General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for someone to offer some coaching

Looking for someone to offer some coaching in General Discussion

    wait, how does going 8-10 on one game make chinkyminks bad? Seems like Invoker took the mid anyway.


      Blunt seems like one mad guy =(

      Ples Mercy

        yes, im totally mad right now. I hit puppies because im mad bro.

        8 - 10 on hjis best hero and he complains complains about a 2.1 KDA. U see my point?

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        Pandamonium(You Died)

          not only bounty wasn't my mate (I don't play with low level scrubs like you or that guy), you obviously fail to understand any sort of stats. Lets look at them- my KDA on average is better, my winrate is higher, I play higher skill level characters.
          You? Second hero pudge, with 2.17 KDA and <50% WR, third hero bounty with 50%, fourth tusk with yet again <50%....
          you are bad kiddo. Bad at heroes, bad at game. Your invoker especially shows that.
          Not to mention, that you cannot get out of 50% wr shithole, even while stacking with other people. Which is just pathetic on itself.
          Update: AHahahah

          18% games very high? huehue
          Nice stats, scrub.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany


            Shut up you scrub.
            You wanna talk about KD and winrate? look at your top heroes. What a joke.
            Go back to normal bracket

            Ples Mercy


              u mad shitface?

              Go back to your low bracket where u belong.

              @The Terrible:
              Dont be mad just because you suck. You played a game with me, and u fed because it was 2 much 4 a little scrub like u. L2p nab, then u dont heff to be mad.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                Lol good comeback.

                Pandamonium(You Died)

                  Oh how clever little troll you are
                  too bad that where your dota skills stops

                  Ples Mercy

                    @The Terrible:
                    oh, how stupid troll you are.
                    To bad that's where your dota skills stops.

                    Feeding in my match because you couldnt handle the skill and braging here that ur so skilled doesnt help you at all. Your bad and later youll have to play against the same oppenents as you did that match, thats when you will fall below 50% winrate and feed like a scrub.

                    so have fun being terrible, you sure deserve your name little kid :3

                    Pandamonium(You Died)
                      Ten komentarz został usunięty
                      Ples Mercy

                        it was very high bracket and people took a big fat dump on ur lowskill ass.

                        You cant even handle normal bracket people with 1k wins u scrub. Getting into very high bracket is the easiest thing ever. If i would go for a new account i would easily get 70%+.

                        Talk more lowbie, your bad, u fed, u couldnt do shit.
                        l2p and dont talk to people who are simply better than u.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        Pandamonium(You Died)

                          lol kiddo
                          EVERYTHING points out that you are a low level scrub (winrate,normal-high games, shitty KDA) and yet ur telling me something? ahahahahah
                          grow up

                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                            >Getting into very high bracket is the easiest thing ever
                            >Has lowest % of games in very high
                            you cant into logic bro

                            Ples Mercy

                              haha kid is mad. you got nothing on me, you did terrible and fed in my game against oppenents stronger than ur up against.

                              I will from now on ignore u, since i shouldnt be wasting my time with little kiddos who cant even play dota and who thinks that their 400win account is something special. You are such a little pudden, its almost cute how u try to be such a big shot in the internet.

                              From now on you may call me god and kiss my feet because your a lowlife :3

                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                Ur cute, because u know everything i said is true. Ur just trying to make me mad, because you-have-nothing.
                                Its ok though, good thing you are stuck in low level games, thank god i wont ever have to play with you.


                                  okay heres ur free lesson
                                  play more

                                  I come from the dark


                                    That just shows everything really. Blunt is a fucking noob scrub who plays in the normal bracket ahaha.


                                      Some of the pro players do offer coaching lessons like Aui_2000. Go check them out at Twitch.


                                        I'm not great, I was reading the QoP comments & have a bit of input that may help.

                                        An early level in dagger isn't bad, but I only ever level it past 1 early if I'm playing against someone who has no confidence & constantly has no regen, but not often. I ususally skill blink, dagger, scream, scream, scream, ult, then go gank.

                                        Also, it's not a bad idea to carry a smoke with you when playing an aggressive ganker. When I started playing, people generally never warded, so ganking lanes was easy as. The last few months though as I've sort of improved, I've found it fairly shit because I go to gank lanes & they just fuck off back to the tower, making me waste my time. (due to wards - walking past rune spots just to see them back away into fog, sigh... same deal if they've warded behind trees)

                                        Of course, good players with good map awareness will just play super careful when they see you are missing.

                                        I only go linkins if there are several single target abilities on the enemy team. If theres AOE, BKB is much better. Other than that, I'm not really in a position to give much more advice, I'm fairly much in the same boat as you & learning.


                                          Didn't read the thread, if you need some help/tipps as support, add me

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            Linkens doesnt rly help in that case, if u go against a Bristleback for example, he can easily break your linkens, thats why you should get BKB instead. Linkens is rly only good if your against doom, bara, furion, zeus and so on.

                                            Yeah dagger is good if u only have 1 lvl in it, didnt say he shouldnt skill it at all, but he shouldnt max it first. Also good thing u threw the smokepart in, forgot that.

                                            Woof Woof

                                     op go through his videos should help you a lot Not even kidding

                                              Woof Woof

                                                dota 101


                                                  Thanks for the productive posts guys. It's a nice change of pace.