# # Group Therapy2 hours ago
Yes Im, so what?
2415 hours on record = 100.62 days.
I have had the game one year so....
100.62 days / 12 months = 8.38 days a month.
So I play 201 hours on average a month which is 50 a week which is 7 a day.
OMG I PLAY 7 HOURS A DAY!! I also work a 8 hour a day job and do 3 hours of University a day. I AM UNSTOPPABLE!!
Lol ,I can play a same hero by 90 matches consecutive but not beyond 100 matches!
Man, I fucking love it. Actually Im workin' on it. : )
Gc with 500 TinkAR games, btw.
i don't think anyone can beat my loyalty towards one hero. First 4000 games, maybe 3700 were invoker. I've given a second attempt at other heroes, but now I'm back to playing only invoker again.
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