General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do people want a ladder?

why do people want a ladder? in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    I dont understand why all the shitty players want ladders, do you want a number to tell you how bad you are?

    Woof Woof

      2 things- tracking your rating progression + being able to find people near your rating and creating teams with ez

      +we can see how bad match maker is with rating spread between members going up to 1k

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      King of Low Prio

        you can track your progression based on what tier you are in and as for teams play with whoever you play well with regardless of a number

        but lets be real about this, anyone in the normal - high tier have no interest in actually improving


          Familiarity I think. People are used to ladders from other games and other genres and believe it would work good with Dota. I'm new to Dota (about 3 months in) and I don't want a ladder system. Maybe because I'm horrible? I just don't think it would work well/is necessary.


            Pretty much what the second poster said.

            "but lets be real about this, anyone in the normal - high tier have no interest in actually improving"

            This is an awful argument (calling it an argument would even be a stretch). The current system is essentially based on an ELO rating, and no one would genuinely believe this is a suitable way to measure skill level while playing solo in such a team-orientated game. The entire system needs a rework, and if anything that Devs have been saying on the forum is something to go by, they're well aware of it.

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              People generally need some goals in games otherwise it become boring very fast( take WoW for example), and to separate tryhards from casual players.

              King of Low Prio

                me saying that people in the lower tiers dont really want to improve was not a argument for or against creating a ladder. If you want my opinion on a personal rating system is that it does nothing for the game which is made for team play. Right now the system just pushes the complete noob (normal MM) experienced bad player (high MM) and casual gamer (very high). It is not perfect but it enough to keep me from going 50-0 against new players all day. Solo que is a addition valve gave you to play around with in their team based game


                  the system isnt based on elo, although winning is an indicating factor, its based off your overall stats, and mostly yoyr overall kda. getting kills but dying a lot averages you out the system tries to find people who get high kills and assists and relatively low deaths. this shows the system you have a good movement around the map and can work with others well. if you play a lot of heros well that also boosts your mmr. elo isnt a apart of this match making system but winning does help ypu climb it.


                    so i could stop randoming shit heroes and afk ingames while not giving a single fuck about my team

                    then i might actually would try to win the games

                    King of Low Prio

                      ^ the report function deals with you no need for a ladder


                        no it doesn't ive never been in low priority and muted only couple times over the duration of mass muting sprees


                          Idiot. U think this is just me me me me meme? no1 gives a fuck about ur opinions Sampson u arrogant kid


                            and ure an idiot for going toe-to-toe with Vaikiss. URe just a regular 14 year kid

                            King of Low Prio

                              because you abuse one system that justifies making another system, you will continue to feed Vaikiss ladder or not sorry

                              Josh  :D

                                Why are you (and your buddy blunt) always bitching about noobs that don't want to be better? You both have taken the liberty of explaining to me that I'm a noob and don't know anything, but I think it's really more in your heads than anything else. Most of the people that I've ran across in dota are trying to become better. Getting told "feed more noob" doesn't particularly help anything, but that's what most people bitch about. I'm a noob, I get it, but when I run across folks even more noob than me I try to mention things like "if keep creeps between you and pudge, he can't hook you", or "treant, you hit like a truck and have a heal, you can walk right up to them and punch them", or "np, you can spawn your treants from base for free and get an extra set to start beating on the easy campwith to help avoid mana issues as soon".

                                Again, I'm a noob, I get it, but Dota 2 is the first PC game I've gotten into and I'm INFINITELY better than I was when I started, a treand I expect to continue.

                                I liked the DBR, but sort of get why it's not around anymore. My overall stats have been improving a great deal and I like to see the progress.

                                Where is all the angst/rage coming from?

                                Kanye Best

                                  I want to know who I can create teams with.
                                  Also I want to know who the best player on my team is, so he can get prio on mid or high-impact heroes.
                                  Also just to track if Im improving or not.

                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                    I want an elevator to international


                                      like some guy up above said it would give us a reason to play for the win instead of dont giving a shit whole game.
                                      Ppl who plays in page 1 should be good but no, not even close 90% dont know basic shits in dota, this mm is fucked up totally.
                                      A ladder would be rly helpfull to keep dota entertaining. I play 3/4 games in zombie mode cuz its always the same shitty pubs without any goal/plays.
                                      It was rly better in d1 with all the leagues/ladder u could know who's good and who's fuckin useless+ but the best part is that it creats a community, u play with/vs the same players who actually know dota and not some rdm rus who dont know shit.
                                      Also i dont understand why there isnt any hs vouch league on d2 after 2 fuckin years i tought it was cuz the game was on beta but now idk.
                                      The only way to have a good game on d2 is to scrim
                                      Pls someone make a ladder with vouch system so no ls fags !!;o:))//:(

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        having a ladder does not fix MM issues


                                          it does cuz i wont play pub anymore but ladder with vouch required.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            one less noob



                                              there is allready open dota league and inhouse(check reddit)
                                              also there is ixdl league,where ppl on NA are pretty skilled(not EU)