General Discussion

General DiscussionAMAZING HERO MOM DISCOVERED- NOW PROS HATE HER! Or that one hero to p...

AMAZING HERO MOM DISCOVERED- NOW PROS HATE HER! Or that one hero to play to improve your game. in General Discussion
Pandamonium(You Died)

    And that's Treant Protector. If you are new to the game there are very few heroes that will help you to grasp magnitude of skills:
    Treant Teaches you:
    Support (Stacking,pulling,lane equilibrium,getting vision or counter-vision)
    Map Awarness (Because treant absolutely needs it, you will be essentially forced to improve your map awarness)
    He is easy to lasthit (>100 dmg), very tanky, has invis from which he can cast spells (!), and can be a great asset to the team.
    He is also very easy, once you learn your map awarness, casting ur armor in the right moment will always be easy- because you are going to know whats going on around the map.
    The only thing that can repulse from treant is that he is boring. But if you want to get better, you'd have to omit fun for a while.
    People saying that treant has only 1 good skill is mistaken, treant can easy change the game around -

    If you are unsure about what supports do- read this guide of mine -
    Although not the best, I tried to cover as much as possible in it for a support.


      Being a treant player, I don't agree that he's boring. It simply feels like I'm playing Starcraft or something, but instead of controlling many units, I have to look over them!

      Also, highest base damage in the game = win

      Pandamonium(You Died)

        ^I don't feel like he is a boring hero, but in comparasment he is much less exciting than some heroes, especially for people in dota community.


          I like looking all over the map, looking for opportunities, watching what enemies purchase, casting some living armor, healing towers, pinging to heroes like: OK all bottom heroes don't have TP's/are low hp, let's gank the dude top. Things like that.

          Pandamonium(You Died)

            ^People who pick drow and riki every game might disagree for obvious reasons, but yeah everyone has fun in his own way. Its just amount of people having fun as support < amount of people having fun as shitty pub hero, thats it.


              Roof is good for drunkin doto


                Treant's characteristic is that he makes your enemies afraid to tower dive, whilst your allies can dive because of his living armor. One good thing on pubs is, that pubbers rarely push one tower hardly, they do little damage on each creep wave. so healing the tower between waves can give you map control from towers for longer period.
                also his leech seed is good for initiating ganks, as well as it's heal being quite good mini-meka skill in team-fights.
                invisibliity is not such a great thing if enemies have warded.
                and he also remains late-game potential with his overgrowth.

                but he is vulnerable against heroes who can melt armor quickly(Dark seer, slark, kunkka. dark seer especially due to his surge making leech seed useless)


                  Tree is the only support I'll play and have fun playing. Granted I never ever ever really play support ever. EVER.

                  But if I have to support, tree is the hero I like to support with, especially in IH/IXDL games.


                    what is this

                    ❤ Ashley ❤

                      drow picker


                        i usualy just afk at fountain and use armor from time to time

                        works 99% of the time