General Discussion

General DiscussionStarladder VII...the new face rush meta?

Starladder VII...the new face rush meta? in General Discussion

    Rox.KIS played Abaddon-SB-Centaur to great effect in the first game today.

    Abaddon first picked in game 2, Centuar gets banned by Next.KZ...Now Bloodseeker is substituted.

    So its another aggressive dual weaver-abaddon. Timbersaw mid and defensive dual Bane-Bloodseeker for Rox.KIS.

    Next.KZ starts aggressive tri-lane but quickly realize that they can't kill BS because of bane and they cannot harass him down...either. So they switch to defensive...but I don't think they can do much to weaver with Abaddon backing him up either.

    BS is able to deal with double ion shell spaming by DS now with only 1 point in bloodbath.

    BS relic 10 min...vs batrider blink at 9 min...Bat gets off 1 gank...but radiance will still but up very quickly.


      Bs is great hero,i play him average at very high pub i m like 3.40 K/D/A 70+ games and got 64% win rate..hero is sick. Dunno why alot of ppl say that Bs is useless hero..


        Well 14 min radiance after BS dives a tower into 3 heroes and good timing but not great.

        Sadly it's looking like PL > everything.

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        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Sadly it's looking like RoX can't even gank a PL.


            Yeah, they spent so much time failing to kill bat rider and DS they let PL farm.

            Next game is Posiedon vs Power Rangers. All the picks are fairly common except Posiedon is using morphling as the only carry.

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              why dark seer in a tri lane, seems like a disaster


                Apparently this game has been entirely decided by a pregame fight and tons of lag for PR. SD died standing next to an invis rune with vision of the gank coming towards him. Weaver died to visage solo without detection....

                Casters are saying pings are fine. I sometimes have games where my ping is good and I get tons of lag spikes. Maybe that is what is happening.


                  Posiedon vs Ubelst is next and Posiedon is using Lich. I have been really disappointed by pro lich games in the past. Teams don't see to recognize the power of getting levels up quickly on lich or how to wait for the proper geometry to cast his ult when it cannot be avoided with a delta split.

                  Hopefully this game will be better. I hope they put Lich mid against that OD. He will get levels and does not need would just waste ODs early lane advantage.

                  And its support SB for Ubelst with Doom for Posiedon.

                  Ah tmw actually knows how to play Lich! :-) First pro I have seen do this correctly.

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                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    According to Relentless Midas Lich is how you truly play him. Imma get Midas every single game from now on.


                      ...I was referring to the way he laned against OD. Since he farmed well HoM is not bad. Levels are very important on Lich. Reaching level 16 asap wins games. I usually like to do it by killing heroes.

                      Pros kept playing lich as a hard support and that is possible, but Lich can really do a lot if he is strong. When you can't kill lich easily he is able to hold his ult correctly...I've seen so many pro lich games where they use lich ult to initiate like they are nubs. The right time to cast Chain Frost is almost never first and often quite late in a fight.

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                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        W/e so imma go mid and farm good then get a HoM. Am I rite?


                          The ability to dominate mid by keeping the enemy mid at low levels for a long time is the best thing. But if you are good at farming thats great too.

                          Control the runes, and use every advantage to gank while the enemy mid gets their ult at 8-9 min. I tend to just rush into aghs, but HoM would work if I was better at lasthitting I think.

                          I know people are not doing Lich solo mid...but it works.

                          87% win...only my Storm does a little better (92% win) and storm is just so OP in pubs. I probably played Lich support most of these games...but the ones I did solo mid Lich were easy wins every time.

                          Ok, actually looking back on these games I get whatever we very inconsistent situational builds. Well good luck figuring that out.

                          I think I win lich games primarly because my warding is better and my ults are better....the difference between a 550 dmg single target nuke (typical pub aghs Chain frost) and a 5.5k team destroying ult is huge. It also helps a lot when you can win the game taking almost no farm....

                          I won the last 8 Lich games in a row...all 0.5-1 cs/min. If you are going solo mid lich you can get all the farm you need for the whole game while keeping the opposing solo mid down...then after killing them at 3-5 just roam the rest of the game. If you had a struggling off laner, let them come and take the cs mid.

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                            Those recent lag spikes when it says low ping ... it's not just me!