General Discussion

General DiscussionNot in captain's mode

Not in captain's mode in General Discussion

    why are not certain heroes available in captains thoughts.
    Centaur warruner: because of his ultimate, obviously. It offers some good initiation ability for the whole team as well as a global escape for any ally.Pros can probably figure out mad stuff from this.
    Elder titan: his aura completely destroys defense of heroes who's general armor income is agility, such as anti-mage or phantom lancer. making them squishy and may force to build flat armor items like AC.
    Huskar:His rage offers great magic resistance and makes him very durable against a team that consists of nukers(which is generally true in pro matches).
    Medusa: I don't really think that her ulti is such a great deal., 40% bonus physical damage.
    Troll warlord: His ulti can be devastating in hands of a coordinated team. 7 seconds is quite a lot.
    abbadon: his shield is a different version of treant's armor. but instead of various potential block it offers flat amount. And because of it's short cooldown it can be present on 3 heroes at a time. In tandem with outworld devourer he will keep shield up for eternity and if enemy tries to initiate they will have to take 600 magical damage right in their mouth. I don't think he's ulti is such a big deal.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Are you serious? Do you think that those heroes are not in CM mode because they are OP? They are generally not put in CM when they are released because you don't wanna have bugs in a pro game right? And Medusa and Huskar were removed from CM by Icefrog himself because he thought he might have overbuffed the heroes. I don't know about Centaur though. It has been ages since he was released.


        Skywrath mage was enabled in CM in 3 days after it's release. So

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          It just took shorter for them to confirm and clear all the bugs. Seriously. None of these heroes are stronger than Lifestealer Gyrocopter etc.


            tcs natural order=op
            huskar=doesnt need any explanation at all
            medusa=no one can initiate on you anymore
            troll=can outcarry all heroes
            abaddon=the only guy who can be in cm mode

            Penis Monkey

              abaddon would actually be fairly trash in coordinated games imo, but as for the rest, Sam kinda nailed it, they tend to be removed for bug testing or through fear of recent buffs being too much (which certainly is the case for Huskar!)


                Hot + return= far from op
                natural order= not op, the range is low, so the execution would be tough
                huskar- true, its powerful, they dont know how he would change the meta, but i dont think they think he is op, its just a measure of precaution
                medusa- the same more or less
                troll- cant outcarry all heroes, come on, right now he isnt even that great


                  Troll ulti has been getting nerfed, but I'd bet that Icefrog isn't sure how being able to obliterate a base in 7 seconds would work out in pro play.

                  Likewise with other heroes, there might be some unanticipated combinations available that would more or less break the game.


                    I think Medusa's buff is a big deal.

                    Just go safe tri-lane Medusa with a mid Juggernaut and off-lane Lone Druid.

                    All the pwnsorz if they look at you, all the pwnsorz if they don't.

                    Especially if the supports have some big abilities like a Tidehunter or something.