General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to not suck and be a better mid (?)

How to not suck and be a better mid (?) in General Discussion

    I don't usually play mid and I know that I really suck at this role since my mid heroes stats are horrible. I usually play carry/support role since I usually stack with one friend whose a pretty strong mid. When I play mid I am not much of a big impact vs my support/ carry role. So high level players, How do you pubstomp with mid?

    No bashing on me being a cancer user pls :D

    In short, how to pubstomp with mid heroes?

    let's feed

      Actually its pretty simple know what you hero does what the other mid hero does, last hit/deny, control the runes and dont gank before 6 lvl unless you find a good rune that will guarantee a kill.

      Autism is great

        ^ that is how pubstomps begin in fairy tales

        Chen Centaur Challenge

          Winning Mid solo is usually about actually outplaying the opposing mid. If your hero is weak at soloing mid you will need ganks to win it.

          You need to have a chick and a rune ward up from supports to play it properly. The main objective is to control the runes and use them to get kills either on mid or a sidelane.

          You can control runes best if you have a way to flash farm. ie Pucks Illusory Orb, QoP scream of pain, or Magus shockwave...whatever aoe skill you have. You want to try to put as much harassing dmg on the enemy hero as you can when you use your flash farm as well.
          Lasthitting is important, but controlling the runes is more important for a mid solo.

          Whenever you can't get a lasthit or deny, because of the timing or because your dmg is just too low then try to harrass the enemy mid solo. You need to know the magic numbers when you can kill them and when they can kill you. Edge it closer to your advantage every chance you get and when you see you are going to kill them first go for the man fight. Its very easy usually to heal quickly and remain in the lane if you just barely win. In a pro game, or very high level team matching they might be baiting...but in a typical pub game there is nearly zero chance they have support hidden behind them in fog. Get to know the cd and mana cost on spells of the typical mid heros. Know what they can cast and when. Often pub players are vulnerable to attack just after they cast a spell.

          Sometimes you are going to lose by getting outplayed. If you are too far behind for whatever reason don't stay in a lane you can't win. Go gank another lane.

          If you have the lane in control and the enemy is hiding, csing for the sake of farm is not a good idea. If you want to control the lane and get just enough to get a critical level you need to gank that's fine. But if you are just adding a little more gold its better to flash farm the lane, and go gank. Get whatever you need to keep your snowball advantage. If that means you have to get dust or sentries or obs to see gank targets just get them. Don't wait around for your support hero to magically have the farm to provide it all. If you need to smoke past wards to succeed, get smokes. They have a cd if you don't buy 2 smokes early game the cd is wasted and you will have fewer later.

          Try to set up your ganks so that you can follow them up with taking a tower. If you just kill heroes and can't gain map control, it has only a minor impact. Carries can recover and still beat you despite several early deaths if you don't control their jungle and prevent them from farming it.

          Once you have control work toward the critical items you need to break the base. Once you have them take the T3 and rax. Whenever you see a chance to take rax, do it. Getting heros kills is only important if it sets up taking the rax. Killing roshan is almost always a bad idea. There are narrow windows of time when it is good. Kill rosh only when you need it to gain an advantage to take more of the map. If you can take a tower now, then this is not the time to rosh.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Wow, thanks for putting so much effort into it.
            I think im pretty fine in laning (csing,denying,lane cotrol). I really think I lack experience in 1v1 matchups. I always underestimate the enemy heroes potential power to fuck me up thus I tend to throw and overcommit leading to deaths and this is very crucial in a 1v1 matchup.
            I always aspire mid teammates who basically carried the whole game by snowballing. I think I've never really "owned" mid to the point that it was a pubstomp. So I guess it has to do with me throwing/getting killed for some reason.

            I also get frustrated every time I am the first blood, and this somehow changes my decision making. I need to put aggression at the right time

            Anyway thanks for the tip, some of them I have not known yet. Will practice as soon as possible :D

            le charismeur

              just pick od and u cant lose


                pick od, have a friend pick treant.

                Enjoy 50-80 last hits @ 10 mins + 40 denies



                  pick od > have 3 tryhards camping u in mid since 3 minute and rely on other lanes to carry us ass due u being shut down completely

                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                    ^most legit game I've seen you win yet Vaikiss. Excellent players on both teams. Good job.


