General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G:playing support in pubs wow
    B:still a normal skill? Rly?

    wtf tilt sad

      G: Incredibly versatile
      B: bounty hunter is a stain on your profile, try slardar.


        g : silencer winrate
        b :overall winrate/ low amount of games


          G: impressive most played heroes winrate
          B: (wow I'll sound like a total hypocrite) rarely does support


            G: Abadon winrate
            B: overall winrate/ low amount of games


              G: Overall win rate and wide variety of heroes played well

              B: Io and PA win rate


                G: Plays clinkz just like me =P
                B: Pudge win rate =(

                queen's speech

                  G: Winrate, skill
                  B: Hmm...average kda i think..


                    G: Invoker winrate
                    B: not many games

                    Cloud Generator

                      Bad: Normal skill games

                      Good: Versatile in playing different roles.

                      VEGA ベガ (stop the war)

                        to guneplz:

                        Good: KDA, especially slark's wr&kda
                        Bad: boring heroes


                          Good: Russian, lots of mirana matches, nice K/D/A

                          Bad: Low win rate as invo

                          Pooky Bear

                            Good ck player
                            Bad not so good win rate


                              Good : nice lonedruid winrate in 19 games
                              Bad : lots of unplayed heroes


                                g: visage picks
                                b: visage picks


                                  g: liked your avatar, nice support
                                  b: nothing i can say


                                    G: High impact mid player . (meepo ta storm tinker)
                                    B: probably stay away from alch n ld


                                      G:naix most played(Hero is cool)

                                      B:normal skill

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        G: a pretty good carry
                                        B: invoker and am


                                          G: QOP
                                          B: CM KDA

                                          Veteran Trainer

                                            G: Nice Drow winrate

                                            B: Dat overall win rate dough


                                              G: Mako
                                              B: Normal skill

                                              queen's speech

                                                G; profile and winrate

                                                Pontic Greek

                                                  G: Plays invoker and meepo!! =D
                                                  B: Plays slark and bloodseeker eww

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    G: Plays meepo and Nice KDA overall
                                                    B: Omni player

                                                    Cloud Generator

                                                      Good: Playing different roles.

                                                      Bad: Normal skill bracket.


                                                        G: general good player, all top heroes except huskar has a good winrate.
                                                        B: Should play more ranked? IUNO really haha..How does one Account seems new but i'll give benefit of the doubt that you are a new player.


                                                          G: That 21-0 Ember game o.O, very high skill in all front page games (I'd assume 4-5k mmr?),

                                                          B: No friends, 30% winrate on SF

                                                          queen's speech

                                                            g: decent player, good stats
                                                            b: play more ranked dude)


                                                              G: Ember winrate/KDA

                                                              B: negative naga winrate :D


                                                                G: Excellent win ratios, lots of core variety

                                                                B: Offlane seems to be your weakest role, either that or you simply don't play much of it. Not really a bad thing, but given how diverse the rest of your pick roster is, that seems to be the one you just arent into.


                                                                  G: an Earth Spirit player with a great win rate on that particular hero. Much respect.
                                                                  B: probably stay away from Storm Spirit.


                                                                    G: Plays in High Skill.
                                                                    B: 36% winrate with techie.


                                                                      G: Is Good Meepo Player

                                                                      B: Is a Meepo Player

                                                                      queen's speech

                                                                        G: well..... ar least good bb starts
                                                                        b: entire profile is bad :P


                                                                          G: invoker
                                                                          B: Smurf


                                                                            g: good sf
                                                                            b: normal /high skill just like me xd

                                                                            I am lagging

                                                                              g: Nice Meepo player
                                                                              b: mainly carry player

                                                                              VEGA ベガ (stop the war)

                                                                                g: nice axe's, ogre's kda + wr
                                                                                b: pudge


                                                                                  G: Dat Ogre Magi winrate and kda
                                                                                  B: You lost your 108 min game FeelsBadMan

                                                                                  (Lol post same time with Russian friend)

                                                                                  G: Nice win streak
                                                                                  B: Winrates on most played heroes

                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                  mid or pro techies

                                                                                    G: based from your top played heroes, you are good at nuking your opponents and instilling fear deep within their core. Keep up! You can be a potentially decent ganker but first try to play at very high skill brackets for a challenge!
                                                                                    B: nothing really except playing at relatively easy games at normal skill bracket (casual games). Meh, doesn't really matter if you're not into so much competitive doto.
                                                                                    Tip: Play with friends with very high skill matches on all their games to get challenged then stomp dem enemies. Cheers mate! >.<


                                                                                      G: Winrate and "Very High Skill"
                                                                                      B: Those heroes gave me cancer and smurf.

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                                        G: a meepo player!
                                                                                        B: KDA and WR not quite there for meepo


                                                                                          G:alchemist signature is kinda cool
                                                                                          B:playing only 2 heroes is kinda not cool

                                                                                          Nerf me pls

                                                                                            G : good support player
                                                                                            B : losing streak


                                                                                              G You bothered to join dotabuff
                                                                                              B Probably everything else

                                                                                              positive influence
                                                                                                Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                                                                                  G: Necro and Void win rates
                                                                                                  B: Very low win rate on most of the heroes, awful 39% win rate in ranked matches, you really need to improve by watching some replays and pro matches.

                                                                                                  EDIT: This was meant for Shiro

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                  positive influence

                                                                                                    g:winrate is really good. way above average,you seem like a great carry player.
                                                                                                    b:only high skill? :(

                                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                      Kingsley, I'm stuck @ 3.3-3.5k, trying to work hard to get to VHS in ranked, my normal games are usually VHS though.

                                                                                                      G: Solid win rates on most played heroes, win streak on the dotabuff page, 100 MMR straight by playing TB.
                                                                                                      B: I hate to play against Invoker and you're a Invoker player LOL