General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Nice K/D ratio
    Bad: Not playing support heroes.

    Rektdalf the White

      Good: Support/Offlane player, riding on a huge win streak. Keep it up !
      Bad: Paradoxically low winrates on globally high win rate heroes :)


        G : nice hohohaha wr
        B : play ur razor , veno, snip, sky Xd

        Yves Saint Dushman
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          Westbrook (Prime)


            G: good KDA and winrate in most heroes

            B: pubplayer

            haru yo koi

              G: Meepo!
              B: Furion


                G: VHS
                B: Overall low winrates and kda's on your most played heroes. low ranked winrate.


                  g: pretty reliable top heroes
                  b: uncharacteristic losses with storm as a good mid player



                    G: Great Position 3 Player
                    B: Lost longest 2 hours match with Techis

                    1 2 7 3 0 3 8 6 6
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                        G: Invoker stats, doesn't abuse meta heroes, cool heroes most played, plays entire hero pool
                        B: Low win rate on too many heroes and overall

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                          G: E-Sports and winrate in ranked.
                          B: 3.22 KDA on Ogre Magi. Coincidence? I think not!


                            G: sexy winrates all across the board, also 6.84 bs wasnt stupid at all
                            B: smurf i suppose, everything else is banging


                              G: Isn't afraid to play alot of different heroes.
                              B: Most played hero Storm Spirit.

                              Giant Sloth

                                G: Nice winrates, solid hero pool.
                                B: Has as many games on two heros as the rest combined.

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                                    G: Nice 1st Position hero pool
                                    B: Horrible LC and NP W/R. You're doing it wrong and should start watch some pro replays to learn more where you're lacking. GL HF


                                      G: Nice winrate on Nyx Assassin! As well as a wide pool of heroes used
                                      B: Should focus on one role rather than trying all the roles, which I assume from your most used heroes

                                      Mr. Nameless

                                        G: Good winrateso n top 10, alot of green lately, dat undy kda.
                                        B: Plz no pick cm and shakira again.


                                          G: Damn, you're a good zeus player!

                                          B: Stop stealing my kills goddamnit


                                            G: support player!, nice green color in your profile

                                            B: losing streak, winning streak records, omni win rate

                                            Rektdalf the White
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                                                G: 5k mmr
                                                B: I'm having a struggle trying to figure out whats the right way to pronounce your name


                                                  G : 5k party, timber
                                                  B : Blyeat


                                                    G: meepo looks like a solid pick for ya
                                                    B: looks like u r a very focused midlane player, a lil versatility i think ld be welcome

                                                    but overall nice, took me a time to find a (bad) thing to say


                                                      G: you semm to be a decent carry
                                                      B: versatility is missing @ supports


                                                        G: Support for life! + + + +
                                                        B: 6k games in Doto, way too much.


                                                          G:Fairly high KDA on all heroes
                                                          B:You dont have a win pick (somethign with over 60%)



                                                            G: Nice Morph, Should play even MORE for ranked matches.\
                                                            B: Should Stop playing Invoker till you find out what you're doing wrong. 2.82 KDA with 42% W/R in 200+ matches is so horrible that i feel bad for Invoker. Same goes for Windrunner



                                                              G: overall high kda ratio, high impact hero pick, vhs
                                                              B: Last time playing with Mirana is in 6 day ago, eventhough she is your profile pic. And somewhat declining trend of winrate?


                                                                G: Nice avatar. Plays support.
                                                                B: Bad winrate, only seems to know how to play 4 supports, and even on those supports, you are regressing in 6.85b. Maybe try playing more sniper this patch?

                                                                Rektdalf the White

                                                                  G: Good versatility among roles, great winrates on top picked heroes, okish KDA on them, 59% winrate in ranked keep it up
                                                                  B: You have only a handful of more picked heroes, try to differentiate and add variety in your hero pool.


                                                                    G: Your versatility seems pretty good, lot of different heroes being played. Nice winrate with Sniper and nice KDA with him.
                                                                    B: Your recent games you've played support a bit but lost the match, you seem more suited to core heroes than supports - perhaps either focus cores or else try improve your supporting.


                                                                      G: Pretty nice enigma winrate, along with Lina and NP
                                                                      B: Winrates on some of your most played heros are quite bad. Especially rubik.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                                                        G: Reliable Position 1 & 2 player. 150+ matches in Very High Skill, must be Tier 2 guy with smurf account most likely, great overall and RM W/R.

                                                                        B: Windrunner in top most played heroes with lowest W/R. but its ok cz you played it 9 times only on this account, You bought more 3900+ gold BKB than 75 gold TPs. That 1:44 Hr. lost match with your best hero though..


                                                                          G: Good TA player
                                                                          B: Smurf

                                                                          edit, i was late
                                                                          G: VH skill
                                                                          B: < 50% winrate, you don't play ranked

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            G: Meeeepo! (and nice winrates)
                                                                            B: Only 1 support hero in your top 22 most played.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              G: VHS, swtiches between some support and carry
                                                                              B: average winrate for heroes are around 52%

                                                                              < blank >

                                                                                G: interesting most played heroes (invoker, meepo), good KDA
                                                                                B: normal skill bracket, rly? :D


                                                                                  Good: 62% winrate with Windrunner in Very High skill bracket. I'd say that's impressive
                                                                                  Bad: Low(ish) winrate on Europe east? Hah, can't really find anything that's bad


                                                                                    G : Nice mid winrate
                                                                                    B : Sub 50 winrate Xd


                                                                                      G: good winrate
                                                                                      B: couldn't find one idk


                                                                                        G: Winrates on your most played heros
                                                                                        B: Normal skill


                                                                                          G: 100% winrate on pubseeker although it was 2 months ago last played
                                                                                          B: WR winrate and also a fairly new account.


                                                                                            Good: Seems like a good mid player
                                                                                            Bad: played too much weaver :D


                                                                                              g : balance in all things player

                                                                                              b: normal skills


                                                                                                G: 6k EU player
                                                                                                B: 5k SEA player, hi flop :D


                                                                                                  G: 63% win rate
                                                                                                  B: Smurf, pretty bad one at that