                      Match up is most important mid.

                      You can counter if you have time and pick total favorable matchup such as Od against int puck against qop, agi midders agains od etc.

                      In the case of a some what even match up you must understand both heroes and their strong points and weaknesses.

                      Little cheeky plays that can allow you 1 more extra cs or 1 more extra harass can make the difference also.

                      Awareness of all the lanes i feel is more important for mid also.

                      Last but not least luck with least up until mid/bottom of very high runes will be uncontested by side lanes, some times they will even not be warded... this means allot of times is 50/50 between you and your opponent to get a good rune.

                      Also if you play even more shit tier bracket its also about ho has the better luck with their support team mate.If he gets courrier up in min 1 and you in min 10 you're fuccked.


                        cs makes no difference unless its clear item advantage like blink orchid hex and so on

                        runes are the biggest factor so is vision if u have no supports in ur team sacrificing 150 gold for vision can help alot




                            luminous does a learning with lumi on dendi's solo mid to give a little bit of an idea of how he uses aggression with different heros or which match up is better to focus on last hitting versus harass the way i learnt was watching old dota 1 1v1 sf tournaments with how precise their movements are


                              ever heard of master of one is better than jack of all traits? play the role u suit best.i dun think u have the criteria to play mid. mid player is usually the best in executing their skills to get kills and ouplaying ur opponent, so if ur trap wif a mid better than u obviously in ur case. just try to get experience and dun try for kill 1 on 1 unless its a confirm kill with the aid of ur team. the gold do not really matter. u must be at least on par with him in term of experiece. Experience most important for mid player.


                                as long as ur experience intake is higher than ur opponent u have the advantage try to zone him out


                                  Watch dendi lol... In all seriousness some heroes are for mid some are not, know the skills of your opponent hero, try to control the rune, out cs / deny, gank if you get good runes haste / invis while enemies in sidelane are out of position. Use illusion rune and dd rune to farm, regen rune to spam the shit on enemy hero. Always say miss if the mid is gone try to gank the other lane if there's opportunity. And there are minor thing like baiting to tower / ganks and using high ground to your advantage juking on blindspots and even tower diving is possible if you knw how to use your creeps. I'm not pro or great with mid but I can hold my own depends on the matchup I guess.


                                    am I the only one who thinks Relentless has a wall of text generator?


                                      Actually relentless si very informative with his posts even if its a wall of text you rarely see someone like him taking time to answer posts like this. Unless he is azarkon legendary know it all on ggnet.

                                      let's feed

                                        Btw take a look at my last 2 games both mid, 1 with bloodseeker, 1 with SF both times I crashed the opposing mid (those games were on high skill).

                                        Any comments about possible mistakes more than welcome.


                                          well in my stack i always mid and i mostly (if not always) win mid lane and gank the others until they rage quit because i last hit pretty good and harass so i have a significant advantage against the other team

                                          but even if you stomp mid but your lanes suck you will be left with this

                                          and no this is not my stack

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          Woof Woof

                                            ^ you are below 50%wr Create new account and after winning a few if smurf detection rly works you will be matched with/against way better players than 118cs am 50minutes in

                                            tbh i rly think you should just abandon this account

                                            or play 5man dota with good friends

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Well to be honest I think I'm quite getting the hang of it. Had a good game mid earlier on. I learned that playing safely is much much better than risking your life for a kill, especially when you are in a good lead


                                                dont go mid


                                                  ^ well i'm against noobs too so don't worry about it :D.

                                                  dookie daddy

                                                    Arguements aside mid & offlane are quite crucial to both the start and the finish to the game. What Vaikiss was saying is true simply getting CS mid doesn't mean you won your lane mid. Denies & ganks are equally important as the other lanes may be expecting it of you or in Vaikiss' case, 3 mid meant as long as he held out it was a win cause they are sharing XP and farm giving the other lanes a very sound advantage.

                                                    Similar to the offlaning. Farm, deny, kill where possible and gank for the love of God. Too many times I have seen people camp mid while the other lanes suffer and sadly you will be heavily blamed if you do that. Practice makes perfect and as you play mid more you will get better at knowing what calls to make when.


                                                      a brain