General Discussion

General DiscussionEU team looking for players

EU team looking for players in General Discussion

    We need a mid laner and off laner who know what they are doing, my friend is the carry position and I am support.
    We are also looking for a support.
    If you want to apply to join please post the application like this

    Time available:
    Tell me about your experience:
    Most successful hero(s):

      positions available:
      you can still apply if your preferred position is taken and we may be able to test you in other roles/positions

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      Woof Woof

        looking for high skilled players from alt account seems legit


          @doom bringer, im curious why he is using alt acc to post this as well. I could be interested but i would like to know what lvl u play.


            @Alec you can just play with us and see with your eyes


              i am position 4 support so i am using smurf account because playing support in solo queue is stupid when you get bad carry etc.
              if you want to know more about my main account and are interested in the team all that information can be given :)


                looks like amateur players want high skilled team :P


                  to clarify amateur simply means you will not get paid to be on this team, we are high skilled players and we are simply trying to have fun while becoming better as a team and competing :D


                    i would but since u hide your info then i wont


                      @Benao don't worry we don't need Traxex pickers


                        i see you guys are also retards
                        guess i rly shouldnt play with crappy motherfuckers like u then
                        good u posted about it


                          lets see how good you are, add me


                            @Benao sorry mate, didn't know that you would get butthurt but if you do then it's true


                              @azrepozaiepofsd added on Steam

                              Ples Mercy

                                'Hey my main account has a 45% winrate and i suck bwallz. i want to create a team so noone laughs at me anymore'.

                                Srsly Benao is a perfecly good player, he prefers glasscanons. With your 'dont worry we dont need Traxed pcikers' you just showed us ur skilllevel. Shitty players are shitty.

                                Now get out of here n00b. TRAXES OP NEED NERF, CANT WIN AGAINST DROW, GAME 2 HARD!


                                  @Blunt nuff said for you


                                    this is comical...
                                    still looking for players to join us

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      yes it is indeed, your so bad it hurts. :'D

                                      same goes to the smurf robot, prolly 45% winrate aswell. WE LUV TO ENTERTAIN YOU!

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      OG wan Kenobi

                                        here is an account i used for a while for solo queue, win rate is a joke in dota 2 matchmaking anyways but you can see some good hero stats
                                        we are just aiming to get better as quickly as possible, maybe i am not as good as you yet but at least i have much better attitude and dedication. thanks for your attention :D

                                        one and half gun

                                          two trashcan players arguing who's the biggest garbage can

                                          plz continue


                                            need support position


                                              ^is that a joke? lol.