a part of the formula, but I doubt it.

              Feeder Chan

                Actually the question mark that gives info on how it is calculated mentions DBR (I don't know why it still references it), win rate, kda, and number of matches.


                  @Thats XPM/GPM and KDA is such a stupid way to measure a ranking tbh for example a hero can be played in multiple ways for example i could knowingly play crystal maiden as support have 100 games played with 80% winrate and do the support job well however its not necessarily shown in xpm gpm nor kda since support is often about sacrifice. However you can also just go apeshit and go carry CM and go lothar dagon eth veil and just ks as hard as you can and you can scam your way up to top 50. And I guess if you have a great kda it will weight out the winratio.
                  And the problem is also regardign some heroes that are actually played as supports and as carrys such as naga siren.

                  Anyone knows if there is any other entry requirements such as having 30 games played and a certain amount of points ?


                    iwin4arka i think the same i hate this system so i decide to make my acc with 20-30% win rate for fun so now i lose games on purpose
                    ! just despite off this valve shit system maching
                    i hope they re-eidit it !


                      Dotabuff has nothign to do with matchmaking system. And losing on purpose wont make it better, in fact you make it worse in completly destroy your teams motivation. It doesnt matter if the matchmaking system is good or bad. You should always try to do your best and of course try to win the game but also try to have fun.


                        Ive come to the conclusion that the hero score consists mostly of average XPM and GPM. KDA and win ratio seem to have very little to do with it. I have 3x #1 spots with KDAs less than 4. Also I think Ive seen my score rise after a lost game.

                        Obviously you have to play consistently in the upper section of the first page. Playing there and achieving those high XPMs and GPMs seem to grant you a spot in top50 after 30 games with any given hero.

                        I feel like the system ignores the company you play with too much. Playing solo gives you inferior team mates more often than while grouping hence stacking and tryharding with 5 good friends is too effective in gaining big hero scores.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          Top 50 are also not very representative since those who didn't turn Dotabuff sharing won't be featured in the list, and those who created accounts later than 8-9 months ago will also not be on that list.

                          ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                            Imo any gd player would turn on his Dotabuff sharing, unless he is an ignorant and doesn't know about Dotabuff.
                            Just my opinion


                              If they created their account after 9 months ago, it doesn't matter if they turn it on or off. They won't have a Dotabuff Rating, and thus, they won't be elligible to be featured in a top.

                              And yes, it's possible to be a top player of a single hero with only 9 months. A pro could create a smurf, play 30 games of a specific hero, and that would be it.


                                @mango ive created my account about 2 1/2 year ago and i used to be in top 50 for naga and brood on my other account so i dont think its necessarily correct in some regard

                                yeah i think KDA might not be as important however we will see
                                I'm attempting TOP 1 Brood :P Lets see how it goes


                                  > @mango ive created my account about 2 1/2 year ago and i used to be in top 50 for naga and brood on my other account so i dont think its necessarily correct in some regard

                                  Huh? I was talking about those with accounts created in the last 8 or 9 months or so :P GL tho!


                                    Oh so you mean those who created account during this troublephase with DBR dont have a score and therefor wont be mentioned in top 50 ? do i get you right ?


                                      Yup, that's what I meant

                                      ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                                        That might be correct
                                        Relentless !!
                                        I RECALL U !!
                                        Explain this shit plz :D