General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Standard on Pudge

New Standard on Pudge in General Discussion

    For those unfamiliar with this player, he has a tendency to rewrite the standard. This is often dubbed "setting a new standard on ____" where you then insert one of the many heroes of DotA into the underlined empty space. As evidence of this tendency, examine this thread:

    In it, Relentless says I am Nicki Minaj redefines the standard.

    Here is the game:

    Woof Woof

      ???? ??? ?????? ????????!


        huh i dont get it :O

        Woof Woof

          i think u smoke 2much weed brother

          dookie daddy

            Yeah just because someone plays a good game doesn't mean he is dubbed as setting the standard or pace. Sure, Relentless has a lot of information and good sound advice to provide but again, this does not set a player apart from others.

            My axe is good as well but that does not set a new standard on what to build or how to do so. No doubt he seems to be quite a competent player but his axe and other heroes seem, while good, pretty standard to me.


            one and half gun

              vanguard on axe and your winrate is below 50% with over 3k+ games, just uninstall the game if you don't get the memo shitter

              dookie daddy

                Its because I don't abandon 53% of my games.

                one and half gun

                  you're implying abandons give wins? holy fuck the more i read your comments, it feels like im getting dumber LOL

                  dookie daddy

                    I don't think you can possibly get dumber but then again people surprise me from time to time.

                    Ples Mercy

                      srsly why do you even bother? We all know hes a joke, look in every thread, we all make fun of him, why dont you start having fun with this retard aswell? Theres no point in being serious with him :D

                      btw i think his main had a 48% winrate.


                        He also hasn't won a game with a Wisp combo in a 5 stack... 95 games, 95 Wisp combinations

                        Too bad about the changes to early abandons.. that 5th person that bails when the lvl 1 Roshan fails gets stuck with the loss...
                        But I'm sure stat stackers will figure out a way around that.

                        Chen Centaur Challenge

                          Vandal, it might help non-trolls to appreciate what you liked about this pudge if you gave some more specific information about what he did that you found amazing. Also saying something like "game time XX:XX pudge fstaffs into an amazing blind hook" or whatever would make it easy for people to share what you experienced.

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