General Discussion

General DiscussionDota Plus Needs To be One Time Fee.

Dota Plus Needs To be One Time Fee. in General Discussion

    "Anyone who has any real understanding of engineering and math will see what I mean. " That ironic, i don't care to tell you why. The thing about energy conservation, is quite simple. You don't have a clue of how much energy it had, you just know it lost x energy. So, that way that energy went somewhere. That energy you don't know what is, or how much is, might change something. Anyway, what your comparing is theorys and theorys of things no one is sure about, maybe conservation in all particles exist, we just don't understand it yet. Matter is energy, so who cares.

    And you know why all you say is bullshit? If you know a lot about Shit, your a Shit Expert, and you can do things, practical aplications with Shit! Now, if you know alot about ''Lies of Engeneering", then you can do something with that, practical, and you know something. "Lies of Genetics", has a use? Lots, so who cares if it lifes, its practical, and usefull.
    Now, all this bullshit your talking about, does it have a use? No, it doesn't, so its not knowledge, and its useless.

    That's, assuming you belive about all this your saying. So, if your a logic person, You live in your own life.

    Therefore, WTF?

    Ten komentarz był edytowany

      I like how we went from Dotabuff plus to theoretical physics, wp

      What to wear?

        i think relentless gets hard over walls of text :D

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        Just go invis

          why the fuck did i read that relentless posts ... never read so much shit!

          he thinks he is the only one who understands the world ... or maybe he IS god!


            Personally I would give like 3$/month. 6$ is just little bit too much


              I think there is a misconception at play here. Many people are saying it is expensive, many are saying it is not expensive. It really isn't that much money, but if you look at it from this perspective, you usually pay for a game. Typically 60 dollars new, one time. This obviously adds up to more than that over time, so it is difficult to say it is worth it. On the other hand, gathering these stats from millions of players is not inexpensive and they do have to pay many employees and pay for the servers they have in place. That cost comes all the way down to the plumber who snakes the drain in the HQ. Caveat Emptor.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                All who say it is expensive are scrubs. Anyone can get $6 a month easily.

                bum farto

                  Its all about frame of mind as some people squirrel their money away but then when it comes to $6 a month its "too much". Just pay the damn 6 bucks and help keep something good alive. Do you think these people are paid by the underground society of analytics?


                    WoW is $13/month in a 6 month plan. Lolking offers all those stats for free. Just to put things in perspective.