General Discussion

General DiscussionWarlock ult at lvl 10?

Warlock ult at lvl 10? in General Discussion

    Is this a bug? Or are players literally (on average) gaining levels 10 & 11 before skilling?


      This makes no sense. He skilled ulti at 6 and 11.

      Pandamonium(You Died)

        U don't skill ur ult at 10? What a nab.

        Chen Centaur Challenge

          This does actually happen a lot as WL. Often you have a huge teamfight and gain levels 10-11 at the same time. Then when you click the skill points you will click to skill the ult first; it will register as skilling at level 10.

          Partly this is because the xp gain from 10 to 11 is only 600.

          A level 9 WL getting a solo double kill on two level 8 heroes would also do it and that's pretty easy to achieve with WL combo.

          Another reason this tends to happen is golem kills far from get solo exp for any kills over 1200 units from your hero.

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          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            But this is the MOST used skill build. Does that seriously happen that often?

            Chen Centaur Challenge

              Maybe not for everyone. But I think its more likely for the bulk of pub play where positioning is poor.

              Your last WL game, you got "lvl 10" ult.

              But usually you don't. However in your games people probably don't all stand nicely together to get comboed. Often this does happen in lower level games. WL has the #1 all time pub win rate for a reason.

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Well, I didn't even know about that :P. But that game wasn't so high level. It actually was a limited hero pool game which means players are supposed to be bad. But they weren't so bad.


                  Actually the "Most Popular Skill Build" is wrong.
                  At you can see, that this build has 1.40% and other builds has higher.

                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                    Good catch Vuk. I wonder why this one is sorted to the top. It is at the top of the list for Bronze-Diamond besides the top for "all skill brackets" too despite not being the highest % in any of them.


                      At least you guys understood what I was talking about, unlike the first cunt who replied.

                      it was "most popular" for this current month, but somehow it isn't. I dunno. I think it's a bug tbh

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                        I'll look into this shortly.