General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting muted in a 31 kill tinker match.

Getting muted in a 31 kill tinker match. in General Discussion

    So the run down of this match, bloodseeker was muted and my team was quite the clowns. I was pretty much soloing the team at taht point, but Bloodseeker consisted on farming and split pushing.
    Buys a rapier without a bkb split pushes and gives it too the Alc.
    I solo kill the alc later on and get the rapier back, with 4 eblade lvl 5 dagons. With Dota not alowing me to drop my new shiny rapier i didn't have a slot for my hex (as i had force staff/blink/eblade/dagon5/boots of travel/rapier + a hex in stash)
    Team continued to feed and i was stuck trying to solo defend as we lost the game.

    I play a new game, and Im muted for 48 hours, for no apparent reason. Because i didn't give bloodseeker his rapier back, he reported me.
    reallllyyyy valve?

    end of rant.
    TL/DR - Noob buys rapier, Feeds it, i get it back but can't give it to him, he reports me and i get muted.


      Similar happened to me.
      My whole team fed so hard (0-11 invoker, 5KS-14 zeus, 5-15 luna with vanguard) that bristle god huge and he even started to be greatfull on his skill telling me "I 1v5 ur team".
      At the end he dced, we waited him 5 min on pause, and 5 min afterwards he didn't comeback so i was able to wipe their team in the end and finish. Their team was SOO mad, so they reported me and my friend, and I got muted for 24 hours, FOR THE FIRST TIME. Playing muted is soooooooooooooooooo BAD.
      You can't even tell which lane you are going to.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        rly valve ?

        u think they sitting there and checking every single of those thousands replays to check if report is legit ? rly ?

        problem is, people are retarded

        Woof Woof

          dude i got muted for 168 hours after raping retarded players from solo offlane in game where i didnt write a single word cuz i feel 2sorry for my enemies

          and that is the best part of this retarded system it doesnt even check did player x write anything at all in game

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Same happened to me, just type in team chat "Why you are so bad?"
            Reached 25 lvl ~28min and had 10-1


              @ WiT.HiN_T1
              Yes, really valve.
              if you can't afford to put in a review system, then don't use the system at all. The System is broken, because false reports can still lead to punishment. They really need to re work how it runs.